Romans 1:5-15

  5 G3739 By whom G2983 we have received G5485 grace G651 and apostleship, G5218 for obedience G4102 to the faith G1722 among G3956 all G1484 nations, G3686 for his name:
  6 G1722 Among G3739 whom G2532 are you also G2822 the called G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ:
  7 G3956 To all G4516 that be in Rome, G27 beloved G2316 of God, G2822 called G40 to be saints: G5485 Grace G1515 to you and peace G2316 from God G3962 our Father, G2962 and the Lord G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.
  8 G4412 First, G2168 I thank G2316 my God G1223 through G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ G3956 for you all, G5216 that your G4102 faith G2605 is spoken G1722 of throughout G3650 the whole G2889 world.
  9 G2316 For God G3144 is my witness, G3739 whom G3000 I serve G4151 with my spirit G2098 in the gospel G5207 of his Son, G89 that without G89 ceasing G4160 I make G3417 mention G3842 of you always G4335 in my prayers;
  10 G1189 Making G1189 request, G1513 if G4458 by any G4458 means G2235 now G4218 at G4218 length G2137 I might have a prosperous G2137 journey G2307 by the will G2316 of God G2064 to come to you.
  11 G1971 For I long G1492 to see G3330 you, that I may impart G5100 to you some G4152 spiritual G5486 gift, G1519 to the end G4741 you may be established;
  12 G4837 That is, that I may be comforted G4837 together G1722 with you by the mutual G240 G4102 faith G5037 both of you and me.
  13 G1161 Now G2309 I would G50 not have you ignorant, G80 brothers, G4178 that oftentimes G4388 I purposed G2064 to come G2967 to you, (but was let G891 till now, G1204 G2192 ) that I might hav G5100 e som G2590 e frui G1722 t amon G2532 g you also, G2532 eve G1722 n as amon G3062 g othe G1484 r Gentiles.
  14 G1510 I am G3781 debtor G5037 both G1672 to the Greeks, G915 and to the Barbarians; G5037 both G4680 to the wise, G453 and to the unwise.
  15 G3779 So, G2596 as much G4289 as in me is, I am ready G2097 to preach G2097 the gospel G1722 to you that are at G4516 Rome G2532 also.