2 Corinthians 10:4-6

  4 G3696 (For the weapons G4752 of our warfare G4559 are not carnal, G1415 but mighty G2316 through God G2506 to the pulling G2506 down G3794 of strong G3794 holds;)
  5 G2507 Casting G2506 down G3053 imaginations, G3956 and every G5313 high G5313 thing G1869 that exalts G2596 itself against G1108 the knowledge G2316 of God, G163 and bringing G163 into captivity G3956 every G3540 thought G5218 to the obedience G5547 of Christ;
  6 G2192 And having G2092 in a readiness G1556 to revenge G3956 all G3876 disobedience, G3752 when G5216 your G5218 obedience G4137 is fulfilled.