1 H3068 LORD, H7121 [H8804] I call H2363 [H8798] to thee: make haste H238 [H8685] to me; give ear H6963 to my voice, H7121 [H8800] when I call to thee.
21 H5375 [H8799] And why dost thou not lift up H6588 my revolt, H5674 [H8686] and take away H5771 my perversity? H7901 [H8799] for now shall I sleep H6083 in the dust; H7836 [H8765] and thou shalt seek me in the morning, but I shall not be.
19 H7368 [H8799] But be not thou far H3068 from me, O LORD: H360 O my strength, H2363 [H8798] haste H5833 thee to help me.
13 H7521 [H8798] Be pleased, H3068 O LORD, H5337 [H8687] to deliver H3068 me: O LORD, H2363 [H8798] make haste H5833 to help me.
17 H5641 [H8686] And hide H6440 not thy face H5650 from thy servant; H6887 [H8804] for I am bound: H6030 [H8798] hear H4118 me speedily. 18 H7126 [H8798] Draw near H5315 to my breath, H1350 [H8798] and redeem H6299 [H8798] it: ransom H341 [H8802] me because of my enemies.
5 H6041 But I am poor H34 and needy: H2363 [H8798] make haste H430 to me, O God: H5828 thou art my help H6403 [H8764] and my deliverer; H3068 O LORD, H309 [H8762] make no delay.
12 H430 O God, H7368 [H8799] be not far H430 from me: O my God, H2363 H2439 [H8798] make haste H5833 for my help.
1 H8085 [H8798] Hear H8605 my prayer, H3068 O LORD, H238 [H8685] give ear H8469 to my supplications: H530 in thy faithfulness H6030 [H8798] answer H6666 me, and in thy righteousness.
7 H6030 [H8798] Hear H4118 me speedily, H3068 O LORD: H7307 my spirit H3615 [H8804] faileth: H5641 [H8686] hide H6440 not thy face H4911 [H8738] from me, lest I be like H3381 [H8802] them that go down H953 into the hole.