1 Corinthians 7:21-24

JMNT(i) 21 Were you called [while being] a slave? Quit letting it be a concern or worry for you (Do not continue to let it be a care to you). But nonetheless, if you also continue to have the power and ability to become free (or: a freeman), make very much use of (or: all the more employ) [it]! (or: Instead, even if you presently have means to come to be at liberty, [choose] rather to use [your present situation].) 22 In fact, the person within the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] – being one that was called [when being] a slave – is [the] Lord's freed-person (or: exists being [Christ's or Yahweh's] emancipated slave). Likewise, the person being one that was called [when being] free, or a freedman, is Christ's slave. 23 You folks were bought, as at a marketplace: [there was] value and honor involved in the price (or: [you are] of value). Do not continue becoming slaves of humanity (or: Do not repeatedly come to be slaves of people). 24 Let each person, brothers (= fellow believers; family members) – within that which he was (or: she is) called – keep on remaining (dwelling; abiding) at God's side and presence within the midst of this.