1 Corinthians 7:2 Cross References - JMNT

2 Well, because of prostitutions (= the dangers of sexual immorality, or the lure of pagan temple prostitutes), let each man continually hold and be permanently having a wife (or: woman) for himself, and each woman be constantly holding and permanently having her own husband.

1 Corinthians 6:18

18 Constantly flee (Repeatedly take flight [from]) the prostitution. [note: this would also apply to idolatry in pagan temples which used prostitutes as part of the idol worship] The effect (or: result) of every sin (failure to hit the target; error; mistake) – whatsoever a person may do – exists being outside of the body. Yet the one habitually committing prostitution (practicing sexual immorality) is habitually sinning (sowing errors and mistakes) into his own body. [note: both his physical body, and the body of the called-out community]

1 Corinthians 7:9

9 Yet if they are not habitually having inner strength and control, [then] they must at once marry, for it is better to proceed to marry (or: to continue married) than to be repeatedly set on fire (or, as a middle: to progressively burn oneself [= with passion and desire]).

Ephesians 5:28

28 Thus (or: In like manner; In this way) the husbands also are continuouslyindebted (thus: obligated) to constantly love their wives as their own bodies (= persons).The one constantly loving his own wife continues loving himself,

Ephesians 5:33

33 Moreover, you men also, individually, each one thus (in this way) be continually loving his own wife (or: woman) as (or: as she were) himself, andso the result will be that the wife would continually have deep respect for (or: may habitually stand in reverential awe of; can normally be fearing with a healthy respect for) the husband (or: adult man).

1 Timothy 4:3

3 coming from people habitually forbidding (preventing; hindering) [folks] to be marrying [and to be] constantly abstaining from [certain] foods – which things God creates (or: created; reduced from a state of wildness and disorder) into something to be shared and partaken of with thanksgiving by those full of faith (by the faithful and loyal folks) and by those having experienced full, intimate knowledge and realization of the Truth (or: of Reality)!

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.