1 Yet concerning the things which you folks wrote: “Is it fine for a man to by habit not touch a woman so as to hold or kindle her as a wife?” (or: = Now about what you wrote: "Is it ideal for a man to live in celibacy as a way of life?")
2 Well, because of prostitutions (= the dangers of sexual immorality, or the lure of pagan temple prostitutes), let each man continually hold and be permanently having a wife (or: woman) for himself, and each woman be constantly holding and permanently having her own husband.
3 Let the husband habitually render (give away in answer to claim and expectation) to the wife [her] due (what is owed to her; the obligation; the debt), yet likewise the wife, also, to the husband.
4 The wife continues having no right or authority pertaining to her own body, but to the contrary, the husband [does]. Now likewise the husband, also, continues having no right or authority pertaining to his own body, but to the contrary, the wife [does].
5 Do not habitually deprive (defraud; rob) one another, except anytime (or: unless perhaps) it should [be] from out of mutual consent (spoken agreement) with a view toward a specific period (or: appointed season; fertile situation or condition) so that you [both] may be at leisure in activities that lead toward having goodness and well-being (or: could be otherwise unoccupied for prayer; can give each other time for thoughts of ease or to be unemployed with a view to wellness), and then you [both] may proceed being [other MSS: should come together] again [putting your attention] upon this very thing [i.e., resume your physical relationship], so that the adversary (the opponent; the adversarial [situation or attitude]) may not keep on testing you (endeavoring to put you to the proof; trying you; tempting you) because of your lack of strength (through your lack of control; because of your incontinence). [note: continued sexual relations in marriage was a duty, under Jewish law and custom; failure to do so was grounds for divorce – Ex. 21:10-11]
6 Now I am saying this in accord with the common knowledge of experience, not down from an arrangement put upon [you] (or: not in response to an imposed disposition or injunction).
7 You see [other MSS: Now], I normally want (keep on wishing; repeatedly set my will for) all people (all mankind; all humans) to habitually exist being even as myself! But of course each one continues having and holding his own effect and result of grace and favor (or: gracious gift) from out of God: on the one hand, one person in this way, and on the other hand, another in that way.
8 Now I am saying to the unmarried (= single) people, and to the widows, that [it is] fine for them (or: beautiful in them; ideal to them) if they can (may; should; would) remain even as I [am]. [note: from Acts 26:10, where Paul says “I cast my vote,” being a member of the Sanhedrin, he would have been a married man at that time]
9 Yet if they are not habitually having inner strength and control, [then] they must at once marry, for it is better to proceed to marry (or: to continue married) than to be repeatedly set on fire (or, as a middle: to progressively burn oneself [= with passion and desire]).
10 Now beside this, I – not I myself, but rather, the Lord – am giving an added message to those being married: a wife is not at any point to be separated (disunited so as to be apart from) [her] husband
11 – yet, even if she should get separated or be caused to depart, let her remain unmarried or else she must at once be reconciled to [her] husband – and a husband is not to proceed in divorcing (or: leaving, or sending away) [his] wife!
12 Now to the rest, I, myself – not the Lord – am speaking: if any brother is having an unbelieving wife (or: a woman not full of faith), and she continues mutually content (habitually thinks it jointly profitable and easy; with [him] is agreeable and approving) to continue dwelling and making a home with him, let him not proceed to divorce her (or: leave her, or send her away).
13 And a wife who is having an unbelieving husband (or: a man not full of faith), and this man continues mutually content to continue dwelling and making a home with her, let her not divorce (or: leave or send away) [her] husband.
14 You see, the unbelieving husband (man void of faith) has been made set-apart and remains holy and sacred within (or: in union with) the wife, and the unbelieving wife (woman void of faith) has been made set-apart and remains holy and sacred within (or: in union with) the brother (= the believing husband) – otherwise, the consequence is your children being unclean. Yet now they are set-apart (holy and sacred ones; folks different from the common).
15 So if the unbelieving (or: faith-lacking; trust-void) one proceeds to be separating (disuniting so as to be apart), let this one continue separating and departing: the brother or the sister has not been nor is now enslaved (has not been bound in servitude nor is held as a slave) within such situations – for God has given you [other MSS: us] a permanent call within the midst of and in union with peace and harmony [= shalom].
16 For what have you seen or how do you know, O wife (or: dear lady; woman) – whether you will bring health and wholeness to (or: will rescue, save and deliver) [your] husband (or: man)? Or what have you seen and how do you know, O husband (or: dear sir; O man) – whether you will bring health and wholeness to (or: will rescue, save and deliver) [your] wife (or: woman), except as the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] has divided and distributed [other MSS: divides and distributes] a part to (or: in; for) each one? Let each one thus be habitually walking about (= continue living your life in this way), as God has permanently called [him].
17 And thus am I habitually arranging throughout (or: thoroughly setting in order; fully prescribing or distributing; or: arranging the troops) – within the midst of (or: in union with) all the called-out communities (or: among all the summoned-forth folks).
18 Was anyone called (invited; summoned) being a person having been circumcised? Let him not be de-circumcised (have the marks of circumcision covered over)! Has anyone been called [being] in [the condition of, or, among the group termed] uncircumcision? He is not to proceed in being circumcised!
19 The circumcision is nothing, and the uncircumcision is nothing – but to the contrary [what matters is the] observing and keeping of the goals implanted from God (or: the impartations of the finished product within, which is God; or: God’s inward directives to [His] end).
20 Let each person – within the midst of the calling (vocation; = station, position, situation or circumstances) in which (or: to which) he was (or: is) called – keep on remaining (dwelling; abiding) within this.
21 Were you called [while being] a slave? Quit letting it be a concern or worry for you (Do not continue to let it be a care to you). But nonetheless, if you also continue to have the power and ability to become free (or: a freeman), make very much use of (or: all the more employ) [it]! (or: Instead, even if you presently have means to come to be at liberty, [choose] rather to use [your present situation].)
22 In fact, the person within the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] – being one that was called [when being] a slave – is [the] Lord's freed-person (or: exists being [Christ's or Yahweh's] emancipated slave). Likewise, the person being one that was called [when being] free, or a freedman, is Christ's slave.
23 You folks were bought, as at a marketplace: [there was] value and honor involved in the price (or: [you are] of value). Do not continue becoming slaves of humanity (or: Do not repeatedly come to be slaves of people).
24 Let each person, brothers (= fellow believers; family members) – within that which he was (or: she is) called – keep on remaining (dwelling; abiding) at God's side and presence within the midst of this.
25 Now about the virgins (or: unmarried girls of marriageable age) and celibate women, I do not hold (or: have) an arrangement put upon [you] (or: an imposed disposition or injunction) which originates from [the] Lord [= Yahweh, or Christ], but I continue giving [you] the result of experience-gained knowledge, as being one having been mercied (shown mercy) by (or: under) [the] Lord, to exist being one full of faith (or: to be trustworthy, loyal and faithful).
26 I therefore reason from custom [that] this continues to be inherently beautiful (fine; ideal; good form) – because of the present necessity which has been placed within through compulsion (= a time or circumstance of stress) – that the it is ideal (fine; beautiful) for a person to continue being thus (= as he is; or: for humanity to continue existing in this way):
27 Have you been bound together so that you are now tied to a wife? Stop (or: Do not continue) seeking loosing or release. Have you been released so that you are now loosed from a wife? Stop (or: Do not continue) seeking a wife.
28 Yet even if you should marry, you are not making a mistake (or: missing the goal). And if the virgin or celibate woman should marry, she does not fail (is not making a mistake or missing the goal). Still, such folks (= those who do) will continue or proceed having pressure and constricting stress, in the flesh (= their natural lives) – and as for myself, I [would] spare you folks [that].
29 Now I forcefully declare this, brothers (= family), the season (fitting and appointed situation; fertile moment) now exists being one that has been contracted (drawn together so as to be shortened, curtailed and limited)! So that for the remaining [time] (the rest of [the season]), those presently having wives (or: the men now holding a woman) should proceed in being as not presently having [them], [note: in the culture and time which Paul is here addressing, the term “married,” or, “having a woman” referred to both formal marriage, and to a man and a woman living together]
30 and those presently weeping (lamenting; shedding tears), [should be] as [if] not weeping, and those presently rejoicing, [should be] as [if] not rejoicing, and those habitually buying at the market place, [should be] as [if] not constantly holding on to it (owning it; keeping it held down; retaining it; = not being possessive),
31 and those habitually employing (making use of) the System (the ordered arrangement and world of culture, economy, religion and government; or: secular society) as not folks who are constantly using it down (= making excessive employment or over-use of it), for the outward fashion, mode of circumstance, condition, form-appearance (or: character, role, phase, configuration, manner) of this System (ordered world of culture, religion and society) is progressively passing by (= the present scheme of things is changing and passing away).
32 Now I intend (purpose and want) you folks to constantly exist being free from anxiety (care; concern; worry). The unmarried one (= the person who is not co-habiting; the single person) is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= the issues pertaining to Yahweh; the matters that come from and belong to Christ): how he or she can please (be accommodating to) the Lord.
33 Yet the one being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System (the issues pertaining to his world of culture, religion, economy and government): how he can please and be accommodating to the woman ([his] wife), and thus, he has been divided so as to be distributed in parts!
34 Further, the unmarried (or: = single) woman – as well as the virgin (or: unmarried mature young woman of marriageable age) – is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= issues; matters): [i.e.] that she may continually exist being set-apart (holy; sacred; different from the profane) – both in [her] body and in [her] spirit (or: so that she would be sacred with body as well as with spirit; that she should be holy both for the Body, and for the Spirit). However, the woman being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System ([her] world): how she can please and be accommodating to the man ([her] husband).
35 Now I am saying this with a view toward your personal advantage (that which brings benefits together to your very selves) – not so that I can throw a noose (= a leash) upon you folks! To the contrary, [it is] with a view toward good form (the well-fashioned [life]; the scene of ease and competent-appearing action) and a good seating, [being] undistracted beside the Lord (or: a close seat of ease, undistractedly sitting in the Lord).
36 Now if anyone continues reasoning about custom [so as] to go on bringing the appearance of bad form (or: is behaving dishonorably or indecently – that which is contrary to the accepted fashion) upon [the situation of] his virgin [daughter; or: fianc'e9e] – if she may be over her prime (= beyond marriageable age; past the bloom of youth) – and thus (or: in this way) he has obligation [for it] to proceed in occurring, let him continue to do what he is wanting and intending – he is not making a mistake or missing the goal: let them be marrying.
37 Now [he] who has been standing firm and is now settled in the seat of his heart – presently having no necessity (continuing to hold no compulsion) but holds authority concerning (or: has a right pertaining to) his own will and has decided this in his own heart – to continue keeping watch over and guarding his virgin [daughter; fianc'e9e; or, perhaps: his own virginity], will be doing beautifully (finely; ideally).
38 Consequently, also, the one giving his virgin [daughter] in marriage (or: the one marrying his virgin [fianc'e9e]; or: the one giving the virginity of himself in marriage) is doing [other MSS: will be doing] beautifully, and yet the one not giving in marriage or getting married will be doing better.
39 A wife, by law and custom, has been bound upon and remains tied to her husband for as much time as he continues living. Yet if the husband may fall asleep in death, she exists being free to be married to whom she continues intending (willing; purposing) – only within [the] Lord.
40 Yet, she continues (or: exists) being happier (more blessed) if she remains as she is, according to the knowledge gained from my experience. Now I also continue seeming to hold (or: have; possess) God's spirit (= God's attitude on this matter). (or: For I, myself, am also continuing to presume to constantly possess God's Spirit and Breath-effect).
1 Corinthians 7 Cross References - JMNT
Matthew 4:10
10 At this [saying], Jesus then says to it, "Bring [it] under control, adversary (or: Subject [yourself], satan; Sink down below, adversary; Carry [this] off below, hateful accuser; or: Go away, satan)! You see, it has been written, 'You will constantly pay homage to (do obeisance to; worship; fall down and kiss the feet of) [the] Lord [= Yahweh] your God, and to Him alone you will repeatedly render hired service (or: sacred service).'" [Deut. 6:13]
Matthew 5:19
19 "Whoever, then, should loosen [even] one of the least of these the implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives) – and should teach humans (people) to that effect – he will repeatedly be called "least" (or: a least one; or: = insignificant) within the reign of the heavens (or: the kingdom which pertains to the atmosphere and [reaches] the sky). Yet, whoever may practice (or: should perform and do) as well as teach – this person will continue being called "great" within the reign of the heavens (the kingdom which pertains to the atmosphere and [reaches] the sky).
Matthew 5:32
32 "Yet I, Myself, am now saying to you folks that every man proceeding in dismissing (loosing-away) his wife – outside of a case of infidelity (fornication; prostitution; sexual misconduct) – proceeds in making her a subject of adultery. [comment: this would annul their then current practice for a man to be able to divorce his wife just for whatever reason he might choose; this statement by Jesus was a great advance toward cultural equality of the sexes]
Matthew 6:25-34
25 "On this account I continue saying to you: Do not constantly take anxious care, worry or undue concern for your soul-lives (or: your being) – what you can or should eat, or what you folks should or may habitually be drinking; nor, for your body – with what you folks should clothe yourselves. Is not the soul-life (a person's inner being and life) more than nourishment, and the body [more than] clothing?
26 "Make an intent observation into the birds of the sky (or: atmosphere), so as to carefully consider them. [See within their situation] that they are not constantly sowing seeds (planting), neither are they periodically reaping (harvesting) nor gathering [food] together into storehouses (or: barns), and yet your heavenly Father (or: your Father Who inhabits, and can be compared to, the atmosphere) constantly feeds and nourishes them. Are you folks not exceedingly carrying through more, so as to be of more consequence, than they (= Are you not worth much more than they are)?
27 "Now who of you folks, while habitually taking anxious care, undue concern, worry or by fretting, is normally able (progresses in power) to add to his stature one cubit (eighteen inches) or to provide one more arm's reach to his life span?
28 "And so why are you folks constantly worrying or fretting about clothing? Fully learn about, and from, the lilies of the field – how they are progressively growing (or: Learn thoroughly and consider well how the wild anemones continue growing and increasing). They are not constantly working hard or becoming weary from struggle, nor are they habitually spinning to make thread for cloth,
29 "yet I am now saying to you that not even Solomon, in all his splendor and glory clothed or arrayed himself as one of these [flowers]!
30 "So now, if God thus continually dresses and adorns (or: invests) the vegetation of the field (or: countryside) – being in existence today, and tomorrow is being normally thrown into a furnace (or: oven; stove) – [will He] not much more readily and to a greater extent [take care of] you folks who have small faith and little trust?
31 "Therefore, you folks should not fret, be anxious, be full of care or be worrying, constantly saying, 'What can we eat?' or, 'What can we drink?' or, 'What can we put on ourselves to wear?'
32 "You see, the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the pagans; the non-Jews) are habitually in eager pursuit of these things – spending all of their energy in seeking them! After all, your heavenly Father (or: your Father Who inhabits, and can be compared to, the atmosphere) has seen and knows that you folks repeatedly have need for all of these things.
33 "So you people be habitually and constantly seeking God's reign (or: sovereign activity and influence; kingdom) and the fairness and equity from Him, as well as the His justice and rightwised behavior in the Way, which He has pointed out (also: = covenant participation) – and all these things will be added to you!
34 "Therefore, you folks should not fret, be anxious, be full of care or be worrying [with a fixation] into the next day, for the next day will be concerned about itself (or: will have anxiety of its own). Sufficient and adequate for (or: to; in) the day [is] its own situation as it ought not to be (bad quality and worthless condition).
Matthew 12:50
50 "You see, whoever may be doing the will, intent, purpose and desire of My Father – the One within and in union with [the] heavens (or: in the midst of [the] atmospheres) – that very person is My brother and sister and mother!"
Matthew 13:22
22 "Now [as to] the one being sown (scattered) into the midst of the thorns, this one is the person continuing in hearing the Word (message; thought; idea), and yet the anxiety (care; worry; concern; distraction) of the age [other MSS: this age], and the seductiveness and deception of the riches and wealth [involved], together progressively choke the Word (or: message) and it (or: he) progresses to become unfruitful.
Matthew 19:3-9
3 Later, Pharisees came to Him, examining, testing and trying to put Him to the proof, as well as proceeding to ask if [a man] is normally allowed by Law and custom to loose-away (dismiss; divorce) his wife in correspondence to every cause (= for any sort of grounds or reason). [note: "every cause" was a technical term from current Jewish law that had been introduced by Rabbi Hillel; it allowed a man to divorce his wife if she did anything he disliked – even, e.g., for burning his food while cooking it]
4 So He, giving a discerning reply, said, "Do (or: Did) you men not read that the Creator (the Framer and Founder; [other MSS: the Maker]) 'makes (or: made) them male and female,' from [the] beginning? [Gen. 1:27; 5:2]
5 "Further on it said, For this reason a man (person; human) will completely leave behind the father and the mother, and he will be glued to and joined in his wife, and so the two will be existing progressively into one flesh'? [Gen. 2:24]
6 "Consequently, they no longer exist being two, but rather [are] one flesh. Therefore, what God yokes together (or: coupled together with a yoke), let no human proceed to be splitting apart or separating."
7 They proceeded saying to Him, "Why, then, did Moses impart the directive whose end in view was to give a little scroll of divorce (a standing-away; apostasy; defection) and to release her (or: loose her away)?" [Deut. 24:1, 3]
8 Jesus then answers them, "Moses, facing (or: with a view toward) your hardheartedness, completely turned directions and made concession to you people, allowing you to divorce your wives. Yet from [the] beginning it had not happened in this way.
9 "Now I am saying to you that whoever may loose-away or divorce his wife (or: woman) – [when it is] not upon [the case of] infidelity (fornication; sexual misconduct) – and then should marry another woman, he is continuing in committing adultery. Also, the man involved in marrying a woman having been divorced proceeds in committing adultery." [comment: Jesus here sides with Rabbi Shammai who held the earlier interpretation of Deut. 24:1-4 that marital unfaithfulness was the only cause for divorce]
Matthew 19:9-9
9 "Now I am saying to you that whoever may loose-away or divorce his wife (or: woman) – [when it is] not upon [the case of] infidelity (fornication; sexual misconduct) – and then should marry another woman, he is continuing in committing adultery. Also, the man involved in marrying a woman having been divorced proceeds in committing adultery." [comment: Jesus here sides with Rabbi Shammai who held the earlier interpretation of Deut. 24:1-4 that marital unfaithfulness was the only cause for divorce]
10 The disciples are, one after another, saying to Him, "Since (or: If) the situation (or: predicament; case; or: cause for accusation) of the person (human) with the wife continues being thus, [then] to marry does not continue to bring things together for advantage or profit!" [comment: the disciples are apparently shocked that Jesus rejects the "every cause" form of divorce from the Hillel school]
11 Yet He said to them, "Not all people are proceeding to give way and spread themselves to make room for this message (word; idea; saying; = This does not apply to everyone), but only those in and to whom it has been given.
Matthew 19:11
11 Yet He said to them, "Not all people are proceeding to give way and spread themselves to make room for this message (word; idea; saying; = This does not apply to everyone), but only those in and to whom it has been given.
Matthew 19:11-12
11 Yet He said to them, "Not all people are proceeding to give way and spread themselves to make room for this message (word; idea; saying; = This does not apply to everyone), but only those in and to whom it has been given.
12 "You see, there are eunuchs (men in charge of a bedroom, usually having been castrated) who were born thus out of [their] mother's womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs (were emasculated) by people, and then there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs (emasculated themselves) because of the reign of the heavens (or: the kingdom of the atmospheres). Let the person continuing having power and ability to give way, spread themselves and make room, continue to be making room." [comment: Jesus is here rejecting the custom that all Jewish males are required to marry – a foreshadow of the impending new age – and then indicated that this is for those able to accept it]
Matthew 19:12
12 "You see, there are eunuchs (men in charge of a bedroom, usually having been castrated) who were born thus out of [their] mother's womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs (were emasculated) by people, and then there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs (emasculated themselves) because of the reign of the heavens (or: the kingdom of the atmospheres). Let the person continuing having power and ability to give way, spread themselves and make room, continue to be making room." [comment: Jesus is here rejecting the custom that all Jewish males are required to marry – a foreshadow of the impending new age – and then indicated that this is for those able to accept it]
Matthew 23:8-11
8 "But you folks should not be called 'Rabbi,' because One is your Teacher! Now you people all exist being brothers,
9 "and you folks should not call [anyone] on the earth your father, because you see, One is your Father: the heavenly One (the One having the character and qualities of the atmosphere and heaven)!
10 "Neither should you people be called leaders or guides, because One exists being your Leader and Guide: the Anointed One (the Christ; = the Messiah)!
11 "Now the greatest (= most prominent or highest ranking) among you will continue being your attending servant,
Matthew 24:19
19 "Now it will progressively be a difficult or tragic time for the pregnant women and nursing mothers in those days!
Matthew 24:48-50
48 "But if that worthless (ugly; bad quality) slave should say within his heart, 'My owner (master; lord) continually delays and fails [to come] for a long time,'
49 "and then should start to repeatedly beat his fellow slaves, and may be eating and drinking with the people regularly getting drunk,
50 "the owner (lord; master) of that slave will be arriving on a day in which he is not normally anticipating, and within an hour which he is not usually knowing,
Matthew 25:14-29
14 "You know, [it is] just as a person [who is] periodically (or: presently about to be) traveling abroad calls (or: summoned) his own slaves and turns over to them his possessions (or: and then gave over to them [control of] the goods and property normally being his subsistence).
15 "He also, on the one hand, gave to one five talents [= thirty thousand silver coins (denarii); = one hundred years' wages], yet to another, two [talents], and then to another, one [talent; = six thousand denarii] – to each one according to his own ability. And then he traveled abroad.
16 "Now the one receiving the five talents, immediately proceeding on his way, puts them to work in trading and gains (or: made a profit of) another five talents (= doubled his investments).
17 "And similarly, the person [being given] the two, further gains (or: made a profit of) another two.
18 "Yet the one receiving the one [talent], upon going off (or: coming away), digs a hole in the ground and hides his owner's silver [coins].
19 "Now after much time [had passed], the owner (master; lord) of those slaves proceeds in coming, and then takes up a joint discussion with them, proceeding to settle the accounting.
20 "And thus, upon approaching, the person receiving the five talents brought to [him] five other talents, then saying, 'Master, you turned over (committed) to me five talents. Look! I gained five other talents by them!'
21 "The owner affirms to him, 'Well [done] (or: Excellent)! [You are] a good and trustworthy (loyal; faithful) slave. You were faithful and trustworthy (or: full of faith and trust) upon [the matter of] a few things; I will proceed to place you (set you down; appoint you) upon (= with responsibility for) many things. Enter at once into your owner's (master's) joy (or: into the state of the joy of your lord; = Come to my celebration)!'
22 "Now also coming forward, the person receiving the two talents said, 'Master, you turned over (committed) to me two talents. Look! I gained two other talents by them!'
23 "The owner affirms to him, 'Excellent (Well [done])! [You are] a good and trusting (or: loyal; faithful) slave. You were full of faith and trust (or: faithful and trustworthy) upon [the matter of] a few things; I will proceed to place you (set you down; appoint you) upon (= give you responsibility for) many things. Enter at once into your owner's joy!'
24 "Now also approaching, the one having received the one talent said, 'O master, I knew by experience that you are a hard (rough; = tough and stern) man, constantly harvesting (habitually reaping) where you do (or: did) not sow seed, and repeatedly collecting and gathering together from places where you do (or: did) not fully scatter and disperse [the chaff] (= winnow).
25 "'And so, being fearful (or: made afraid), upon going off I hid your talent (= silver) within the ground (earth; or: the Land). Look! You continue having what is yours!'
26 "Yet, giving a decisive reply, his owner said to him, '[You] worthless (incompetent) and hesitating (slothful; sluggish) slave! Had you seen, so as to be aware, that I am constantly harvesting where I do not sow, and repeatedly collecting and gathering together from places where I do not fully scatter (= winnow)?
27 "'It was therefore binding (necessary) for you to at once deposit my silver (= money) with the bankers (or: money-changers!) – and then upon coming I, myself, could likely recover that which is my own together with offspring (a birthed yield; = interest).
28 "'Therefore, you men at once take the talent away from him, and then give [it] to the one now holding (presently having) the ten talents.'
29 "– You see, to everyone habitually possessing (having and holding), it will continue being given, and, he will continue being made to superabound (be surrounded with excess); yet from the person not habitually possessing (having or holding), even that which he is currently holding will proceed in being taken away from him –
Mark 10:2
2 At one point, the Pharisees were coming toward [Him] and began questioning Him – being in the habit of repeatedly putting Him to the test, so as to examine Him, or even to tempt Him or to get Him off His guard – whether it is allowed by custom and the Law for an adult male to loose-away (divorce; dismiss) a wife.
Mark 10:11-12
11 So He proceeds saying to them, "Whoever may loose-away (dismiss; divorce) his wife and should marry another woman proceeds to commit adultery on her.
12 "Also, if she [i.e., the wife], upon loosing-away (divorcing) her adult male, should marry another man, she proceeds in committing adultery." [comment: thus, it is the same for both husband and wife; in this verse, Jesus points out that the action could be initiated by the wife]
Luke 1:74-75
74 "to give to us – upon being drug out of danger from [the] hand of enemies –
75 "to fearlessly render habitual sacred, public service to Him, in pious ways sanctioned by divine law and in accord to the way pointed out (or: with [covenant] fairness, equity, justice and right relationships) in His sight (or: before Him and in His presence) for all our days.
Luke 2:36-37
36 And now there was Anna, a prophetess (a woman with light ahead of time), [the] daughter of Phanuel (or: Penuel), from out of [the] tribe of Asher – she having walked forward during many days (= was well advanced in years), living with a husband [for] seven years from her virginity (may = after her marriage, or, after her girlhood),
37 and then she [was] a widow until [now being] eighty-four years [old] (or: was a widow for eighty-four years) – who continued not withdrawing (or: departing; standing away; putting herself away) from the temple courts and grounds, repeatedly doing public sacred service in fastings and by petitions (or: prayer requests) night and day.
Luke 3:10-14
10 And so the crowds began putting questions to him, one after another saying, "What, then, should we be doing?"
11 So, giving a decided reply, he began saying to them, "The person habitually having two tunics (undergarments), let him at once share with the one not normally having [one]; and the person habitually having things to eat (food), let him regularly do likewise."
12 Now tax collectors (or: government revenue contractors; customs agents) also came to be immersed (baptized), and they said to him, "Teacher, what should we be doing?"
13 So he said to them, "Be habitually practicing (thus: collecting, demanding or exacting) nothing more besides the thing having been precisely arranged and prescribed for you (= charge nothing beyond the standard rates)."
14 And then soldiers (men serving in the army) also began putting questions to him, as a group saying, "What should we also be doing?" And he said to them, "You men should not at any time violently shake anyone (thus, also: intimidate, harass or extort from anyone), nor should you at any time inform on, blackmail or falsely accuse [people]. Also, be habitually content and satisfied with your subsistence rations and pay."
Luke 6:21
21 "Happy and blessed folks [are] those at the present time being constantly hungry! – because you folks will be progressively fed until satisfied. Happy and blessed [are] the folks presently crying! – because you will proceed to be laughing.
Luke 6:25
25 "Tragic will be the fate for you folks who have been filled within and are at the present moment satisfied – because you folks will proceed being hungry (or: going hungry)! "Tragic will be the fate of the people at this time being habitually merry and constantly laughing – because you folks will proceed mourning (grieving; lamenting) and you will continue weeping (crying)!
Luke 8:14
14 "And now the ones falling into the midst of thorns: these are the folks [that] are at one point listening and hearing. And then, under anxieties (cares; worries; concerns) and by wealth and through pleasures (enjoyments; gratifications) of life (= the daily functions of living and making a living, and the things that crowd our lives), continuing in going their way, they are being progressively choked together and stifled – and then they are not continuing on to the goal of bearing mature fruit (or: are not progressing to bear the finished product).
Luke 10:40-41
40 But Martha kept on being pulled from all around and was thus distracted concerning much serving (or: = attending to many duties). So, taking a stand upon [the situation], she said, "Lord (or: Master), does it not now matter to You that my sister is leaving me completely alone to be continuously giving attending service? Speak to her, therefore, so that she would take hold together opposite me, and join in helping me."
Luke 10:40-42
40 But Martha kept on being pulled from all around and was thus distracted concerning much serving (or: = attending to many duties). So, taking a stand upon [the situation], she said, "Lord (or: Master), does it not now matter to You that my sister is leaving me completely alone to be continuously giving attending service? Speak to her, therefore, so that she would take hold together opposite me, and join in helping me."
41 But making a discerning response, the Lord [other MSS: Jesus] said to her, "Martha, Martha, you continue being anxious (overly concerned) and constantly troubled (upset) about many things [note: perhaps referring to the courses of the dinner],
Luke 10:41-42
41 But making a discerning response, the Lord [other MSS: Jesus] said to her, "Martha, Martha, you continue being anxious (overly concerned) and constantly troubled (upset) about many things [note: perhaps referring to the courses of the dinner],
42 yet there is a need of [only] a few things [or: dishes; courses], or of [just] one (or: But few are necessary, indeed [only] one; [other MSS: Yet there is a need of {only} one]). You see, Mariam [other MSS: Mary] selected (or: picks and chooses out) a good (virtuous; worthwhile) part (or: portion; [may = dish or course of the meal]) which will not be chosen away or lifted from her.
Luke 12:15-21
15 So He said toward them, "Be continuously seeing [the situation] and constantly watching over so as to guard yourselves from all greed and desire to have more, because for anyone, his life does not exist in the superabundance of the goods and possessions undergirding and being a subsistence for (or: to) him."
16 And so He told an illustrative story (a parable) to them, saying, "The farming space (or: cultivated tracts of fields; the region) belonging to a certain rich person produced well.
17 "Consequently he reasoned and debated within himself, presently saying, 'What should (or: shall) I do, [seeing] that I am not presently having [a place, or, room] where I will continue gathering (or: collecting and storing) my fruits (= crops)?'
18 "And so he said, 'I will proceed doing this: I will progressively pull (or: tear) down my barns (storehouses; granaries) and I will progressively build bigger ones. After that I will continue gathering and storing there all my grain and goods.
19 "'Then I will proceed saying to my soul (interior self and life), Soul, you are now possessing (having and holding) many goods (or: good things) [that] continue lying [in storage] on unto (or: into; = for) many years. Continue resting and taking it easy: eat, drink, continue easy-minded and keep on being merry.'
20 "But God said to him, 'O senseless (foolish; imprudent) man, on this night they are presently requesting (or: demanding) your soul (interior self; person; or: = life) from you. So whose will the things which prepare and make ready continue being?'
21 "This is how it is (or: So it goes) [with; for] the person constantly laying up treasure (amassing and hording goods) for (or: to; in) himself, while not becoming progressively rich with regard to God (or: in [proceeding] into God)."
22 Then He said to His disciples, "On account of this I am now saying to you folks, Quit (or: Do not continue) being anxious and overly concerned for the [other MSS: your] soul (the inner life and its concerns; or: your person) – what you should eat! Nor for your body – what you should put on (or: with what you can clothe yourselves)!
Luke 12:29
29 "And thus, as for you folks, stop constantly seeking what you can (or: should) eat, and what you can (or: should) drink – and stop being repeatedly unsettled and in suspense.
Luke 15:10
10 "In this way, I am now saying to you folks, joy is habitually birthed (or: constantly happens) in the sight and presence of God's agents (or: messengers) upon (or: on the occasion of) a progressive changing of the mind (or: a continued change in thinking and perspective, [accompanied by a return to the Lord]) by one outcast (habitual failure; person who constantly makes mistakes; sinner)."
Luke 16:1-2
1 So He went on saying to the disciples, "A certain person (human being) who was rich had a house manager (administrator; steward), and this [manager] was accused (thrust-through with charges brought by an adversary; [note: from this verb comes the noun "one who thrusts-through," commonly rendered "devil"]) to him as habitually squandering his possessions and means of subsistence by thoroughly scattering and wasting [them].
2 "And so, upon summoning him, he said to him, 'What [is] this [that] I am continually hearing about you (or: Why am I now hearing this concerning you)? Turn in the account (= Hand over the books for an audit) of your management (administration; stewardship), for you are no longer able to be [the] manager of the household.'
Luke 16:18
18 "Every man repeatedly loosing-away (dismissing; divorcing) his [current] wife, and then proceeding in marrying a different woman is in the act of committing adultery. And also the man habitually (or: one after another) marrying a woman having been loosed-away (divorced) from a husband is in the act of committing adultery. [comment: Jesus is here condemning the then current practices of the male-dominated marriage/divorce arrangements of those who followed the school of Hillel, which taught that a man could divorce his wife "for any reason"]
Luke 16:25
25 "But Abraham said, 'Child (or: Born one; or: Descendant), be reminded that within your life (or: lifetime) you took away (or: received from; or: got in full) your good things (or: the good things that pertain to you; the good things that had their source in you), and Lazarus likewise the bad things (the [experiences] of poor quality; the worthless things; the harmful and injurious [treatments]; the [conditions] as they ought not to be). But at the present time, here he continues being called alongside and given relief, aid, comfort and consolation, yet you yourself continue being given pain.
Luke 19:17-26
17 "Then he said to him, 'Well done, [you are] an excellent slave! Because you came to be faithful and trustworthy in a least thing (= a small matter), be constantly holding (or: having) top authority over ten towns (or: cities).'
18 "Next came the second one, saying, 'Your mina, sir (master), made five minas.'
19 "So he to this one, also, 'And you, yourself, progressively come to be on top of five towns (or: cities).'
20 "And then the different one came, saying, 'Sir (or: Master), look! [Here is] your mina which I continued having lying away reserved (or: stored) within a handkerchief (or: piece of cloth).
21 "'You see, I was constantly fearing and wary of you, because you are a harsh person (or: an austere, severe, demanding man). You habitually take or pick up what you did not deposit, and you are repeatedly reaping what you did not sow.'
22 "He is then saying to him, 'From out of your own mouth I am now deciding about you, you worthless (good-for-nothing; malignant) slave! You had seen so as to know, did you, that I, myself, am a harsh person – constantly withdrawing what I did not deposit and repeatedly reaping what I did not sow (or: plant)?
23 "'And so why (through what reason or circumstance) did you not give my silver coin upon a table (= with the money changers, or, at a bank), and I, upon coming, could make a transaction with it – together with what it produced (offspring; = interest)?'
24 "And so, he said to those standing by, 'Take the mina away from him and give [it] to the one now having the ten minas.'
25 "'But master,' they interposed to him, 'he [already] now has ten minas!'
26 "'I continue saying to you people, that to everyone presently and habitually possessing (having and holding), [more] will be given; yet from the one not presently or habitually possessing (having or holding), that which he continues holding [onto] will be lifted up and taken away.
Luke 21:23
23 "Tragic will be the situation for the women then being pregnant, and for the ones still nursing [babies] in those days. You see there will progressively be a great compressive force upon the Land, and inherent fervor bringing internal swelling emotion on this People.
Luke 21:34
34 "So you people make it a habit to hold your attention to yourselves, and hold to each other, lest at some time your hearts may be weighed down or burdened – in the midst of a hangover (or: headache nausea or giddiness from an overindulgence in wine), and in drunkenness (intoxication) – as well as by anxiety (or: care; concern; worry) in the daily matters pertaining to living, and then that day take its stand upon you folks unforeseen (with unexpected suddenness), as a trap (a snare; a net; something that will catch and hold).
Luke 23:28-29
28 Yet, being turned toward them, Jesus said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not continue crying for Me (or: stop weeping on and over My [account])! Much more be constantly weeping for yourselves and for your children (or: on your own [account] and over your children's [situation]),
29 "because – look and consider! – days are progressively coming in which they will proceed declaring, 'Happy [are] the sterile and barren women, and the wombs which do not give birth, and breasts which do not nourish!'
John 8:32-36
32 "and you will progressively come to know the Truth (or: Reality; that which is unsealed, open and without concealment) by intimate experience, and the Truth (Reality) will progressively liberate and make (or: set) you free!"
33 The [Jewish leaders] considered and replied to Him, "We are Abraham's seed (offspring; descendants), and we have served as slaves to no one at any time. How are you now saying, 'You will progressively come to be free ones'?"
34 Jesus decidedly answers them, "It is certainly true (Amen, amen). I am now saying to you that everyone habitually doing the failure (constantly making the mis-shot; repeatedly performing the sin; progressively producing error) is (or: exists being) a slave of the failure (the error; the sin; the mis-shot; the mistake; the deviation).
35 "Now the slave is not remaining (dwelling; abiding) within the house (= having no perpetual place in the household) on into the Age. The son continuously remains (dwells; abides) on into the Age.
36 "Therefore, if the Son should (or: would) at some point liberate or begin to make (or: set) you free, you folks will progressively exist being free ones in your very essence and being.
John 15:14
14 "You folks are (exist continuously being) My friends! So if you can – or would – [simply] keep on doing (or: be habitually producing) whatever I Myself am constantly imparting as the goal in you (or: repeatedly giving as inner direction to you; progressively implanting as the end for you; now implanting as the interior purpose and destiny by you)! ...
John 16:22
22 "And you yourselves, therefore, are now progressively having [other MSS: will be having] sadness, distress and grief. Yet I will repeatedly see you folks again, and your heart will repeatedly rejoice, and no one will continue lifting up and carrying [other MSS: now takes] your joy away from you folks.
Acts 10:23
23 Therefore, upon inviting them in, he entertained and lodged [them] as guests. So on the next day, after getting up, he went with them – and some of the brothers (= fellow believers) from Joppa accompanied him.
Acts 15:1-2
1 Later, certain men, having come down from Judea, began teaching the brothers that, "Unless you folks should (or: would) get circumcised within (or: by) the custom of Moses [D reads: and should habitually walk (= order your lives) in (by) the custom of Moses], you continue without power to be saved (or: you continue unable to be healed, made whole or returned to the original state and condition)."
2 But [p74, A & others: Therefore] with there coming to be no little occurrence of taking positions (making stands in the dissension) as well as of debating, disputing and seeking a resolution [to the question] by (or: with; or: to) Paul and Barnabas, face to face with them, they made arrangements for Paul and Barnabas – and certain others from among them – to now go up unto Jerusalem, to the sent-forth folks and older men concerning the effect of this seeking (or: about this question) [D reads: ... face to face with them, for Paul, insisting firmly, continued telling {them} to remain thus, according as they had believed. Yet the men who had come from Jerusalem passed on instruction to them for Paul and Barnabas – and some other folks – to now go up to face the sent-forth ones, even {the} elders, in Jerusalem so that they could have a decision made upon them about this matter in question].
Acts 15:5
5 Yet certain men from the sect of the Pharisees – being ones who had believed and were now trusting – stood up out of the midst, [as a group] saying that it continues binding and necessary for them [i.e., the non-Jews] to continue with circumcision, besides to continue to be observing the Law of Moses.
Acts 15:19
19 "Hence (or: Because of which), I myself am now judging and deciding not to continue making it more difficult for, or to be troubling or harassing, the folks from the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews) [who] are progressively turning upon (= turning around to) God,
Acts 15:24
24 "Since we hear (or: heard) that certain folks going out from among us disturbed (agitated; troubled; perplexed) you folks with words (or: by messages; in thoughts) progressively dismantling (breaking up the camp of; bankrupting by removing the furniture of; remodeling) your inner lives (souls) – to whom we of ourselves gave no distinctive decision, thorough arrangement, determined instruction or assignment –
Acts 15:28
28 "You see, it seemed [good; productive] to the set-apart Breath-effect (or: in the Holy Spirit) and to (or: among) us to have not even one more burden to be placed upon you folks – besides these necessary and essential things:
Acts 20:28
28 "Continue holding focused toward and taking attentive care – to and for yourselves, as well as for all the little flock among whom the Set-apart Breath-effect Itself (or: the Holy Spirit Himself) set you folks [as] ones who look around over people for their welfare and oversee situations – to be continuously (or: habitually) acting as shepherds of God's [other MSS: {the} Lord's {= Christ's or Yahweh's}] called-out community which He built as a surrounding for Himself (or: made to encompass Himself), through (or: by means of) His own blood.
Acts 26:29
29 So Paul [responds], "I would ever claim it for the goodness in God (or: speak in boast to the well-being [that is] by God) [for] both in a little [time] as well as even in a great (= long) [space of time] not only you, but further also all those presently hearing me today, to at some point come to be folks of such a sort as I myself presently am – with the exception (or: yet at the outside) of these bonds!"
Romans 1:1
1 Paul, Jesus Christ’s slave (or: a slave servant of and from [the] Anointed One, Jesus; a slave belonging to Jesus [the] Anointed [= Messiah]), a called person, one sent forth with a mission (or: an ambassador or emissary by invitation), being one having been marked off by boundaries (parted away and determined by bounds; separated away and limited off; delineated; defined) unto God’s good news (or: into a message of goodness and well-being which is God),
Romans 2:25-29
25 Now you see, circumcision, indeed, continues being beneficial (continues to profit, to help), if you should continue practicing (or: observing) [the] Law (= Torah). But if you should be a transgressor (side-stepper; violator) of [the] Law, your circumcision (cutting around) has become uncircumcision (literally: the foreskin).
26 Therefore, if the Uncircumcision (= non-Jews) should be habitually on watch to guard (have in keeping and maintain) the effects of justice and equity (the results of being pointed in the right direction; the fair and equitable dealings; the acts which result from what is right) of or from the Law (= customs from neighbor-based equity), will not his uncircumcision continue to be logically considered and accounted (reckoned; calculated) into circumcision (or: credited to his account for circumcision)?
27 And so the Uncircumcision, out of natural instinct (out of nature or native conditions; = naturally) habitually bringing the law to its goal (or: completing or fulfilling the Law), will continue judging (or: making a decision and a separation regarding) you – the one [who] through Letter and Circumcision [are] a side-stepper (a transgressor; a violator) of [the] Law,
28 for you see, the Jew is not the one in the visibly apparent or outwardly manifest (or: For not he in the outward appearance is a Jew), neither [is] circumcision that [which is] visibly apparent (outwardly manifest) in flesh (= in body),
29 but rather, a Jew [is] the one within the hidden [place] (or: [that which is] in the concealed [realm]) and circumcision [is] of [the] heart (= core of our being) – in union with Breath-effect (or: within [the] spirit; in attitude), not in letter – whose praise (applause; full recommendation; [note play on words: Jew is a derivative of "Judah," which means "praise"]) [is] not from out of mankind (humanity), but rather from out of God.
Romans 3:30
30 since indeed (or: if after all; [other MSS: seeing that God [is] One (or: [there is] one God; [it is the] one God; = God [is; tends toward] Union; [Deut. 6:4,Shema]) Who from out of faithfulness (or: forth from [His] faith, trust and loyalty) will, by rightwising [them], progressively make Circumcision right, just and free from guilt, placing them in the Way pointed out and setting them in solidarity within right relationships – and (or: as well as) Uncircumcision through means of the [same] faithfulness (by means of this trust, faith and loyalty).
Romans 6:13
13 Also stop constantly placing your members (or: body parts) alongside (providing and presenting them) [as] tools (or: instruments) of injustice (disregard for what is right; activities discordant to the Way pointed out); but rather, you folks at once place yourselves alongside for disposal to God (or: stand yourselves with God, at [His] side; by and in God, present yourselves; set yourselves alongside [each other], for God) as it were being folks continually alive forth from out of the midst of dead ones, and your members [as] tools (instruments) of fair and equitable dealing in the Way pointed out in and by God (of justice and solidarity, for God; of being turned in the right direction, to God; of rightwised covenant relationships with God),
Romans 6:18-22
18 Now, being set free (or: liberated) from the Sin (failure; error), you folks are (or: were suddenly) enslaved (made slaves) to justice (= to covenant participation in solidarity) (or: in the Way pointed out; for fair and equitable dealings; by the Well-ordered, Righteous Existence [in Christ]; to rightwised relationship and [covenantal] behavior).
19 I am speaking humanly because of the weakness or sickness of your flesh (or: = your human condition; or: = the self that had been distorted by the System): for even as you folks presented (placed and provided alongside) your members [as; being] slaves by (for; in; to) the Uncleanness and by (for; in; to) the Lawlessness, [leading] into that Lawlessness, in this manner (or: thus) now you folks must place (provide and present) your members alongside [as] slaves of the Way pointed out (slaves of rightwised relationship in fair and equitable dealings; slaves of justice and righteousness) [leading] into the quality and sphere of being set-apart (or: into a holy consecration and a state of being sacredly different).
20 For when you folks were existing being slaves of the Sin (slaves from failure; slaves of deviation from the goal), you were existing [as it were] being free [as; with regard] to the Way pointed out (= being not owned by rightwised relationships, fairness, equity and justice).
21 What fruit, then, were you having (did you used to hold or possess) at that time, upon which [situation or condition] you folks now continue to be ashamed and embarrassed? For, indeed, the outcome (the end; the goal; the fruition; the consummation; the destiny) of those things [is] death.
22 But now being folks set free from the Sin (from failure; from error; from missing the target; from deviation) yet being enslaved by (to; in; for) God, you folks continue having (habitually hold and possess) your fruit unto the quality and sphere of being set-apart (into a sacred difference). Now the outcome (goal, end and destiny) [of this is] life which belongs to, is proper to, pertains to and is connected to the Age (eonian life; Life of and for the ages).
Romans 7:2-3
2 For instance, the married woman (the woman under subjection to a husband or to an adult male) has been bound and remains tied up by Law and custom to the living husband (or: has been wrapped up and stands tied to law [= Torah; or: custom] by the living man). Yet if the husband may die, she has been released from employment and stands idle (or: has been brought down to living without labor and rendered inactive; she is discharged and brought down to unproductivity, being idled down) away from the husband’s law (or: from pertaining to the law [= Torah] and custom of the adult man).
3 Consequently (or: Accordingly), then, [with the] continued living of the husband, she will be dealing as an adulteress (or: bear the title “adulteress”) if she should become [attached] to, or [a lover] for, or [involved] with a different man (or: husband); but if the husband may die, she is free (she exists in a state of freedom) from the Law [= Torah], not to be an adulteress, pertaining to her becoming [a wife] for (or: to) a different man (or: husband).
Romans 11:14
14 if somehow, possibly, I may arouse my own flesh (= my own people) to jealousy and can deliver (or: should save; as a future: I will rescue and make whole) certain folks (or: some) from among them.
Romans 11:16
16 Now since (or: But if) the Firstfruit [is] holy (set-apart and consecrated; sacred), the kneaded mixture (the result of the lump which is mingled and reduced to a uniform consistency by treading, kneading or beating) also [is]; and since (or: if) the Root [is] holy (set-apart, sacred, different from the norm), so also [are] the branches (the shoots; the boughs).
Romans 12:1-2
1 Consequently, brothers, I am repeatedly calling you folks alongside to exhort, implore and encourage you, through God's compassions to stand your bodies alongside (or: to set or place your bodies beside) [the] Well-pleasing, Set-apart (Holy; Different-from-the-usual), Living Sacrifice by God (or: in God; for God; to God; with God), [this being] your sacred service which pertains to thought, reason and communication (or: your reasoned and rational service; the logical and Word-based service from you folks).
2 And stop constantly conforming yourselves to (or, as passive: So then, quit being repeatedly molded by, fashioned for or patterned together with) this age [with other MSS: and not to be continuously configured to this age, or not to constantly remodel yourself for this age], but on the contrary, be progressively transformed (transfigured; changed in form and semblance) by the renewing (or: in the renewal; for the making-back-up-new again) of your mind [with other MSS: from The Mind; of the intellect; pertaining to the faculties of perceiving and understanding; of the mindset, disposition, inner orientation and world view] into the [situation and condition for] you folks to be habitually examining in order to be testing and, after scrutiny, distinguishing and approving what [is] God's will (design; purpose; resolve; intent): the good and well-pleasing, even perfect (finished, complete and destined)! (or: = the thing [that is] virtuous, satisfying and able to succeed in its purpose.)
3 For, through the grace and favor being suddenly given to me, I am saying to (or: for) everyone being among you folks not to be continually over-opinionated or elated (to be constantly hyper-thinking to the point of being haughty, arrogant or having a sense of superiority; to be habitually over-thinking issues; to constantly mind things above; to be overweening) beyond what is necessary (binding; proper), but rather to think (mind; be disposed) into the disposition to be sane and of a sound mind, as God divides and distributes (or: parted) to, in and for each one a measure of faith (a meted amount of firm persuasion; a measured portion of trust; a [specific or allotted] ration of confidence and loyalty).
4 For you see, just as (or: according to what is encompassed) in one body we continuously have (constantly hold and possess) many members, yet all the members do not have the same mode of acting (do not constantly hold the same function),
5 thus we, the many, are and continue to exist being one body within Christ (in union with [the] Anointed), yet individually (or: the situation being in accord with one), members of one another (or: but still, [being] on one level, [are] members whose source is, and who belong to, each other).
6 Now constantly holding (having; possessing) excelling grace-effects (or: gracious results of favor that carry-through), down from, in accord with and to the level of the grace and joyous favor being given to us, in us and for us, whether prophecy – [let it be] down from and in line with the above-word of the faith (or: in accord with the analogy of the loyalty; according to the proportion of trust; following the pattern of the corresponding relationship that pertains to the Faith; down along the upward-thought of faith or the up-message of the belief; in accordance with conformability from the faithfulness; on the level of the correspondence and ratio of confidence);
Romans 12:6-8
6 Now constantly holding (having; possessing) excelling grace-effects (or: gracious results of favor that carry-through), down from, in accord with and to the level of the grace and joyous favor being given to us, in us and for us, whether prophecy – [let it be] down from and in line with the above-word of the faith (or: in accord with the analogy of the loyalty; according to the proportion of trust; following the pattern of the corresponding relationship that pertains to the Faith; down along the upward-thought of faith or the up-message of the belief; in accordance with conformability from the faithfulness; on the level of the correspondence and ratio of confidence);
7 or whether serving (thoroughly dispensing in attendance on a duty) – [let us be, or live] in the service (the attendance to the duty; the arrangement for provision; the aid through dispensing); or whether the one constantly teaching – [let the person continue] in the teaching (the instructing or training);
8 or whether the person normally performing as a paraclete (one habitually calling alongside to aid, admonish, encourage, exhort and give relief) – [let the person flourish] in the calling alongside to give relief and aid, as well as for admonition, encouragement and exhortation; the one habitually sharing (imparting; giving together) – in simplicity (singleness; or: = with generosity); the one constantly setting himself before [a situation] or being a caregiver (or: standing in front and presiding; or: being in charge of giving care or aid) – in diligent haste (= eagerly); the one continuously mercying (applying mercy) – in cheerfulness (pleasantness; gleeful abandon).
Romans 12:18
18 since [you are] full of power (or: if capable; if or since able) regarding that which has its source in you folks (or: as to that which proceeds from yourselves corporately), [live] being folks continuously at peace with all mankind (in the midst of all people),
Romans 13:11-12
11 This also – being folks having seen and thus knowing the season (the fit of the situation; the appointed fertile moment) – that [it is] by this time (or: already) an hour to be aroused (or: awakened) out of sleep, for now our rescue (our deliverance; our wholeness, health and salvation) [is] closer than when we came to trust (or: we believed with faith and conviction).
12 The night advances, and the day has approached and is presently near. We should put, then, the acts of the Darkness (works from the realm of the shadows; actions that belong to dimness and obscurity) away from ourselves (or: take off and put away the deeds pertaining to darkness; = ignorance; that which was before the light arrived), and clothe ourselves with the instruments (tools; weapons; implements; [some MSS: works; deeds]) of Light (or: The Light).
Romans 14:19
19 Consequently, then, we are continuously pressing forward and pursuing the things pertaining to, belonging to and which are the peace [= shalom] and the things pertaining to, belonging to and which are the act of building a house, pertaining to [input] into one another (or: which [effect] edification [infusing] into each other).
1 Corinthians 4:2
2 In this situation, furthermore, it is constantly being looked for and sought after, in house-managers (administrators), that this person may be found [to be] full of faith (loyal; reliable; trustworthy; faithful).
1 Corinthians 4:17
17 Because of this, I sent Timothy to you folks – he who is my beloved child (loved born-one) and one full of faith (or: a loyal, reliable, faithful and trustworthy person) within and in union with [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], who will continue calling you back to remembrance (will be repeatedly reminding you) of my ways (roads; paths) – the ones in union with an Anointing [other MSS: in the midst of Christ Jesus (or: in {the} Anointing of Jesus); others: within {the} Lord Jesus; others: in Jesus] – correspondingly as (according as; along the lines as and to the level as) I am habitually teaching everywhere, within the midst of every called-out community (ecclesia; summoned forth covenant assembly).
1 Corinthians 6:15-17
15 Have you folks not seen so as to know that your [other MSS: our] bodies are (exist being) members (body parts) of Christ? Upon lifting up and carrying off (or: bearing away) the members (body parts) of the Christ, will I proceed (or: should or could I) then in making [them] members (body parts) of a prostitute? May it not come to be or happen (= Heaven forbid; = No way)!
16 Or, have you folks not seen so as to know that the man continually joining himself (or: being habitually glued in intimate union) to (or: in) a prostitute exists being one body [with her]? For, He says, "The two will continue existing, being [joined] into one flesh." [Gen. 2:24]
17 Now the person continually joining himself (or: being habitually glued in intimate union; in himself being continuously welded) to (or: in; with) the Lord exists being one spirit (or: one Breath-effect).
18 Constantly flee (Repeatedly take flight [from]) the prostitution. [note: this would also apply to idolatry in pagan temples which used prostitutes as part of the idol worship] The effect (or: result) of every sin (failure to hit the target; error; mistake) – whatsoever a person may do – exists being outside of the body. Yet the one habitually committing prostitution (practicing sexual immorality) is habitually sinning (sowing errors and mistakes) into his own body. [note: both his physical body, and the body of the called-out community]
1 Corinthians 6:20
20 for you people were bought, as at a marketplace: [there was] value and honor involved in the price (or: [you are] of value) (or: = for you were bought and paid for; or: for from a valuable price you folks were bought at market). By all means then, glorify God (bring a good reputation to God; manifest that which calls forth praise to God) within your body (or: within the midst of the body which you folks are)!
1 Corinthians 7:1
1 Yet concerning the things which you folks wrote: “Is it fine for a man to by habit not touch a woman so as to hold or kindle her as a wife?” (or: = Now about what you wrote: "Is it ideal for a man to live in celibacy as a way of life?")
1 Corinthians 7:1-2
1 Yet concerning the things which you folks wrote: “Is it fine for a man to by habit not touch a woman so as to hold or kindle her as a wife?” (or: = Now about what you wrote: "Is it ideal for a man to live in celibacy as a way of life?")
2 Well, because of prostitutions (= the dangers of sexual immorality, or the lure of pagan temple prostitutes), let each man continually hold and be permanently having a wife (or: woman) for himself, and each woman be constantly holding and permanently having her own husband.
1 Corinthians 7:2-2
2 Well, because of prostitutions (= the dangers of sexual immorality, or the lure of pagan temple prostitutes), let each man continually hold and be permanently having a wife (or: woman) for himself, and each woman be constantly holding and permanently having her own husband.
3 Let the husband habitually render (give away in answer to claim and expectation) to the wife [her] due (what is owed to her; the obligation; the debt), yet likewise the wife, also, to the husband.
1 Corinthians 7:5-9
5 Do not habitually deprive (defraud; rob) one another, except anytime (or: unless perhaps) it should [be] from out of mutual consent (spoken agreement) with a view toward a specific period (or: appointed season; fertile situation or condition) so that you [both] may be at leisure in activities that lead toward having goodness and well-being (or: could be otherwise unoccupied for prayer; can give each other time for thoughts of ease or to be unemployed with a view to wellness), and then you [both] may proceed being [other MSS: should come together] again [putting your attention] upon this very thing [i.e., resume your physical relationship], so that the adversary (the opponent; the adversarial [situation or attitude]) may not keep on testing you (endeavoring to put you to the proof; trying you; tempting you) because of your lack of strength (through your lack of control; because of your incontinence). [note: continued sexual relations in marriage was a duty, under Jewish law and custom; failure to do so was grounds for divorce – Ex. 21:10-11]
6 Now I am saying this in accord with the common knowledge of experience, not down from an arrangement put upon [you] (or: not in response to an imposed disposition or injunction).
1 Corinthians 7:6-9
6 Now I am saying this in accord with the common knowledge of experience, not down from an arrangement put upon [you] (or: not in response to an imposed disposition or injunction).
7 You see [other MSS: Now], I normally want (keep on wishing; repeatedly set my will for) all people (all mankind; all humans) to habitually exist being even as myself! But of course each one continues having and holding his own effect and result of grace and favor (or: gracious gift) from out of God: on the one hand, one person in this way, and on the other hand, another in that way.
1 Corinthians 7:7-9
7 You see [other MSS: Now], I normally want (keep on wishing; repeatedly set my will for) all people (all mankind; all humans) to habitually exist being even as myself! But of course each one continues having and holding his own effect and result of grace and favor (or: gracious gift) from out of God: on the one hand, one person in this way, and on the other hand, another in that way.
8 Now I am saying to the unmarried (= single) people, and to the widows, that [it is] fine for them (or: beautiful in them; ideal to them) if they can (may; should; would) remain even as I [am]. [note: from Acts 26:10, where Paul says “I cast my vote,” being a member of the Sanhedrin, he would have been a married man at that time]
1 Corinthians 7:8-9
8 Now I am saying to the unmarried (= single) people, and to the widows, that [it is] fine for them (or: beautiful in them; ideal to them) if they can (may; should; would) remain even as I [am]. [note: from Acts 26:10, where Paul says “I cast my vote,” being a member of the Sanhedrin, he would have been a married man at that time]
9 Yet if they are not habitually having inner strength and control, [then] they must at once marry, for it is better to proceed to marry (or: to continue married) than to be repeatedly set on fire (or, as a middle: to progressively burn oneself [= with passion and desire]).
1 Corinthians 7:9-9
9 Yet if they are not habitually having inner strength and control, [then] they must at once marry, for it is better to proceed to marry (or: to continue married) than to be repeatedly set on fire (or, as a middle: to progressively burn oneself [= with passion and desire]).
10 Now beside this, I – not I myself, but rather, the Lord – am giving an added message to those being married: a wife is not at any point to be separated (disunited so as to be apart from) [her] husband
1 Corinthians 7:12
12 Now to the rest, I, myself – not the Lord – am speaking: if any brother is having an unbelieving wife (or: a woman not full of faith), and she continues mutually content (habitually thinks it jointly profitable and easy; with [him] is agreeable and approving) to continue dwelling and making a home with him, let him not proceed to divorce her (or: leave her, or send her away).
1 Corinthians 7:12-14
12 Now to the rest, I, myself – not the Lord – am speaking: if any brother is having an unbelieving wife (or: a woman not full of faith), and she continues mutually content (habitually thinks it jointly profitable and easy; with [him] is agreeable and approving) to continue dwelling and making a home with him, let him not proceed to divorce her (or: leave her, or send her away).
13 And a wife who is having an unbelieving husband (or: a man not full of faith), and this man continues mutually content to continue dwelling and making a home with her, let her not divorce (or: leave or send away) [her] husband.
14 You see, the unbelieving husband (man void of faith) has been made set-apart and remains holy and sacred within (or: in union with) the wife, and the unbelieving wife (woman void of faith) has been made set-apart and remains holy and sacred within (or: in union with) the brother (= the believing husband) – otherwise, the consequence is your children being unclean. Yet now they are set-apart (holy and sacred ones; folks different from the common).
15 So if the unbelieving (or: faith-lacking; trust-void) one proceeds to be separating (disuniting so as to be apart), let this one continue separating and departing: the brother or the sister has not been nor is now enslaved (has not been bound in servitude nor is held as a slave) within such situations – for God has given you [other MSS: us] a permanent call within the midst of and in union with peace and harmony [= shalom].
1 Corinthians 7:17
17 And thus am I habitually arranging throughout (or: thoroughly setting in order; fully prescribing or distributing; or: arranging the troops) – within the midst of (or: in union with) all the called-out communities (or: among all the summoned-forth folks).
18 Was anyone called (invited; summoned) being a person having been circumcised? Let him not be de-circumcised (have the marks of circumcision covered over)! Has anyone been called [being] in [the condition of, or, among the group termed] uncircumcision? He is not to proceed in being circumcised!
1 Corinthians 7:20-21
20 Let each person – within the midst of the calling (vocation; = station, position, situation or circumstances) in which (or: to which) he was (or: is) called – keep on remaining (dwelling; abiding) within this.
1 Corinthians 7:20
20 Let each person – within the midst of the calling (vocation; = station, position, situation or circumstances) in which (or: to which) he was (or: is) called – keep on remaining (dwelling; abiding) within this.
21 Were you called [while being] a slave? Quit letting it be a concern or worry for you (Do not continue to let it be a care to you). But nonetheless, if you also continue to have the power and ability to become free (or: a freeman), make very much use of (or: all the more employ) [it]! (or: Instead, even if you presently have means to come to be at liberty, [choose] rather to use [your present situation].)
1 Corinthians 7:21-24
21 Were you called [while being] a slave? Quit letting it be a concern or worry for you (Do not continue to let it be a care to you). But nonetheless, if you also continue to have the power and ability to become free (or: a freeman), make very much use of (or: all the more employ) [it]! (or: Instead, even if you presently have means to come to be at liberty, [choose] rather to use [your present situation].)
22 In fact, the person within the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] – being one that was called [when being] a slave – is [the] Lord's freed-person (or: exists being [Christ's or Yahweh's] emancipated slave). Likewise, the person being one that was called [when being] free, or a freedman, is Christ's slave.
23 You folks were bought, as at a marketplace: [there was] value and honor involved in the price (or: [you are] of value). Do not continue becoming slaves of humanity (or: Do not repeatedly come to be slaves of people).
24 Let each person, brothers (= fellow believers; family members) – within that which he was (or: she is) called – keep on remaining (dwelling; abiding) at God's side and presence within the midst of this.
1 Corinthians 7:24-24
24 Let each person, brothers (= fellow believers; family members) – within that which he was (or: she is) called – keep on remaining (dwelling; abiding) at God's side and presence within the midst of this.
25 Now about the virgins (or: unmarried girls of marriageable age) and celibate women, I do not hold (or: have) an arrangement put upon [you] (or: an imposed disposition or injunction) which originates from [the] Lord [= Yahweh, or Christ], but I continue giving [you] the result of experience-gained knowledge, as being one having been mercied (shown mercy) by (or: under) [the] Lord, to exist being one full of faith (or: to be trustworthy, loyal and faithful).
1 Corinthians 7:25-26
25 Now about the virgins (or: unmarried girls of marriageable age) and celibate women, I do not hold (or: have) an arrangement put upon [you] (or: an imposed disposition or injunction) which originates from [the] Lord [= Yahweh, or Christ], but I continue giving [you] the result of experience-gained knowledge, as being one having been mercied (shown mercy) by (or: under) [the] Lord, to exist being one full of faith (or: to be trustworthy, loyal and faithful).
26 I therefore reason from custom [that] this continues to be inherently beautiful (fine; ideal; good form) – because of the present necessity which has been placed within through compulsion (= a time or circumstance of stress) – that the it is ideal (fine; beautiful) for a person to continue being thus (= as he is; or: for humanity to continue existing in this way):
1 Corinthians 7:26
26 I therefore reason from custom [that] this continues to be inherently beautiful (fine; ideal; good form) – because of the present necessity which has been placed within through compulsion (= a time or circumstance of stress) – that the it is ideal (fine; beautiful) for a person to continue being thus (= as he is; or: for humanity to continue existing in this way):
1 Corinthians 7:26-26
26 I therefore reason from custom [that] this continues to be inherently beautiful (fine; ideal; good form) – because of the present necessity which has been placed within through compulsion (= a time or circumstance of stress) – that the it is ideal (fine; beautiful) for a person to continue being thus (= as he is; or: for humanity to continue existing in this way):
27 Have you been bound together so that you are now tied to a wife? Stop (or: Do not continue) seeking loosing or release. Have you been released so that you are now loosed from a wife? Stop (or: Do not continue) seeking a wife.
28 Yet even if you should marry, you are not making a mistake (or: missing the goal). And if the virgin or celibate woman should marry, she does not fail (is not making a mistake or missing the goal). Still, such folks (= those who do) will continue or proceed having pressure and constricting stress, in the flesh (= their natural lives) – and as for myself, I [would] spare you folks [that].
1 Corinthians 7:31
31 and those habitually employing (making use of) the System (the ordered arrangement and world of culture, economy, religion and government; or: secular society) as not folks who are constantly using it down (= making excessive employment or over-use of it), for the outward fashion, mode of circumstance, condition, form-appearance (or: character, role, phase, configuration, manner) of this System (ordered world of culture, religion and society) is progressively passing by (= the present scheme of things is changing and passing away).
32 Now I intend (purpose and want) you folks to constantly exist being free from anxiety (care; concern; worry). The unmarried one (= the person who is not co-habiting; the single person) is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= the issues pertaining to Yahweh; the matters that come from and belong to Christ): how he or she can please (be accommodating to) the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:32-36
32 Now I intend (purpose and want) you folks to constantly exist being free from anxiety (care; concern; worry). The unmarried one (= the person who is not co-habiting; the single person) is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= the issues pertaining to Yahweh; the matters that come from and belong to Christ): how he or she can please (be accommodating to) the Lord.
1 Corinthians 7:32-34
32 Now I intend (purpose and want) you folks to constantly exist being free from anxiety (care; concern; worry). The unmarried one (= the person who is not co-habiting; the single person) is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= the issues pertaining to Yahweh; the matters that come from and belong to Christ): how he or she can please (be accommodating to) the Lord.
33 Yet the one being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System (the issues pertaining to his world of culture, religion, economy and government): how he can please and be accommodating to the woman ([his] wife), and thus, he has been divided so as to be distributed in parts!
1 Corinthians 7:33-34
33 Yet the one being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System (the issues pertaining to his world of culture, religion, economy and government): how he can please and be accommodating to the woman ([his] wife), and thus, he has been divided so as to be distributed in parts!
34 Further, the unmarried (or: = single) woman – as well as the virgin (or: unmarried mature young woman of marriageable age) – is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= issues; matters): [i.e.] that she may continually exist being set-apart (holy; sacred; different from the profane) – both in [her] body and in [her] spirit (or: so that she would be sacred with body as well as with spirit; that she should be holy both for the Body, and for the Spirit). However, the woman being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System ([her] world): how she can please and be accommodating to the man ([her] husband).
1 Corinthians 7:34
34 Further, the unmarried (or: = single) woman – as well as the virgin (or: unmarried mature young woman of marriageable age) – is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= issues; matters): [i.e.] that she may continually exist being set-apart (holy; sacred; different from the profane) – both in [her] body and in [her] spirit (or: so that she would be sacred with body as well as with spirit; that she should be holy both for the Body, and for the Spirit). However, the woman being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System ([her] world): how she can please and be accommodating to the man ([her] husband).
1 Corinthians 7:34-36
34 Further, the unmarried (or: = single) woman – as well as the virgin (or: unmarried mature young woman of marriageable age) – is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= issues; matters): [i.e.] that she may continually exist being set-apart (holy; sacred; different from the profane) – both in [her] body and in [her] spirit (or: so that she would be sacred with body as well as with spirit; that she should be holy both for the Body, and for the Spirit). However, the woman being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System ([her] world): how she can please and be accommodating to the man ([her] husband).
1 Corinthians 7:34-34
34 Further, the unmarried (or: = single) woman – as well as the virgin (or: unmarried mature young woman of marriageable age) – is habitually concerned about and caring for the Lord's things (= issues; matters): [i.e.] that she may continually exist being set-apart (holy; sacred; different from the profane) – both in [her] body and in [her] spirit (or: so that she would be sacred with body as well as with spirit; that she should be holy both for the Body, and for the Spirit). However, the woman being married is constantly concerned about and repeatedly caring for the involvements of the System ([her] world): how she can please and be accommodating to the man ([her] husband).
35 Now I am saying this with a view toward your personal advantage (that which brings benefits together to your very selves) – not so that I can throw a noose (= a leash) upon you folks! To the contrary, [it is] with a view toward good form (the well-fashioned [life]; the scene of ease and competent-appearing action) and a good seating, [being] undistracted beside the Lord (or: a close seat of ease, undistractedly sitting in the Lord).
1 Corinthians 7:35-38
35 Now I am saying this with a view toward your personal advantage (that which brings benefits together to your very selves) – not so that I can throw a noose (= a leash) upon you folks! To the contrary, [it is] with a view toward good form (the well-fashioned [life]; the scene of ease and competent-appearing action) and a good seating, [being] undistracted beside the Lord (or: a close seat of ease, undistractedly sitting in the Lord).
1 Corinthians 7:35-36
35 Now I am saying this with a view toward your personal advantage (that which brings benefits together to your very selves) – not so that I can throw a noose (= a leash) upon you folks! To the contrary, [it is] with a view toward good form (the well-fashioned [life]; the scene of ease and competent-appearing action) and a good seating, [being] undistracted beside the Lord (or: a close seat of ease, undistractedly sitting in the Lord).
1 Corinthians 7:35
35 Now I am saying this with a view toward your personal advantage (that which brings benefits together to your very selves) – not so that I can throw a noose (= a leash) upon you folks! To the contrary, [it is] with a view toward good form (the well-fashioned [life]; the scene of ease and competent-appearing action) and a good seating, [being] undistracted beside the Lord (or: a close seat of ease, undistractedly sitting in the Lord).
36 Now if anyone continues reasoning about custom [so as] to go on bringing the appearance of bad form (or: is behaving dishonorably or indecently – that which is contrary to the accepted fashion) upon [the situation of] his virgin [daughter; or: fianc'e9e] – if she may be over her prime (= beyond marriageable age; past the bloom of youth) – and thus (or: in this way) he has obligation [for it] to proceed in occurring, let him continue to do what he is wanting and intending – he is not making a mistake or missing the goal: let them be marrying.
1 Corinthians 7:36-38
36 Now if anyone continues reasoning about custom [so as] to go on bringing the appearance of bad form (or: is behaving dishonorably or indecently – that which is contrary to the accepted fashion) upon [the situation of] his virgin [daughter; or: fianc'e9e] – if she may be over her prime (= beyond marriageable age; past the bloom of youth) – and thus (or: in this way) he has obligation [for it] to proceed in occurring, let him continue to do what he is wanting and intending – he is not making a mistake or missing the goal: let them be marrying.
1 Corinthians 7:36-36
36 Now if anyone continues reasoning about custom [so as] to go on bringing the appearance of bad form (or: is behaving dishonorably or indecently – that which is contrary to the accepted fashion) upon [the situation of] his virgin [daughter; or: fianc'e9e] – if she may be over her prime (= beyond marriageable age; past the bloom of youth) – and thus (or: in this way) he has obligation [for it] to proceed in occurring, let him continue to do what he is wanting and intending – he is not making a mistake or missing the goal: let them be marrying.
37 Now [he] who has been standing firm and is now settled in the seat of his heart – presently having no necessity (continuing to hold no compulsion) but holds authority concerning (or: has a right pertaining to) his own will and has decided this in his own heart – to continue keeping watch over and guarding his virgin [daughter; fianc'e9e; or, perhaps: his own virginity], will be doing beautifully (finely; ideally).
1 Corinthians 7:37
37 Now [he] who has been standing firm and is now settled in the seat of his heart – presently having no necessity (continuing to hold no compulsion) but holds authority concerning (or: has a right pertaining to) his own will and has decided this in his own heart – to continue keeping watch over and guarding his virgin [daughter; fianc'e9e; or, perhaps: his own virginity], will be doing beautifully (finely; ideally).
38 Consequently, also, the one giving his virgin [daughter] in marriage (or: the one marrying his virgin [fianc'e9e]; or: the one giving the virginity of himself in marriage) is doing [other MSS: will be doing] beautifully, and yet the one not giving in marriage or getting married will be doing better.
39 A wife, by law and custom, has been bound upon and remains tied to her husband for as much time as he continues living. Yet if the husband may fall asleep in death, she exists being free to be married to whom she continues intending (willing; purposing) – only within [the] Lord.
40 Yet, she continues (or: exists) being happier (more blessed) if she remains as she is, according to the knowledge gained from my experience. Now I also continue seeming to hold (or: have; possess) God's spirit (= God's attitude on this matter). (or: For I, myself, am also continuing to presume to constantly possess God's Spirit and Breath-effect).
1 Corinthians 8:8
8 Yet food (something eaten) will not proceed placing us beside, nor continue causing us to stand in the presence of, God. Neither if we should not eat are we continually behind time or being in the rear (also = falling short or failing to attain, thus being inferior), nor if we should eat are we constantly attaining superabundance (surrounding ourselves with more than enough; exceeding; = spiritually or morally advancing ourselves).
1 Corinthians 9:1-3
1 Am I not free (Do I not exist being a free man)? Am I not one sent forth with a mission (a representative; an emissary; a commissioned agent)? Have I not seen Jesus, our Lord (Owner; Master)? Are you folks not my work within the Lord (or: = in union with Christ or Yahweh)?
2 If I am not one sent off with a mission to or for other folks, nevertheless I surely am to and for you people – for you, yourselves, are my seal of the expedition (the mission for which I was sent off), within, and in union with, the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].
3 – this is my defense (my verbal reply) to or for those continuously examining me and sifting the evidence about me –
1 Corinthians 9:5
5 Are we not in any way continuing to have [the] right (authority; privilege from existence) to be habitually leading around a sister [as] a wife – as also the rest of those sent out on a mission and the Lord's brothers, and Cephas?
1 Corinthians 9:15
15 Yet I myself have not made use of nor do I now employ even one of these things – and I do not write these things so that it should come to be thus in me (or: = in my case): for to me [it would be] fine (beautiful; ideal; good form), rather, to die than that anyone should [other MSS: shall proceed to] make the result of my boast empty and void,
1 Corinthians 9:18
18 What then is my compensation (pay; wage)? That while repeatedly announcing the message of goodness, I will continually (or: can) deposit (put; set; place) the good news (the message of abundant wellness and fortunate ease) without cost (or: expense; or: = free of charge), [leading] into the [situation so as] not to make downright use of my right or privilege within the good news (or: not to fully employ or abuse my authority from being in union with the message of goodness).
19 You see, continually being free from out of the midst of all things and from all people (or: from everything), I enslave myself to all people (or: everything and everyone), to the end that I can (may; would) gain [all] the more folks.
1 Corinthians 9:22
22 To (For; Among) those without strength (the weak ones), I become (or: came to be) as without strength (weak), to the end that I would (can; may) gain those without strength (the weak ones). I have become and continue to be all things for (to; among) all folks (or: peoples), to the end that I can (would; may) by every means (in every way; under all circumstances) save (rescue; deliver; restore to health, wholeness and their original condition) anybody!
1 Corinthians 10:31
31 Therefore whether you folks are habitually eating or continually drinking, or anything you are constantly doing, be continuously doing all things unto God's glory (or: performing everything [directed toward and leading] into a good reputation pertaining to God; making all things into a manifestation which calls forth praise to God).
1 Corinthians 12:4
4 Now there continue being different distributions (divided-out apportionments) of the effects of favor and the results of grace, yet the same Spirit (Breath-effect; Attitude),
1 Corinthians 12:11
11 Now the one and the same Spirit (or: Breath-effect; Attitude) is habitually working within (energizing, activating and operating) all these things, constantly dividing, apportioning and distributing in (to; for) each person his own [effect of grace], correspondingly as He progressively intends (is habitually willing; continuously purposes).
1 Corinthians 12:13
13 For we, ourselves – within the midst of one Spirit (or: in union with one Breath-effect and Attitude) – are all submerged into one body (or: were all immersed into, so as to be enveloped by, one body) – whether Jews or Greeks (or: Hellenists), whether slaves or free folks – and we all are (or: were) made (or: caused) to drink one Spirit (or: spirit; Breath-effect; Attitude).
1 Corinthians 14:33
33 for God is not the source of instability, but to the contrary, of peace (or: for God does not exist being unrest, disorder or turbulence, but rather, [is] harmony and order [= shalom]) – as [He is] within all the called-out communities of the set-apart ones (or: as [it is] among all the called-out folks who are the sacred people that are different from what is common). [note: some scholars have suggested that the following is a quote from the letter sent from Corinth to Paul, not the position of Paul, himself; or, reading the last phrase of vs. 33 as an introduction to vs. 34-35: As {is the custom} among all the called-forth groups of the holy people {= Israel},]
1 Corinthians 14:36-37
36 Whether God's word (thought; message) comes forth from you folks, or it reaches down into only you people,
37 if anyone habitually presumes (continues in assuming; normally imagines [himself]) to be a prophet or a spiritual one, let him continue to fully know and acknowledge the things which I am now writing to you folks, because they are [the] Lords [= Christ's or Yahweh's] implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward, purposeful directives)!
1 Corinthians 15:10
10 Yet in (or: by; for; with) God's grace, and joyous favor which is God, I am what I am, and His [placed]-into-me grace (or: [birthed]-into-me joyous favor) was not birthed to be empty, but on the contrary, I toiled to exhaustion by hard labor in excess of them all – yet not I, but rather God's grace and favor, together with me [other MSS read: which {is} with me].
1 Corinthians 16:1
1 Now concerning the collection [being gathered] into the midst of the set-apart folks (or: for the holy ones; unto the saints), just as I thoroughly arranged in (or: for) the communities of the called-out of [the province of] Galatia, you yourselves do (perform; make) the same:
2 Corinthians 1:23
23 Now I, myself, continue to call upon God [to be] a witness (or: [as] evidence) upon my own soul (mind, will, emotions; inner life; self; or: = I stake my life on it!), that in my continuing in holding back and sparing you folks, I no longer came (or: I did not yet go) into Corinth.
2 Corinthians 2:17
17 For we are not – as the majority [are] – ones performing as hucksters in shameful traffic for unworthy gain, constantly peddling and marketing God's message (God's thought and idea; the Word of God; God's Logos), but to the contrary, we are constantly and habitually speaking as from out of the midst of that which is decided about when viewing in clear sunlight – and further, as from out of the midst of God; down within, in union with, and in the place of, God – within Christ! (or: but in contrast, we are progressively speaking in an Anointing – as [being] forth from God [and] in God’s presence!)
2 Corinthians 4:1-2
1 Because of this – while continuously possessing (having and holding) this attending service and dispensing of provision – correspondingly as we were mercied (shown mercy), we do not habitually behave with a bad attitude, or perform in a worthless manner, or act from out of a mood or motive that is poor in quality, or, become discouraged.
2 To the contrary, we speak-away from ourselves (or: spurn; renounced; disowned) the hidden things pertaining to the shame (or: whose source is [our] shame; that result in dishonorable conduct or bring disgrace), not habitually walking around (= living our lives) in craftiness (or: in union with the capability for every work; within readiness to do anything), neither constantly diluting or adulterating God's message (God's thought and idea; the Word of God), but rather, in a manifestation of the Truth and by a setting of the Reality in clear Light, we are progressively placing ourselves together in addressing every conscience of mankind (or: commending ourselves toward every human conscience), in God's sight (= before God).
2 Corinthians 6:14-16
14 Do not of yourself continue (or: Stop) becoming yoked differently (or: unevenly yoked; yoked with ones of a different sort) with folks without faith (or: by those without trust; to unbelievers; with disloyal people), for, what mutual holding (having-with: sharing; partnership; communion; membership) [have] rightwised living and lawlessness (or: fairness/equity, and a lack of following rules; [covenant membership] in right relationship which accords with the Way pointed out, and inequity or wrong which come from violation of law), or what common existing (participation; partnership; sharing) [is] in light [directed] toward, or face to face with, darkness (or: [is there] for light with dimness from murky obscurity in the realm of shadows)?
15 And what joining of voice (concord, agreement and harmony of sound) has Christ [when faced] toward Belial [Hebrew word for "worthlessness"]? Or what part for one full of faith and trust (or: portion in a believer) [corresponds] with one who lacks faith (an unbeliever; one who is not trustworthy or loyal)?
16 Now what mutual deposit (or: concurrence or agreement arrived by group decision) [does] God's Temple [have] with idols (or: external forms or appearances; or: phantoms of the mind; unsubstantial images or forms)? For, you see, we [other MSS: you folks] continuously exist being (we/you are) a temple of [the] living God, just as God said, "I will proceed to make My home and will continue walking about within and among them (= I will habitually reside, as in a house, and live My life within and among them), and I will proceed existing being (or: I will continue being) their God, and they will proceed existing being (or: will continue being) My people." [Lev. 26:12; etc.]
2 Corinthians 7:11-12
11 For consider (or: look)! This very thing – the [experience for] you to be made sad and anxious down from and in accord with God – to what extent it accomplished (produces; worked down and effects) [qualities] of haste to earnest diligence in you folks; but further, verbal defense (apologetics); but still further, indignant displeasure [with the whole situation]; yet further, fear and respect!; but then, longing (strong and anxious love with fond regret); on the other hand, fiery zeal and enthusiasm; yes, in fact, righting of what is wrong (maintaining justice out of rightwised relationships from the fairness of the Way pointed out) – within the midst of everything, in every respect and among all people, placing yourselves and standing together to continuously exist being pure in this practice-effect (or: results of the matter).
12 Consequently, even if I write (or: although I wrote) to you, [it is] not on account of the one doing wrong (behaving contrary to the Way pointed out; acting unjustly or injuriously; the offender), nor either on account of the one being wronged (being treated unfairly or unjustly; being injured; the victim), but rather on account of the [opportunity] to set in clear light and manifest to you folks your haste to earnest and diligent care – that which [was] over us and on our behalf – in God's sight. Because of this we have been, and remain, encouraged and comforted (we have received the influence of a paraclete).
2 Corinthians 8:8
8 I am not now saying [this] down from some arrangement put upon [you], but still [I am] also continuing in testing and proving the legitimacy of the birth (or: the genuineness) of the love, which belongs to you, through means of the haste to earnest and diligent care from different folks.
2 Corinthians 8:8-10
8 I am not now saying [this] down from some arrangement put upon [you], but still [I am] also continuing in testing and proving the legitimacy of the birth (or: the genuineness) of the love, which belongs to you, through means of the haste to earnest and diligent care from different folks.
9 For you people continue knowing by experience the grace of Jesus Christ (or: the favor whose source and being is Jesus [the] Anointed), our Lord (Master; Owner), that although continuously existing being rich (wealthy), because of and for the sake of you folks He became destitute and led the life of a beggar, to the end that by and in the destitution and poverty of That One, you yourselves could (or: should; may; would) come to be rich (wealthy).
10 And so, in this [testing and proving], I am now offering knowledge gained from my experience, for this [topic] is progressing to bring things together for you, to your benefit and expedience – you who from a year ago were first in making a beginning not only to do, but even to desire and purpose [it] –
2 Corinthians 8:16
16 Now grace [is] in and with God (or: Yet favor [is] by God; or, perhaps: But thanks [be] to God) – in (or: by; with) the One constantly imparting within the heart of Titus this very same haste and earnest, diligent care over you folks,
2 Corinthians 8:18
18 So we sent together with him the (or: his) brother whose full approval (praise and added applause) in connection with the good news (the message of goodness, ease and well-being) [has spread] in every direction through all the called-out folks (or: called-out communities)
2 Corinthians 10:8-10
8 For besides, if I should boast somewhat more excessively concerning our right out of Being and authority – which the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] gives us, [leading] unto your upbuilding (your construction into being a house), not unto tearing down or demolition – I shall not be put to shame or be disgraced,
9 so that I should not seem as ever to be terrifying you folks (or: as if to be constantly making you afraid) through the (or: [my]) letters.
10 "Because," one person is [other MSS: they are] constantly saying, "the letters [are] indeed weighty and strong (or: = severe and violent), but the presence of [his] body [is] weak, and the message has been collected from out of nothing (or: and [his] expression has been scorned)."
2 Corinthians 11:17
17 What I am presently speaking I am speaking not down from or in accord with [the] Lord (Master; Owner; [= Christ or Yahweh]), but to the contrary, as within senselessness (foolishness; imprudence) – within this assumed position as a basis for boasting:
2 Corinthians 11:28
28 apart from these external matters (or: apart from those things [just mentioned] – besides the outside –) [there is] the thing rushing in on me and giving cares (the pressure) from day to day: the anxiety, concern and divided distraction pertaining to all the called-out folks (or: summoned-forth communities):
2 Corinthians 12:11
11 I have become unreasonable (senseless; imprudent; foolish) – you, yourselves, compel me (press and force me; = drive me to it!) – for I myself ought to have been being constantly recommended (placed together with and commended) by you folks, because not even in one thing did I come behind (or: am I deficient from or inferior to) the "very-overly" [pretentious and condescending] emissaries (or: representatives), even though I am nothing (or: since I also exist being nothing!).
2 Corinthians 13:11
11 As to the rest, brothers (= fellow believers and members – family), be habitually rejoicing (or: be progressively happy); be continuously adjusted so as to be completely equipped and fully made ready while being thoroughly knitted together into perfect unity; be repeatedly called alongside to give or be given aid, relief, comfort and encouragement; constantly mind the same thing and agree, being of the same opinion (have the same frame of mind and be mutually disposed); continuously dwell in and with peace (be at and keep peace; be in and cultivate harmony; live in [shalom]) – and the God of the Love and Peace (or: the God Who is the urge toward reunion and harmony) will continue being with you folks.
Galatians 1:10
10 Come now, am I at the present moment habitually appealing to humans, or God? (or: am I right now constantly trying to convince and persuade mankind, or God ?) Or, am I repeatedly seeking to keep on pleasing and accommodating people (humans)? If I had been still continuing to please and accommodate people (mankind), I would not have been being Christ's slave.
Galatians 2:4
4 Yet, through the led-in-at-the-side (or: smuggled-in) false brothers (or: = deceitful or lying fellow believers; or: = imitation members) – folks who entered alongside to spy out (to attentively look down and around, observe and take note of) our freedom which we continuously possess (constantly have and hold) within Christ Jesus, to the end that they will utterly enslave us (or: with a purpose that they shall bring us down into slavery) –
Galatians 3:28
28 Within [Him; us], there is not (there does not exist) Jew nor Greek (or: Hellenist); within, there is not (does not exist) slave nor freeman; within, there is not (does not exist) male and female; for you folks all exist being one within Christ Jesus (or: are all one person in union with an Anointing from Jesus).
Galatians 5:1-3
1 For the [aforementioned] freedom, Christ immediately set us free (or: [The] Anointed One at once frees us in, to, for and with freedom)! Keep on standing firm, therefore, and do not again be habitually held within a yoke of slavery (or: a cross-lever [of a pair of scales] whose sphere is bondage) (or: Continuously stand firm, then, in the freedom [to which the] Anointing sets us free, and let not yourselves be progressively confined again by a yoke pertaining to servitude)!
Galatians 5:1
1 For the [aforementioned] freedom, Christ immediately set us free (or: [The] Anointed One at once frees us in, to, for and with freedom)! Keep on standing firm, therefore, and do not again be habitually held within a yoke of slavery (or: a cross-lever [of a pair of scales] whose sphere is bondage) (or: Continuously stand firm, then, in the freedom [to which the] Anointing sets us free, and let not yourselves be progressively confined again by a yoke pertaining to servitude)!
2 See and individually consider! I, Paul, continue saying to you folks, that if you should proceed to being circumcised, Christ will continue benefiting you nothing (or: an Anointing will continue of use to you [for] not one thing)!
3 Now I continue solemnly asserting (attesting; affirming; witnessing), again, to every person (or: human) proceeding to be circumcised, that he is, and continues being, a debtor (one under obligation) to do (to perform; to produce) the whole Law [= the entire Torah]!
Galatians 5:6
6 for within Christ Jesus (or: for you see, in union with [the] Anointed Jesus) neither circumcision continues having strength, for competence or effectiveness, to be availing (or: be of service for) anything, nor [does] uncircumcision, but rather, [it is] faith-and-trust: of itself continuously working effectively (operating; being inwardly active and productive) through Love (" [God's] acceptance of the object of love without restriction, in spite of the estranged, profanized and demonized state of the object; the whole being's drive and movement toward reunion with another, to overcome existential separation; an ecstatic manifestation of the Spiritual Presence" – Tillich, ibid., on agape; brackets mine; cf John 3:16; 1 Cor. 13:4-8).
Galatians 5:13
13 For you folks were called upon the foundation of (on the basis of; for the purpose of) freedom, [my] brothers. Only not (or: Just not) the freedom [which is leading] into a starting point (or: unto an opportunity, occasion or incentive; to a base of operation) for (to; in; by; with) the flesh [comment: = circumcision with the flesh ordinances and ceremonial laws of Judaism; or: = personal license for the estranged human nature], but to the contrary, through the Love [agape: cf vs. 6b, above] be continuously slaving for one another (serving and performing the duties of a slave to each other).
Galatians 5:22
22 Now the Spirit's fruit (or: So the fruit whose origin and source is the Spirit; But the fruit which is Breath-effect; Yet the fruit of the Attitude) is: love (unrestricted acceptance and the drive to overcome existential separation), joy, peace (or: harmony; [= shalom]), length before a stirring of emotion (slowness of rushing toward something; long-enduring; longsuffering; patience), useful kindness, goodness (virtuousness), faith (or: faithfulness; trust; trustworthiness; loyalty; reliance; reliability; allegiance; fidelity),
Galatians 6:15
15 For you see [some MSS add: within Christ Jesus], neither circumcision nor uncircumcision continues being anything, but rather: a new creation (a founding and settling [as a village] with a new character, in a place that was wild and without order; a new act of framing and building).
Ephesians 5:3
3 But all sexual vice (prostitution; fornication; sexual acts contrary to custom) and uncleanness (impurity), or greed (desiring or having more than one's due; gaining and having advantage over others), let it continuously not even be named among (or: within) you folks according as it is constantly appropriate (proper; conspicuously suitable and befitting) for set-apart people (or: holy and sacred folks).
Ephesians 5:25-33
25 O husbands, be constantly loving [your] wives (or: Men, continue loving the women), accordingly and correspondingly as the Christ also loved (or: to the degree that, and commensurately as, the Anointed One loves) the called-out community, and gave Himself up (or: commits and gives Himself over) in behalf of (for the sake of; over [the situation of]) her,
26 to the end that He may set her apart (separate her; consecrate and make her holy), cleansing (purging) [her] by the bath of the Water [that is] within a result of a flow (or: in union with a gush-effect; or: in the midst of aspoken word, a declaration, or an utterance),
27 so that He Himself could place beside Himself (or: should present to and make to stand alongside in Himself) the glorious (held in high esteem; in-glorious-array) called-out community, continuously having neither spot (or: stain), nor wrinkle, nor any of such things, but to the contrary, to the end that she may continuously exist being set-apart (holy; different from the ordinary and profane) and flawless (unblemished; or: unblamable).
28 Thus (or: In like manner; In this way) the husbands also are continuouslyindebted (thus: obligated) to constantly love their wives as their own bodies (= persons).The one constantly loving his own wife continues loving himself,
Ephesians 5:28-33
28 Thus (or: In like manner; In this way) the husbands also are continuouslyindebted (thus: obligated) to constantly love their wives as their own bodies (= persons).The one constantly loving his own wife continues loving himself,
29 or you see, no one ever yet (at any time) hated (or: hates) his own flesh (= his body and interior self) but rather continually intensively nourishes (feeds and supports) and warms (cherishes; comforts) it, according as also the Christ [does] the called-out community,
30 because we are (we exist continuously being) members of His Body.
31 Answering this (or: In the place facing this [situation or reality]), "a man will continue leaving behind his father and mother, and he will be progressively glued (welded) to his wife, and the two will continue being [made] into one flesh (= one physical unit as though being one body)." [Gen. 2:4]
32 This secret (or: mystery) is great (= important), but I am speaking unto (or: into; with a view to) Christ, even (or: and; as well as) unto (or: into) the called-out community (or: the called-out person; or: the summoned-forth assembly).
33 Moreover, you men also, individually, each one thus (in this way) be continually loving his own wife (or: woman) as (or: as she were) himself, andso the result will be that the wife would continually have deep respect for (or: may habitually stand in reverential awe of; can normally be fearing with a healthy respect for) the husband (or: adult man).
Ephesians 5:33-33
33 Moreover, you men also, individually, each one thus (in this way) be continually loving his own wife (or: woman) as (or: as she were) himself, andso the result will be that the wife would continually have deep respect for (or: may habitually stand in reverential awe of; can normally be fearing with a healthy respect for) the husband (or: adult man).
Ephesians 6:5-6
5 Slaves: you folks be continually paying attention, listening humbly to and obeying [your] owners (masters) those [being such] in respect to the flesh (= this human condition and natural realm) with fear (or: respect, reverence, = earnestness) and trembling (= concerned focus), joined with singleness (simplicity; uncompoundedness; = pureness of substance) of your heart (= with the core of your being willing one thing [comment: which is Kierkegaard's "the Good"]), as though to (or: as if for; as being in, and with) the Christ,
6 not in accord with eye-service (or: in line with slavery to the eyes [of folks watching]; or: = doing it only when being watched) as folks desiring to please men, but rather as slaves of Christ, constantly doing (performing; producing) the will and intent of God from out of [the] soul (= with the whole inner being: mind, will, emotion, life-force; or: = spontaneously)
Philippians 1:20
20 in accordance with my looking away – with my head stretched out to watch – and [the] expectation (or: hope) that within nothing will I proceed being put to shame (disgrace; embarrassment), but to the contrary, within all freedom of speech (boldness and public openness which comes from being a citizen) – as always, even now (at the present moment) – Christ will progressively be made great (be magnified; be enlarged) within my body, whether through life, or through death!
Philippians 4:6
6 Do not be habitually worried, anxious or overly concerned about anything! On the contrary, in everything (and: within every situation), by thinking and speaking toward having goodness and having things go well and with ease (or: in prayer) and in expression of need – together with thanksgiving – repeatedly let your requests be made known to (toward; face to face with) God,
Philippians 4:8
8 In conclusion (or: Finally; or: What [is] left), brothers (= fellow believers; [my] family), as much as is true (or: as many things as are genuine and real), as many as [are] awe-inspiring (serious; respectable; noble; dignified by holiness), as much as [is] rightwised (put right; fair, equitable; just; in right relationship within the Way pointed out), as many as [are] pure and innocent, as much as [is] affection-inducing (friendly; directed toward what is liked; lovable or lovely; agreeable; well-regarded; winsome; engendering fondness; attractive; kindly disposed; loveable), as many as [are] well-spoken-of (commendable; reputable; of good report; the effect of fair speaking; renowned), if [there is] any excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) [in them] and if [there is] any praise applied (expression of high evaluation; honor paid; approval or applause) [to them], be habitually thinking about these things in a logical way (repeatedly make these things the focus of careful consideration and analysis; continuously take these things into account)!
Philippians 4:11
11 Not that I am suggesting a need, for I learned and so know to be self-sufficient (to be contented by warding-off my own [needs]; or: to have independent provisions) within whatever circumstances or situations [that] I am.
Colossians 3:11
11 wherein (or: in which place) there is no Greek [figure of the multitudes who are non-Jews, and of those who are cultured and civilized] and Jew [figure of a covenant people of God], circumcision and uncircumcision [figure for religious in-groups and out-groups; there is no longer a covenant people versus non-covenant people], barbarian [foreigner who speaks a different language], Scythian [figure or example of wild, uncivilized groups], slave, freeman, but to the contrary, Christ [is] all, and within all (or: Christ [is] all humanity, and within all mankind; or: Christ [is] everything or all things, and within everything and all things; [note: the Greek is plural, and is either masculine, signifying “mankind,” or neuter, signifying all creation, in these phrases]).
Colossians 3:19
19 Husbands, habitually love [your] wives (or: Adult males, be constantly showing loving acceptance to the women), and do not become repeatedly sharp toward them (or: stop being rough, bitter or insensitive to them).
Colossians 3:22-24
22 Slaves, in regard to all things continue submissively hearing, paying attention and being constantly obedient to those [being] owners (masters; lords) on the level and the sphere of flesh (= human, or "earthly," masters) – not within eye-slavery (bondage to eyes; = slavery to doing in order to be seen, or working only when someone is watching), as desiring to please people (or: wanting to be pleasing to people so as to win their favor; human-pleasers), but rather within simplicity (or: singleness) of heart (or: single-hearted sincerity), constantly being folks reverenced by the fear of (or, as a middle: being ones habitually engendering reverence because of respectful fear toward) the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ; p46 & other MSS: God].
23 Everything – whatever you folks may be habitually doing – be constantly working (doing business; practicing a trade; earning a living) from out of soul (from the whole being: intellect, emotions, will), as to (for; in) the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] and not for people (to mankind),
24 having seen, and thus, knowing that you folks will receive back from the Lord [Yahweh or Christ] and take away the corresponding compensation of, from and which consists in the enjoyment of the allotted inheritance. Be constantly slaving for Christ, the Owner (Lord; Master) [or, with other MSS, and as an indicative: For you are constantly performing as a slave in (or: by; with) the Lord, in {the} Anointed One].
Colossians 4:12
12 Epaphras – the one from among you folks; a slave of Christ Jesus – continues embracing and greeting you folks, at all times (or: always) in constant struggle as in a contest over [the circumstances of] you folks, within prayers (speaking to having goodness and well-being), to the end that you can stand [other MSS: would at once be set and placed] [as] mature folks (or: complete people; finished ones; those having reached the purposed goal and destiny; perfect ones) and people having been brought to fullness (or: carried to the full measure) within, and in union with, all God's will, intent, design and purpose.
1 Thessalonians 3:5
5 On account of this I also, no longer keeping a lid on [my desires] (= when I could bear it no longer), sent to find out about your faith, trust and loyalty, lest (or: in case) somehow the One continuously putting [folks] to the proof (or: the trier; [note: this could refer to God, or to one of His instruments, as with Job]) put you to the proof (tried or tested you), and our exhausting labor (or: = the trouble to which we went; toil; hardship; or: beating) may be birthed into a void (or: come to be [entered] into an empty place; or: exist in vain; = be to no purpose).
1 Thessalonians 4:8
8 Consequently, then, the person continuously setting aside (or: displacing) is not setting aside (or: displacing; or: = disregarding) a human (or: person), but God, even the One continuously giving His Sacred Breath into us (or: repeatedly imparting His Spirit, the Holy One, unto us; constantly gifting His set-apart Breath-effect [to flow] into us).
1 Thessalonians 4:11
11 and then to habitually be fond of honor and value [and] to be repeatedly quiet (or: to be progressively ambitious to live in settled peace), and by habit to be engaged (or: involved) in your own affairs (or: matters), and then to constantly work with your own hands (idiom: = work at it actively), according as we commanded to you,
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
11 and then to habitually be fond of honor and value [and] to be repeatedly quiet (or: to be progressively ambitious to live in settled peace), and by habit to be engaged (or: involved) in your own affairs (or: matters), and then to constantly work with your own hands (idiom: = work at it actively), according as we commanded to you,
12 to the intent that you may continuously walk about in good form (= live your life respectably) toward those without (with a view to outsiders; = face to face with those that are not a part of your community), and then you would continually have need of nothing.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
23 Now may the God of peace Himself (or: Yet the very God who is peace and harmony [= shalom] can) set you folks apart [being] completely whole (or: wholly perfect; entirely mature; wholly finished and at the goal), and may your whole allotment (= every part) – the spirit, the soul and the body – be kept (guarded; watched over) blameless (without fault) within, and in union with, the presence of our Lord (Master; Owner), Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 3:12
12 But to such people we are now passing along this advice, and calling [them] alongside to encourage, exhort, admonish, bring relief and entreat [them] through [other MSS: within; in union with] our Lord, Jesus Christ, to the end that, habitually working with quietness (or: silence), they may continuously eat their own bread (= food which came from their own work).
1 Timothy 1:10
10 for men who use prostitutes (or: who are male prostitutes; fornicators; or: = those who “worship” in pagan temples); for men who lie with males (sodomites); for kidnappers (those catching men by the foot; = slave dealers); for liars; for ones who violate their oaths (perjurers); and whatever different thing which is continually occupying an opposite position (lying in opposition or in replacement) to the sound and healthful teaching,
1 Timothy 1:12-16
12 I continue holding (or: having) grace and favor by and in the One enabling me (putting ability within me; empowering me): Christ Jesus, our Lord, because He considers me full of faith (or: deems me loyal and faithful), Himself placing [me] into a position of giving attending service,
13 – one being formerly a blasphemer (a vilifier and slanderer; one using abusive speech and hindering the Light while bringing injury) and a persecutor and a violent, insolent aggressor (an overbearing, insolent, riotous and outrageous person), but to the contrary, I was mercied (or: given mercy), because, being continuously ignorant (without intimate, experiential knowledge or personal insight), I acted (or: did it) within unbelief (or: in distrust).
14 Yet our Lord's grace and favor overwhelms (is above more than enough; is overabounding) with faith and trust, as well as love, which are resident within Christ Jesus.
15 The Word [is] full of faith, and [is] deserving of every welcome reception of equal value, because (or: Faithful and trustworthy, even worthy of all and complete acceptance, [is] the message and saying that) Christ Jesus came into the ordered System (the world of secular culture, religion, government and economy; or: the cosmos) to rescue failures (to deliver those missing the target; to save and make sinners healthy and whole; to restore outcasts to their rightful position), of whom I myself exist being first (or: am foremost).
16 But nonetheless, through this I was mercied (or: I am given mercy), to the end that within me first (= as the foremost case) Jesus Christ may point out so as to publicly display every emotion which is long in arriving (all long-suffering patience) with a view to being an underline (toward [being] a subtype; as facing a sketch or outline; for a pattern) of those about to be habitually believing (or: progressively trusting; one-after-another placing faith) upon Him, [that is, ] into the midst of eonian life (into Life which pertains to and has the qualities and characteristics of the Age [of Messiah]; into life of, and which lasts through, the ages).
1 Timothy 3:5
5 now if anyone does not know (has not seen and is not aware) to put himself or herself at the head of (= lead, provide for and protect) her or his own household so as to stand before and lead them, how will she or he be thoughtful of, take an interest in, and take care of, God's called-out community?
1 Timothy 4:3
3 coming from people habitually forbidding (preventing; hindering) [folks] to be marrying [and to be] constantly abstaining from [certain] foods – which things God creates (or: created; reduced from a state of wildness and disorder) into something to be shared and partaken of with thanksgiving by those full of faith (by the faithful and loyal folks) and by those having experienced full, intimate knowledge and realization of the Truth (or: of Reality)!
1 Timothy 4:5
5 for it is continuously (or: progressively) being set-apart (made holy; rendered sacred) through God's Word (or: by means of a word which is God; through a message and an idea from God) and an encounter (or: a meeting and falling in with someone; or: conversation; or: hitting on target within a matter to assist; thus: intercession).
1 Timothy 4:16
16 Habitually have a hold upon yourself and the teaching (or: Constantly attend to yourself and to the instruction and training). Continue abiding on and remaining in them (or: Constantly dwell on, while settling in them; or: Be progressively and fully persisting with them), for, continuously doing this, you will progressively rescue (deliver; save; restore to health and wholeness) both yourself and those regularly hearing you.
1 Timothy 5:5
5 Now the one actually being a widow, and having been left alone (= without a dowry and destitute), has placed expectation upon, and now relies on God, and constantly remains focused in requests regarding needs, and in prayers (thoughts, words and deeds aimed toward having goodness and well-being) during night and during day,
1 Timothy 5:8
8 Now if anyone is not habitually having forethought or perceiving beforehand in order to provide for those who are his or her own (= relatives), and especially ones of the household (family or domestics) she or he has disowned (turned her or his back on; denied; renounced; refused) the Faith-loyalty and is worse than an unbeliever (or: has disregarded and declined their trust and exists being worse than one without faith).
1 Timothy 5:11
11 On the other hand, turn aside requests of (or: refuse) younger widows [from being on the list], for you see, whenever they may develop headstrong pride (live strenuously or rudely) against Christ (or: may come down to the level of sexual impulse, be in the sphere of sensual desire, feel licentious or become wanton in relation to or in regard to the Anointed [body]) they are continually wanting to be marrying [note: it was a Gnostic belief that a person could gain knowledge (gnosis) by having sex with someone],
1 Timothy 5:14
14 I am wanting and intending, therefore, younger women to be marrying: to be bearing children; to continuously rule and manage a household; to be by habit giving not even one starting point (base of operation; opportunity; incentive; inducement) favoring verbal abuse (slander; reviling) to the person occupying an opposing position (or: in the one lying in opposition; for the opposer or the opposing counterpart),
1 Timothy 6:1-3
1 Let as many as are (or: exist being) slaves, joined under a yoke, constantly regard (consider; esteem) their own masters (or: owners) worthy of all honor, to the end that God's Name and the teaching may not be repeatedly blasphemed (defamed with a false image; vilified; misrepresented in a way that hinders the Light; spoken of injuriously; slandered).
2 Further, let not those having believing masters (or: trusting and loyal owners who are full of faith) be in the habit of despising (having a condescending attitude about; be thinking down upon) [them], because they are brothers (= fellow believers). But rather, let them consistently perform as slaves to a greater extent, because those being continual recipients of their good service (receiving the well-doing in return; those being supported by the benefits) are believers and beloved (or: are folks full of faith and love). Keep on teaching these things, and keep on encouraging by calling others alongside to aid and exhort them (or: continually perform as a paraclete).
3 If anyone continues teaching something different, and is not approaching by sound words (or: in healthful messages; with sound thoughts or ideas) – in or by those of our Lord, Jesus Christ – even in the teaching which accords with reverence (or: by instruction which is down from a standing in awe of wellness, with adoration, and with training that is in line with a healthful devotion to virtuous conduct for goodness, that is in true relation to God),
1 Timothy 6:17-18
17 Pass along the notice (or: be announcing) to those rich (or: wealthy) within the present age (the current eon) to not be habitually high-minded (proud; arrogant; or: to ponder high things), neither to have put expectation upon, and thus rely on, the uncertainty (insecurity; non-evidence) of riches (or: wealth), but rather, upon God, the One continuously holding all things alongside for us (or: the One constantly offering and providing all thing to us) richly, unto [our] enjoyment (or: into beneficial participation; unto the obtaining of a portion to enjoy; [leading] into pleasure),
18 to be habitually energizing goodness and working at virtue (or: working profitably), to continue being rich in beautiful deeds (to continue wealthy in ideal actions and in union with fine works), to be liberal contributors (folks good with giving) – folks having the qualities of community and common existence (people who partner and are ready to share; folks who are fellow participants),
Titus 1:15
15 To the pure folks, everything [is] pure (or: All things [are] clean for, with and in the clean ones). Yet to (or: for; in; with) those having been stained and remaining defiled (corrupted; polluted), and to (or: for; in) faithless people (those without trust; unbelieving ones), nothing is pure or clean – but rather, their mind, as well as the conscience, has been – and now remains – stained, defiled and corrupted.
Titus 2:3
3 Old (or: Aged; Older) women, similarly (or: likewise), [are to be] women in a state and resultant condition proper and fitting for being engaged in the sacred (suitable in demeanor for serving the temple; or: = living a life appropriate [for] a person [being] a temple), not folks who thrust-through or hurl [a weapon, or something hurtful] through [someone] (or: not devils nor slanderous adversaries which bring division and hurt), nor women having been enslaved by (or: to) much wine. [They are to be] teachers of beauty and of what is fine, excellent and ideal,
Titus 2:14
14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).
Titus 3:8
8 The Idea (The Logos; The Word; The Message; The Thought) [is] full of faith (or: faithful; trustworthy), and I am continuing in intending (determining; designing; or: wishing; wanting) to progressively set you on thoroughly good footing (to make you continue thoroughly stabilized and confidently insistent) about (or: concerning) these things – to the end that those having put trust in God (or: the ones having believed God and now having faith in God) can habitually give careful thought and concern to constantly put themselves in the forefront (or: to continually promote, maintain and stand themselves for the interests) of beautiful deeds (ideal works; fine actions). These things continue being beautiful (fine; ideal), as well as augmenting a furtherance for humanity (profitable to mankind; beneficial in people).
Philemon 1:16
16 no longer as a slave, but in contrast, above (over; = more than) a slave: a dearly loved brother (= fellow believer; = member of [His] family), most of all (especially) by and to me, yet how much rather by and to you, both in [the] flesh (= in person; or: = in the natural realm) as well as within [the] Lord [= in Christ or Yahweh]!
Hebrews 12:14
14 You folks be continuously pursuing peace and harmony [= shalom] with all mankind (or: with everyone) – as well as the process and resultant state of being different and set-apart (or: sacredness; the sanctification; or: = the situation of being set aside for God's use), apart from which not even one person will proceed in seeing (or: continue perceiving) the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] –
Hebrews 13:4
4 Marriage [is] precious (of great value and honor) in the midst of all folks (or: among all peoples), and the conjugal bed [is] unstained and undefiled; yet God is continuously judging (or: repeatedly separating and making a decision about) fornicators (or: male prostitutes; or: men who have sexual intercourse with a prostitute) and adulterers.
5 [Have] behavior (the turn, mode or manner of living) [that is] without love of silver (= money), constantly contenting ourselves (sufficing; warding-off for ourselves) in and by the things being continuously present (being at the side), for He Himself has said, "I can (or: could; would) by no means let you go (or: let up on you; send you back; release my grip on you), neither by any means may (or: could; would) I leave you down within (= forsake or fail you)," [Deut. 31:6; Josh. 1:5]
Hebrews 13:13-14
13 Now then, we can keep on coming out (or: should be progressively going out) toward Him – outside of the Camp – habitually bearing His reproach (= the censure and disgrace which He bore; or: the insult which pertains to Him). [comment: this was a call to participate in His sacrifice, and also to leave Judaism (or: religion), and thus to bear the same reproach and insults that He bore; it is also a call to bear away from them the mistakes and failures of others – John 20:23]
14 For you see, we are not continuously holding (having; possessing) a remaining (abiding; permanent) city here, but rather we are progressively seeking for (or: continuously searching upon) the impending one (the one that is presently about to be [here]).
James 1:10-11
10 but the rich, in his lowness (or: humiliation; depression), because he will be progressively passing by as a flower of grass (or: = a wildflower).
11 For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the grass, and its flower falls off, and the beauty of its face (= loveliness of its appearance) loses itself (finds destruction in itself). Thus also, the rich one will proceed in being extinguished (faded; withered) in his goings (journeys; business; ventures; way of life).
James 2:15
15 Now if a brother or a sister may continuously subsist (or: should begin now in a position under [circumstances]) as naked ones (= without sufficient clothing), and may constantly be deserted (or: wanting) of daily food,
James 3:17-18
17 But the wisdom from above is (constantly exists being) indeed first (or: primarily) pure, thereafter peaceable (or: peaceful; pertaining to peace and harmony), suitable (fair; reasonably lenient; yielding; unassertive; considerate), compliant (easily persuaded; receptive; reasonable; willing to yield), full of mercy (= practical help) and good fruits, non-separating (not discriminatory; undivided in evaluating; unwavering; unprejudiced), unpretending (or: not hyper-critical; not judging from a low point of view; not focusing on tiny distinctions; not overly judgmental; not under-estimating of reality).
18 Now the fruit of fair and equitable dealing (justice and right relationship in accord with the Way pointed out; the condition of being rightwised, or turned in the right direction; also: = covenant participation) is continuously being sown in peace and harmony by and for those habitually performing (making; doing; producing) peace and harmony. [comment: fruit of the Spirit, or, from the Tree of Life]
James 4:13-16
13 Come now, those continuously saying, "Today or tomorrow we will proceed traveling into this or that city and produce (make; perform; do [something]) one year there, and then we can trade (or: conduct business) and make a profit, "
14 – namely, those who are not in the habit of putting their attention upon the thing of tomorrow (or: who are not normally versed in or acquainted with the morrow; or: are not now standing upon tomorrow). Of what sort [is] your life? You see, you folks are (or: exist being) a vapor (a mist), progressively (or: repeatedly) appearing for a little while (toward a little space), and thereupon continually (or: repeatedly) being made to disappear –
James 4:14
14 – namely, those who are not in the habit of putting their attention upon the thing of tomorrow (or: who are not normally versed in or acquainted with the morrow; or: are not now standing upon tomorrow). Of what sort [is] your life? You see, you folks are (or: exist being) a vapor (a mist), progressively (or: repeatedly) appearing for a little while (toward a little space), and thereupon continually (or: repeatedly) being made to disappear –
15 Instead of that, you should be saying, "If the Lord [= Yahweh, or, Christ] should will (or: intend), we also will continue living and will proceed doing (or: producing) this or that."
16 Yet now you continue speaking loudly (boasting; gloating) in your empty, bragging speech and displays. All such boasting is bad (harmful; painfully laborious; miserable).
James 5:1-5
1 Continue leading on now, you wealthy folks, burst into tears while continuously uttering cries of distress upon your repeatedly recurring hardships (difficulties and wretchedness which must be endured).
2 Your riches have rotted; your garments have come to be moth-eaten.
3 Your gold and silver have been corrupted with poison (or: corroded and covered with oxidation), and their venom (or: corrosion) will proceed being unto you a witness (or: evidence) and will progressively eat your flesh (= the enslaved and alienated self; = the human nature that has been molded by and conformed to the System) as fire. You folks pile up a treasure hoard in the midst of last days!
4 Consider and look to the worker's wage – that having been withheld by you which belongs to those mowing your farms – which constantly utters (or: shouts) a cry, and now the outcries and shouts of those gathering in the harvest have entered into the ears of the Lord of hosts (= Yahweh of Armies)!
5 You folks live a soft life in delicate luxury (or: You self-indulge) and take excessive comfort and live in wanton pleasure upon the land. You nourish your hearts in the midst of (or: = fatten yourselves up for) a day of slaughter!
James 5:19-20
19 My brothers (= Dear family), if someone among you may be led astray (caused to wander) away from the Truth and reality, and someone should (or: would) turn him back,
20 continue knowing from experience and realize that this one turning back a sinner (a failure; one missing the goal; one living in error or under a mistake) out of [the] straying of his way (or: from the midst of his path of wandering), will proceed delivering (rescuing; saving; making healthy and whole) a soul (= a person) from out of the midst of death, and “will cover [the] fullness of [his] mistakes (errors; failures to hit the target; deviations; sins).” [Prov. 10:12] [written circa A.D. 47-48 – Based on the critical analysis of John A.T. Robinson]
1 Peter 1:18-19
18 having seen, and thus knowing, that you folks were not unbound and released by a ransom of corruptible things (things that are perishable and subject to spoiling) – by little coins of silver or gold – from out of your fruitless behavior (vain conduct; idle and foolish way of life) handed down by tradition from the fathers (= your ancestors),
19 but rather by Christ's precious blood (or: in valuable blood, which is [the] Anointed One; with honorable blood of anointing; by costly blood from [the Messiah]) – as of a flawless (unblemished) and spotless Lamb:
1 Peter 1:24
24 because, "All flesh [is] like grass (or: vegetation), and all its glory [is] like a flower of grass (of vegetation): the grass is caused to dry out and wither, and the flower falls off...
1 Peter 2:16
16 as free folks (those not bound) – and not continually holding (or: having) the freedom as a covering (or: a veil) of worthlessness (bad quality; evil; poorness of situation) – but still, as God's slaves.
1 Peter 2:18-24
18 The domestics (house servants or slaves; members of a household), those habitually being subordinated (being humbly aligned and subjected for support) by (or: to; for) the owners (masters): [conduct yourselves] in all fear and respect – not only to the good and lenient (reasonable, suitable; equitable; gentle; considerate) ones, but also to the crooked folks –
19 for this [is] grace: if through [the] conscience, which is God, (or: through awareness pertaining to God; or: by means of a joint-knowing with God; or: because of consciousness of God), someone is continuing to bear and hold up under distress or pains (griefs; sorrows; anxieties; sufferings), continuously experiencing it wrongfully (unjustly; contrarily, in regard to fairness and right relationship; undeservedly)!
20 For what sort of credible report (honorable rumor; credit; fame; praiseworthy reputation) [is it] if, being ones habitually doing what is wrong (failing to hit the target; sinning) and being repeatedly beaten and struck with a fist [p72 & other MSS: repeatedly lopped-off and pruned], you folks will continue [p72 & other MSS read: you are constantly] remaining under and enduring [it]? But to the contrary, if while habitually practicing virtue (doing good; constructing excellence) and [at the same time] repeatedly experiencing such bad treatment (or: continually suffering) you will continue [p72 reads: you are constantly] humbly remaining under, enduring and supporting [it], this [is] grace at the side of (or: from beside; = in the presence of) God,
21 for into this you are called (or: were invited), because Christ also experienced [this] (or: suffered) over you folks (or: for your sakes), leaving continuously below (or: behind) in you (or: with and for you) an underwriting (a writing under which you are to write or copy; hence: a pattern; a model) to the end that you could (or: would) follow-on in the footprints of Him
22 "Who does not make a mistake (Who did not perform failure; Who does no sin; Who does not construct failure to hit the target), nor is (or: was) deceitful bait (fraud; guile) found in His mouth;" [Isa. 53:9]
23 Who, being repeatedly reviled (harshly and bitingly rebuked and insulted), was not reviling back (answering insult with insult; taking the position of harsh, biting rebuke); continuously (or: repeatedly) suffering (experiencing ill treatment), he was not threatening, but kept on giving [the situation] over to the One at His side: the One constantly sifting, separating and deciding (or: judging) fairly (equitably; following the Path of the Way pointed out, bringing situations to a rightwised condition),
24 Who, Himself, bore back up again our failures (our mistakes; our times of falling short or to the side of the target; our sins and errors) [Isa. 53:4, 12] within His body upon the tree (the wood; the stake), to the end that, being folks suddenly coming to be parted away from the failures (mistakes; errors; sins; misses of the target), we can (or: would; may) live in (or: by; for; with) the fairness and equity, in rightwised relationships, in the Path of the Way pointed out (or: = in covenant participation), where "you folks are (or: were) healed (or: cured) in the wound (or: by the welt; in the bruise of the blow)." [Isa. 53:5]
1 Peter 3:1-2
1 Likewise (In like manner), you wives: [Be] habitually with humility aligning yourselves to your own husbands (or: women: [Be] continually arranging yourselves for support, under your own adult males), to the end that if any (or: certain ones) are habitually unpersuaded by the Word (or: uncompliant or disobedient to the message; unconvinced with the thought, reason or idea), they will continue being profited (will progressively receive advantage; or: will proceed in being acquired as gain) without a word (or: message; reason), through the behavior (or: conduct; way of life) of the wives (or: women),
2 being eyewitnesses of (or: looking upon and observing) the pure behavior (or: way of life; conduct) of you folks – which is turned upward in reverence, respect and [sacred] fear and awe –
1 Peter 3:7
7 Husbands (or: Adult males), likewise (or: in like manner): Continuously dwelling together (cohabiting; making a joint home) with [them] corresponding to intimate, experiential knowledge [of them] (= with a learned insight and an intelligent recognition of the nature and aspects of a married situation), [be] habitually assigning (portioning-off; awarding; allotting) honor (value; worth) to the female attributes (things pertaining to a woman; or: to a feminine one) as to a person having a disadvantaged position in her living (or: a weaker livelihood; or: a weaker vessel, utensil, instrument, container, gear, furniture, equipment), yet as to co-heirs of Life's grace and favor (or: of [the] grace which is life; or, with other MSS: as joint-participants in an inheritance of manifold {diverse; varied; multicolored} grace – of life [p72 adds: pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age {of eonian life}]), into the [situation where] your thoughts, words and actions projected toward goodness (or: prayers) continue not to be hindered or blocked, as if by a trench being cut in their path to impede their progress.
1 Peter 3:18
18 because even Christ (or: considering that Messiah also) died [other MSS: suffered], once for all, concerning and in relation to failures to hit the target (about errors and mistakes; around and encompassing sins [some MSS: our failures; other MSS: your failures]) – a Just One (a rightwised One; One in accord with the Way pointed out; a fair and equitable individual) over [the situation of] (or: for the sake of) unjust ones (capsized folks; those out of accord with the Way pointed out; unfair and inequitable people) – to the end that He at once may bring (or: can lead; would conduct) you folks [other MSS: us] to (or: toward) God. [He], on the one hand, being put to death in flesh (= a physical body), yet on the other hand, being made alive in spirit (or: indeed, being put to death by flesh {or: = the estranged human condition}, yet, being engendered a living one by Breath-effect {or: [the] Spirit}),
1 Peter 4:7
7 Now the Goal (or: the end; the final act; or: the finished Product; or: the completion of the plan) of all people (and: pertaining to and affecting all things) has approached and is now near at hand and [He] is close enough to touch (= has arrived)! Therefore, you folks keep a healthy and sound frame of mind (be sane and sensible) and be sober (be unintoxicated; i.e., be functional and with your wits about you) into [a state, condition or realm] with a view toward having goodness and well-being (or: into the midst of prayers).
1 Peter 4:10-11
10 each one, according as he receives an effect of grace (or: received a result of favor), continuously giving supporting service and dispensing it unto yourselves (i.e., into each other), as beautiful (fine; ideal) house managers (stewards; administrators) of God's varied grace (or: of [the] diverse favor which is God; [as] of a many-colored [tapestry] of grace whose source and character are from God).
11 If anyone is normally speaking, [let it be] as God's little words (= inspired sayings, messages, thoughts and ideas); if anyone is habitually providing attending service and dispensing, [let it be] as out of [the] strength which God is continually supplying (furnishing; providing), to the end that, in union with all people (and: within all things), God may be constantly glorified (may habitually receive a good reputation) through Jesus Christ, in Whom (by Whom; for Whom; to Whom; with Whom) is (or: exists) the glory (the manifestation of that which calls forth praise; the good reputation) and the strength (the might), on into the ages of the ages (or: into the indefinite time periods of the ages; into the superlative times of the eons).
1 Peter 4:17
17 because [it is; this is; now is] the [other MSS: a] fitting situation and fertile moment of the appointed season for the result of the judgment (the effect of the separating for evaluation and decision) to begin (to start) from God's house. Now if first from us, what [will be] the closing act (the final stage; the end; the consummation; the outcome; the finished product) pertaining to those continuing unpersuaded and unconvinced by (or: uncompliant to; disobedient to; stubborn in) God's message of goodness and well-being (or: good news)?
1 Peter 5:7
7 while throwing (or: tossing) your entire concern (whole worry; every anxiety) upon Him, because He constantly cares about and takes an interest around you folks!
2 Peter 1:1
1 Simon Peter, a slave and sent-off representative (or: emissary) of Jesus Christ, to (or: for) the folks obtaining by lot an equally valuable (precious; honorable) faith, conviction, trust and loyalty, along with us, within the midst of and in union with fair and equitable treatment, as well as with rightwised relationships (= covenant membership), which come from and characterize our God and Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Source of health and wholeness), Jesus Christ (or: Jesus, [the] Anointed One; = Jesus, [the] Messiah):
2 Peter 3:8-9
8 Yet now this one thing [p72: But in this] – let it not continue unnoticed, escape your detection, or be hidden from you – beloved ones, one day beside the Lord [is] as a thousand years, and yet a thousand years [is] as one day.
9 The Lord [= Yahweh] is not continually delaying the promise, as certain folks consider delay, but rather is constantly patient (long of emotion and slow in passion; long before rushing heatedly) unto you, constantly not intending any folks to be lost (or: to destroy themselves), but to the contrary, [for] all people to make room, allow space, give way and progress into a change of mind (or: = repentance and a return to God).
2 Peter 3:15-16
15 And so, make it a habit to consider the long-suffering patience of our Lord [= Yahweh, or Christ] [to be] deliverance (salvation; wholeness and health), according as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you, in accord with (or: down from) the wisdom being given to him (or: by him),
16 even as in all the letters, habitually speaking in them concerning these things, in which certain things are misunderstood (or: imperceptible to the mind; hard to understand), which the unlearned folks and unstable ones (unfounded ones; people not set fast and firm) repeatedly distort, as by twisting them out of place on a rack – as also the rest of the writings (or: Scriptures) – toward their own loss (or: ruin; destruction).
1 John 2:3-4
3 And so within this [situation], if we could be continuously watchful and would habitually keep, guard, observe, and maintain His implanted purposes and internalized goals (or: inner projections of destiny), we [would] progressively know through experience and continue to recognize with insight, because we have come to know Him, and we now experience Him intimately with insightful knowledge. (or: So in union with this [relationship] – should we constantly maintain His impartations from the finished product, and would observe His inward directives of destiny – we progressively know by experience, and recognize by insight, that we have known Him.)
4 The person who keeps on saying, "I have come to know Him by experience, " and yet is not habitually keeping (observing) His implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives), is a liar (exists being one who speaks falsehood) and God's Truth (the Reality of God; the Genuine Actuality which is God) is not (or: does not exist) within this one.
1 John 2:17
17 and the world (ordered System of religion, society, culture, economy and government) is progressively (or: constantly; repeatedly) being caused to pass along (pass by; pass away), as well as its over-desire (full passion; earnest wants; lust), yet the person constantly doing (or: performing) God's will (intent; purpose; desire) remains (abides; dwells) on into the Age (= the time and sphere characterized by the Messiah).
1 John 3:22-24
22 and whatever we may continuously ask (or: habitually request), we keep on progressively receiving from Him, because we are regularly keeping (attentively watching over, guarding and observing) His implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives of purpose and destiny) and are constantly doing (performing; constructing; producing) the things [that are] pleasing and acceptable in His sight (or: before Him).
23 And this is His implanted goal (impartation of the finished product within; inward directive of the end in mind): namely that we could, should and would be continuously believing, progressively trusting, and habitually faithful [other MSS: would at once place faith and trust] in and by the Name (or: constantly loyal to and for the Name; habitually full of faith with the Name) of His Son, Jesus Christ, and thus should be constantly (or: habitually; progressively) loving (accepting; overcoming estrangement to) one another, precisely (or: accordingly; correspondingly) as He gave [the] implanted goal (or: gives an impartation of the finished product within, with an inward directive of the purposed end and destiny) to us, for us and in us.
24 And the person habitually watching to attentively keep His implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives of destiny) continuously remains (dwells; abides; stays) within and in union with Him, and He Himself within and in union with him. And within this we are constantly coming to know by intimate experience that He is continuously abiding (dwelling; remaining; staying) within us and in union with us: from out of the Spirit (or: from the midst of the Breath-effect; forth from the attitude) which He gives (or: at one point gave) to us (or: in us).
1 John 5:2-3
2 Whenever we are (or: may be) habitually loving God, and then may be habitually doing or producing His implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward, purposed directives), in this [condition and situation] we progressively come to know by insight and intimate experiences that we are [also] normally loving God’s children.
3 You see, that we would continuously observe His imparted and implanted goals is itself the Love of God (or: the love which pertains to God; the Love which is God) (or: For this exists being love from God so that we can progressively watch over, keep, maintain and guard His interior finished product) – and His implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives) are not heavy (weighty, thus, burdensome) –
Jude 1:1
1 Judah, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of Jacob (= James), to those having been, and yet being, loved (accepted recipients of the drive for reunion; [other MSS: set-apart and made holy]) within God [the] Father, even (or: and) Jesus Christ; to kept and maintained folks, to called ones (or: for the people being loved in union with and within the midst of Father God, and now being watched over, guarded and protected in and by Jesus Christ – to invited ones)
Revelation 5:9
9 And they repeatedly sing a new song (ode; hymn), constantly saying, "You are worthy to take (of equal value to receive) the scroll (or: codex; book) and to open its seals, because You were (or: are) slaughtered and bought us by God (for God; in God; with God), within Your blood (or: in union with the blood which is You), from out of the midst of every tribe and tongue (or: language) and people and ethnic multitude (or: nation).
Revelation 7:17
17 "because (or: seeing that) the little Lamb – the One back up amidst the throne (or: the One again in the midst of the throne) – will continue shepherding [other MSS: is continuously shepherding] them, and will continue guiding [others: is continuously guiding] them upon springs of waters of life [other MSS: living springs of water]. And God will continue anointing (or: wiping and smearing) every tear shed from out of their eyes." [Isa. 49:10; Jer. 2:13; Ezk. 34:23; Ps. 23:1-2; Isa. 25:18]
Revelation 18:7
7 "As much as she glorified (or: glorifies) herself and indulged (lives in proud luxury), so much give to her examination (testing) by the touchstone and mourning (grief; sadness; sorrow), because within her heart she is continually saying, 'I continually sit as a queen, and I am not a widow; I may by no means see mourning (grief; sadness; sorrow; misery).'
Revelation 22:14
14 "Blessed (Happy) folks [are] the ones (folks; people) continually washing their garments (equipment) [other MSS: continually doing His inner goals], to the end that their authority (or: right; privilege) will continue being over (or: upon) the tree (pole) of The Life, and they may enter into the City by the gates.