Deuteronomy 14:7 Cross References - new

  7 H398 [H8799] Nevertheless these ye shall not eat H5927 [H8688] of them that chew H1625 the cud, H6536 [H8688] or of them that divide H8156 [H8803] the cloven H6541 hoof; H1581 the camel, H768 and the hare, H8227 and the coney: H5927 [H8688] for they chew H1625 the cud, H6536 [H8689] but divide H6541 not the hoof; H2931 therefore they are unclean to you.

Leviticus 11:5

  5 H8227 And the coney, H5927 [H8688] because he cheweth H1625 the cud, H6536 [H8686] but divideth H6541 not the hoof; H2931 he is unclean to you.

Matthew 7:22-23

  22 G4183 { Many G2046 [G5692] will say G3427 to me G1722 in G1565 that G2250 day, G2962 Lord, G2962 Lord, G4395 0 have we G3756 not G4395 [G5656] prophesied G4674 in thy G3686 name? G2532 and G4674 in thy G3686 name G1544 [G5627] have cast out G1140 demons? G2532 and G4674 in thy G3686 name G4160 [G5656] done G4183 many G1411 powerful works?}
  23 G2532 { And G5119 then G3670 [G5692] will I profess G846 to them, G3754   G3763 I never G1097 [G5627] knew G5209 you: G672 [G5720] depart G575 from G1700 me, G2038 [G5740] ye that work G458 lawlessness.}

Matthew 7:26

  26 G2532 { And G3956 every one G191 [G5723] that heareth G5128 these G3056 sayings G3450 of mine, G2532 and G4160 [G5723] doeth G846 them G3361 not, G3666 [G5701] shall be likened G3474 to a foolish G435 man, G3748 who G3618 [G5656] built G846 his G3614 house G1909 upon G285 the sand:}

2 Timothy 3:5

  5 G2192 [G5723] Having G3446 a form G2150 of piety, G1161 but G720 [G5768] denying G846 its G1411 power: G2532 from G5128 such G665 [G5732] turn away.

Titus 1:16

  16 G3670 [G5719] They profess G1492 [G5760] that they know G2316 God; G1161 but G2041 in works G720 [G5736] they deny G5607 [G5752] him, being G947 abominable, G2532 and G545 unpersuadable, G2532 and G4314 to G3956 every G18 good G2041 work G96 disqualified.

2 Peter 2:18-22

  18 G1063 For G5350 [G5726] uttering sounds G5246 of great swelling G3153 words of vanity, G1185 [G5719] they entrap G1722 through G1939 the lusts G4561 of the flesh, G766 through much lasciviousness, G3588 those that are G3689 really G668 [G5631] escaping G3588 from them G390 [G5746] behaving G1722 in G4106 delusion.
  19 G1861 [G5740] While they promise G846 them G1657 liberty, G846 they themselves G5225 [G5723] are G1401 the slaves G5356 of corruption: G1063 for G3739 by whom G5100 a man G2274 [G5766] is overcome, G2532   G5129 by the same G1402 [G5769] is he brought into bondage.
  20 G1063 For G1487 if G668 [G5631] after they have escaped G3393 the pollutions G2889 of the world G1722 through G1922 the knowledge G2962 of the Lord G2532 and G4990 Saviour G2424 Jesus G5547 Anointed, G1707 0 they are G3825 again G1707 [G5651] entangled G5125 in them, G1161 and G1096 G2274 [G5754] overcome, G2078 the latter end G5501 is worse G846 with them G4413 than the beginning.
  21 G1063 For G2258 [G5713] it had been G2909 better G846 for them G3361 not G1921 [G5760] to have known G3598 the way G1343 of righteousness, G2228 than, G1921 [G5631] after they have known G1994 [G5658] it, to turn G1537 from G40 the holy G1785 commandment G3860 [G5685] delivered G846 to them.
  22 G1161 But G4819 [G5758] it hath happened G846 to them G3588 according to G227 the true G3942 proverb, G2965 The dog G1994 0 is turned G1909 to G2398 his own G1829 vomit G1994 [G5660] again; G2532 and G5300 the sow G3068 [G5671] that was bathed G1519 to G2946 her wallowing G1004 in the mire.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.