Micah 1:7

  7 G2532 και G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G1099.3 γλυπτά αυτής G1473   G2629 κατακόψουσι G2532 και G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G3410 μισθώματα αυτής G1473   G1714 εμπρήσουσιν G4442 πυρί G2532 και G3956 πάντα G3588 τα G1497 είδωλα αυτής G1473   G5087 θήσομαι G1519 εις G854 αφανισμόν G1360 διότι G1537 εκ G3410 μισθωμάτων G4202 πορνείας G4863 συνήγαγε G2532 και G1537 εκ G3410 μισθωμάτων G4204 πόρνης G2690 κατέστρεψεν
    7 G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα   A-APN γλυπτα G846 D-GSF αυτης G2629 V-FAI-3P κατακοψουσιν G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G3410 N-APN μισθωματα G846 D-GSF αυτης   V-FAI-3P εμπρησουσιν G1722 PREP εν G4442 N-DSN πυρι G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-APN παντα G3588 T-APN τα G1497 N-APN ειδωλα G846 D-GSF αυτης G5087 V-FMI-1S θησομαι G1519 PREP εις G854 N-ASM αφανισμον G1360 CONJ διοτι G1537 PREP εκ G3410 N-GPN μισθωματων G4202 N-GSF πορνειας G4863 V-AAI-3S συνηγαγεν G2532 CONJ και G1537 PREP εκ G3410 N-GPN μισθωματων G4202 N-GSF πορνειας   V-AAI-3S συνεστρεψεν
HOT(i) 7 וכל פסיליה יכתו וכל אתנניה ישׂרפו באשׁ וכל עצביה אשׂים שׁממה כי מאתנן זונה קבצה ועד אתנן זונה ישׁובו׃
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  7 H3605 וכל And all H6456 פסיליה the graven images H3807 יכתו thereof shall be beaten to pieces, H3605 וכל and all H868 אתנניה the hires H8313 ישׂרפו thereof shall be burned H784 באשׁ with the fire, H3605 וכל and all H6091 עצביה the idols H7760 אשׂים thereof will I lay H8077 שׁממה desolate: H3588 כי for H868 מאתנן of the hire H2181 זונה of a harlot, H6908 קבצה she gathered H5704 ועד to H868 אתנן the hire H2181 זונה of a harlot. H7725 ישׁובו׃ and they shall return
Vulgate(i) 7 et omnia sculptilia eius concidentur et omnes mercedes eius conburentur igni et omnia idola eius ponam in perditionem quia de mercedibus meretricis congregata sunt et usque ad mercedem meretricis revertentur
Clementine_Vulgate(i) 7 Et omnia sculptilia ejus concidentur, et omnes mercedes ejus comburentur igne, et omnia idola ejus ponam in perditionem, quia de mercedibus meretricis congregata sunt, et usque ad mercedem meretricis revertentur.
Wycliffe(i) 7 And alle `grauun ymagis therof schulen be betun togidere, and alle hiris therof schulen be brent in fier; and Y schal putte alle idols therof in to perdicioun; for of hiris of an hoore tho ben gaderid, and `til to hire of an hoore tho schulen turne ayen.
Coverdale(i) 7 All hir ymages shalbe broke downe & all hir wynnynges shal be brent in the fyre: yee all hir Idols will I destroye: for why, they are gathered out of the hyre of an whore, & in to an whores hyre shal they be turned agayne.
MSTC(i) 7 All her Images shall be broken down and all her winnings shall be burnt in the fire: yea, all her Idols will I destroy. For why? They are gathered out of the hire of a whore, and into a whore's hire shall they be turned again.
Matthew(i) 7 All her Images shalbe broken downe & all her wynnynges shalbe brent in the fyre: yee all her Idols wyll I destroye: for why, they are gathered out of the hyre of an whore, and in to an whores hyre shall they be turned agayne.
Great(i) 7 All her Images shall be broken downe & all her garmentes shall be brent in the fyre: yee, all her Idols will I destroye: for why? they are gathered out of the hyre of an whore, & into an whores hyre shall they be turned agayne.
Geneva(i) 7 And all the grauen images thereof shalbe broken, and all the giftes thereof shalbe burnt with the fire, and all the idoles thereof will I destroy: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall returne to the wages of an harlot.
Bishops(i) 7 All her images shalbe broken downe, and all her garmentes shalbe brent in the fire, yea: al her idols wyl I destroy: for they are gathered out of the hyre of an harlot, and into an harlots hyre shall they be turned againe
DouayRheims(i) 7 And all her graven things shall be cut in pieces, and all her wages shall be burnt with fire, and I will bring to destruction all her idols: for they were gathered together of the hire of a harlot, and unto the hire of a harlot they shall return.
KJV(i) 7 And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.
KJV_Cambridge(i) 7 And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.
Thomson(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be hacked to pieces; and all her earnings shall be burned with fire; and all her idols I will utterly destroy. Because from the earnings of fornication she collected, and from the earnings of fornication, amassed;
Webster(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her hires shall be burned with the fire, and all her idols will I lay desolate: for she gathered it from the hire of a harlot, and they shall return to the hire of a harlot.
Brenton(i) 7 And they shall cut in pieces all the graven images, and all that she has hired they shall burn with fire, and I will utterly destroy all her idols: because she has gathered of the hires of fornication, and of the hires of fornication has she amassed wealth.
Brenton_Greek(i) 7 Καὶ πάντα τὰ γλυπτὰ αὐτῆς κατακόψουσι, καὶ πάντα τὰ μισθώματα αὐτῆς ἐμπρήσουσιν ἐν πυρὶ, καὶ πάντα τὰ εἴδωλα αὐτῆς θήσομαι εἰς ἀφανισμόν· διότι ἐκ μισθωμάτων πορνείας συνήγαγε, καὶ ἐκ μισθωμάτων πορνείας συνέστρεψεν.
Leeser(i) 7 And all her graven images shall he beaten to pieces, and all her wages of sin shall be burnt with the fire, and all her idols will I make desolate; for from harlot’s wages she gathered them, and for harlot’s wages shall they be used again.
YLT(i) 7 And all her graven images are beaten down, And all her gifts are burnt with fire, And all her idols I make a desolation, For, from the hire of a harlot she gathered, and unto the hire of a harlot they return.
JuliaSmith(i) 7 And all her carved images shall be beaten down, and all her gifts shall be burnt in fire, and all her images I will set a desolation: for she gathered from the gift of a harlot, and they shall turn back even to the gift of a harlot
Darby(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her harlot-gifts shall be burned with fire, and all her idols will I make a desolation; for of the hire of a harlot hath she gathered [them], and to a harlot`s hire shall they return.
ERV(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her hires shall be burned with fire, and all her idols will I lay desolate: for of the hire of an harlot hath she gathered them, and unto the hire of an harlot shall they return.
ASV(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her hires shall be burned with fire, and all her idols will I lay desolate; for of the hire of a harlot hath she gathered them, and unto the hire of a harlot shall they return.
JPS_ASV_Byz(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her hires shall be burned with fire, and all her idols will I lay desolate; for of the hire of a harlot hath she gathered them, and unto the hire of a harlot shall they return.
Rotherham(i) 7 And, all her images, shall be beaten in pieces, and, all her rewards for unchastity, shall be burned in the fire, and, all her idols, will I make a desolation,––for, out of the reward of unchastity, she gathered [them], and, unto the reward of unchastity, shall they return.
CLV(i) 7 And all her carvings shall be pounded to pieces, and all her fees shall be burned with fire. And all her grief fetishes will I make a desolation; for from the fee of a prostitute she got them together, and unto the fee of a prostitute shall they return."
BBE(i) 7 And all her pictured images will be hammered into bits, and all the payments for her loose ways will be burned with fire, and all the images of her gods I will make waste: for with the price of a loose woman she got them together, and as the price of a loose woman will they be given back.
MKJV(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her gifts shall be burned with the fire, and I will destroy all its idols. For she gathered it from the reward of a harlot, and they shall return to the reward of a harlot.
LITV(i) 7 And all her carved images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her gifts for harlotry shall be burned with fire. And I will make all her idols a desolation. For she gathered it from the reward of a harlot, and they shall return to the reward of a harlot.
ECB(i) 7 and crush all the sculptiles and burn all the payoffs with the fire and desolate all the idols; for she gathers from the payoff of a whore and to the payoff of a whore they return:
ACV(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces. And all her wages shall be burned with fire, and I will lay desolate all her idols. For she has gathered them from the wages of a harlot, and to the wage of a harlot they shall return.
WEB(i) 7 All her idols will be beaten to pieces, and all her temple gifts will be burned with fire, and all her images I will destroy; for of the hire of a prostitute has she gathered them, and to the hire of a prostitute shall they return.”
NHEB(i) 7 All her idols will be beaten to pieces, and all her temple gifts will be burned with fire, and all her images I will destroy; for of the hire of a prostitute has she gathered them, and to the hire of a prostitute shall they return."
AKJV(i) 7 And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.
KJ2000(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be beaten to pieces, and all her pay shall be burned with the fire, and all her idols will I lay desolate: for she gathered it from the pay of a harlot, and they shall return to the pay of a harlot.
UKJV(i) 7 And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.
EJ2000(i) 7 And all her graven images shall be broken to pieces, and all her gifts shall be burned in the fire, and I will destroy all her idols, for she gathered it of the gifts of harlots, and they shall return unto gifts of harlots.
CAB(i) 7 And they shall cut in pieces all the graven images, and all that she has hired they shall burn with fire, and I will utterly destroy all her idols: because she has gathered of the hires of fornication, and of the hires of fornication has she amassed wealth.
LXX2012(i) 7 And they shall cut in pieces all the graven images, and all that she has hired they shall burn with fire, and I will utterly destroy all her idols: because she has gathered of the hires of fornication, and of the hires of fornication has she amassed [wealth].
NSB(i) 7 »All her images will be broken to pieces! All that she has earned will be burned with fire. I will destroy all her idols. She gathered them for the price of a prostitute and for the price of a prostitute they will return.«
ISV(i) 7 All of her carved images will be crushed to pieces, all the earnings of her prostitution will be burned up, and I will destroy all her idols; because she collected the wages of prostitution, and to the wages of prostitution they will return.”
LEB(i) 7 Then all her idols will be broken in pieces, and all her prostitution wages will be burned in the fire, and all her idols I will make a desolation, For from the wage of a prostitute she gathered them, and to the wage of a prostitute they will return.
BSB(i) 7 All her carved images will be smashed to pieces; all her wages will be burned in the fire, and I will destroy all her idols. Since she collected the wages of a prostitute, they will be used again on a prostitute.
MSB(i) 7 All her carved images will be smashed to pieces; all her wages will be burned in the fire, and I will destroy all her idols. Since she collected the wages of a prostitute, they will be used again on a prostitute.
MLV(i) 7 And all her graven images will be beaten to pieces. And all her wages will be burned with fire and I will lay desolate all her idols. For she has gathered them from the wages of a prostitute and to the wage of a prostitute they will return.
VIN(i) 7 "All her images will be broken to pieces! All that she has earned will be burned with fire. I will destroy all her idols. She gathered them for the price of a prostitute and for the price of a prostitute they will return."
Luther1545(i) 7 Alle ihre Götzen sollen zerbrochen und all ihr Hurenlohn soll mit Feuer verbrannt werden, und will alle ihre Bilder verwüsten; denn sie sind von Hurenlohn versammelt und sollen auch wieder Hurenlohn werden.
Luther1912(i) 7 Alle ihre Götzen sollen zerbrochen und all ihr Hurenlohn soll mit Feuer verbrannt werden; und ich will ihre Bilder verwüsten, denn sie sind von Hurenlohn zusammengebracht und sollen auch wieder Hurenlohn werden.
ELB1871(i) 7 Und alle ihre gegossenen Bilder werden zerschlagen und alle ihre Hurengeschenke mit Feuer verbrannt werden, und ich werde alle ihre Götzenbilder zur Wüste machen; denn sie hat sie durch Hurenlohn gesammelt, und zum Hurenlohn sollen sie wieder werden.
ELB1905(i) 7 Und alle ihre gegossenen Bilder werden zerschlagen und alle ihre Hurengeschenke mit Feuer verbrannt werden, und ich werde alle ihre Götzenbilder zur Wüste machen; denn sie hat sie durch Hurenlohn gesammelt, und zum Hurenlohn sollen sie wieder werden.
  7 H6456 Und alle ihre gegossenen Bilder H784 werden zerschlagen und alle ihre Hurengeschenke mit Feuer H8313 verbrannt werden, und ich werde H8077 alle ihre Götzenbilder zur Wüste H7760 machen H6908 ; denn sie hat H868 sie durch Hurenlohn H868 gesammelt, und zum Hurenlohn H7725 sollen sie wieder werden.
DSV(i) 7 En al haar gesneden beelden zullen vermorzeld worden, en al haar hoerenbeloningen zullen met vuur verbrand worden, en al haar afgoden zal Ik stellen tot een woestheid; want zij heeft ze van hoerenloon vergaderd, en zij zullen tot hoerenloon wederkeren.
Giguet(i) 7 Et toutes ses statues tomberont; et tous ses salaires qu’elle a reçus seront livrés aux flammes; et J’anéantirai toutes ses idoles; car elle a amassé des salaires de prostitution; et de ces salaires de prostitution elle s’est enrichie.
DarbyFR(i) 7 Et toutes ses images taillées seront mises en pièces; et tous ses présents de prostitution seront brûlés au feu; et je mettrai en désolation toutes ses idoles; car c'est avec un présent de prostituée qu'elle les a rassemblées, et elles redeviendront un présent de prostituée.
Martin(i) 7 Et toutes ses images taillées seront brisées, tous les salaires de sa prostitution seront brûlés au feu, et je mettrai tous ses faux dieux en désolation; parce qu'elle les a entassés par le moyen du salaire de sa prostitution, ils serviront de salaire à une prostituée.
Segond(i) 7 Toutes ses images taillées seront brisées, Tous ses salaires impurs seront brûlés au feu, Et je ravagerai toutes ses idoles: Recueillies avec le salaire de la prostitution, Elles deviendront un salaire de prostitutions...
SE(i) 7 Y todas sus esculturas serán despedazadas, y todos sus dones serán quemados en fuego, y asolaré todos sus ídolos; porque de dones de rameras se juntó, y a dones de rameras volverán.
ReinaValera(i) 7 Y todas sus estatuas serán despedazadas, y todos sus dones serán quemados en fuego, y asolaré todos sus ídolos; porque de dones de rameras los juntó, y á dones de rameras volverán.
JBS(i) 7 Y todas sus esculturas serán despedazadas, y todos sus dones serán quemados en fuego, y asolaré todos sus ídolos; porque de dones de rameras se juntó, y a dones de rameras volverán.
Albanian(i) 7 Të gjitha figurat e saj të gdhendura do të copëtohen, tërë fitimet e saj të prostitucionit do të digjen në zjarr dhe tërë idhujt e saj do t'i katandis në shkreti, sepse janë mbledhur me fitimet e prostitucionit, ato do të kthehen në fitime të prostitucionit.
RST(i) 7 Все истуканы ее будут разбиты и все любодейные дары ее сожжены будут огнем, и всех идолов ее предам разрушению, ибо из любодейных даров она устраивала их, на любодейныедары они и будут обращены.
Arabic(i) 7 وجميع تماثيلها المنحوتة تحطم وكل اعقارها تحرق بالنار وجميع اصنامها اجعلها خرابا لانها من عقر الزانية جمعتها والى عقر الزانية تعود
Bulgarian(i) 7 Всичките й изваяни идоли ще бъдат изпотрошени, всичките й възнаграждения за блудство ще бъдат изгорени в огън. И всичките й образи на идоли ще предам на унищожение, защото ги е събрала от възнаграждение за блудство, и на възнаграждение за блудство ще се обърнат.
Croatian(i) 7 Razbit će se svi njeni kipovi, sva će joj se plaća bludnička ognjem spaliti, raskomadat ću sve njene idole, jer su od bludničke plaće nakupljeni, i opet će postati plaćom bludničkom."
BKR(i) 7 A všecky rytiny její ztlučeny budou, i všickni darové její ohněm spáleni, a všecky modly její obrátím v pustinu. Nebo ze mzdy nevěstčí toho nashromáždila, protož se zase ke mzdě nevěstčí to navrátí.
Danish(i) 7 Og alle dens udskaarne Billeder skulle sønderslaas, og al dens Bolerløn opbrændes med Ild, og jeg vil ødelægge alle dens Afguder; thi den samlede dem af Bolerløn, og til Bolerløn skulle de atter vorde.
CUV(i) 7 她 一 切 雕 刻 的 偶 像 必 被 打 碎 ; 她 所 得 的 財 物 必 被 火 燒 ; 所 有 的 偶 像 我 必 毀 滅 ; 因 為 是 從 妓 女 雇 價 所 聚 來 的 , 後 必 歸 為 妓 女 的 雇 價 。
CUVS(i) 7 她 一 切 雕 刻 的 偶 象 必 被 打 碎 ; 她 所 得 的 财 物 必 被 火 烧 ; 所 冇 的 偶 象 我 必 毁 灭 ; 因 为 是 从 妓 女 雇 价 所 聚 来 的 , 后 必 归 为 妓 女 的 雇 价 。
Esperanto(i) 7 CXiuj gxiaj idoloj estos disbatitaj, cxiuj gxiaj promalcxastaj donacoj estos forbruligitaj per fajro, kaj cxiujn gxiajn statuojn Mi ruinigos; cxar per promalcxastaj donacoj gxi ilin arangxis, kaj promalcxastaj donacoj ili farigxos denove.
Finnish(i) 7 Kaikki heidän epäjumalansa pitää rikottaman, ja kaikki heidän palkkansa tulella poltettaman, ja minä hävitän kaikki heidän kuvansa; sillä he ovat porton palkasta kootut; sentähden pitää heidän jälleen porton palkaksi tuleman.
FinnishPR(i) 7 Kaikki sen jumalankuvat särjetään, kaikki sen portonpalkat poltetaan tulessa, ja kaikki sen epäjumalankuvat minä hävitän; sillä portonpalkoista se on ne koonnut, ja portonpalkoiksi pitää niitten jälleen tuleman.
Haitian(i) 7 Y'ap kraze tout zidòl yo an miyèt moso. Y'ap boule tou sa yo te ofri bay zidòl yo nan dife. M'ap fè kay zidòl yo tounen pil wòch. Pèp la te vire do bay Bondye lè yo t'ap fè zidòl sa yo, ou ta di madan marye k'ap fè jennès. Koulye a, y'ap peye pou vire yo te vire do bay Bondye a.
Hungarian(i) 7 Faragott képei mind összetöretnek és minden ajándékát tûz égeti meg. Minden bálványait semmivé teszem; mert paráznaság bérébõl gyûjtögette azokat, azért ismét paráznaság bérévé legyenek.
Indonesian(i) 7 Patung-patungnya yang berharga akan dihancurkan, dan setiap benda yang diberikan kepada wanita-wanita yang bertugas di kuil akan dibakar, serta segala berhalanya dibinasakan. Barang-barang itu adalah hasil ibadahnya kepada dewa kesuburan. Kini semuanya itu akan diangkut oleh musuh-musuhnya untuk persembahan syukur kepada dewa-dewa mereka."
Italian(i) 7 E tutte le sue sculture saranno tritate, e tutti i suoi premii di fornicazioni saranno arsi col fuoco, ed io metterò in desolazione tutti i suoi idoli; perciocchè ella ha adunate quelle cose di prezzo di meretrice, torneranno altresì ad esser prezzo di meretrice.
ItalianRiveduta(i) 7 Tutte le sue immagini scolpite saranno spezzate, tutti i salari della sua impudicizia saranno arsi col fuoco, e tutti i suoi idoli io li distruggerò; raccolti col salario della prostituzione, torneranno ad esser salari di prostituzione.
Korean(i) 7 그 새긴 우상을 다 파쇄하고 그 음행의 값을 다 불사르며 그 목상을 다 훼파하리니 그가 기생의 값으로 모았은즉 그것이 기생의 값으로 돌아가리라
Lithuanian(i) 7 Visi jos drožiniai bus sudaužyti ir sudeginti, visi stabai sunaikinti. Jie buvo įgyti iš paleistuvių užmokesčio ir jie vėl taps paleistuvių užmokesčiu”.
PBG(i) 7 I wszystkie obrazy jej ryte będą potłuczone, i wszystkie jej dary ogniem spalone, i wszystkie jej bałwany obrócę w pustynię; bo to z zapłaty nierządnicy zgromadziła, przetoż się to zaś na zapłatę nierządnicy obróci.
Portuguese(i) 7 Todas as suas imagens esculpidas serão despedaçadas, todos os seus salários serão queimados pelo fogo, e de todos os seus ídolos farei uma assolação; porque pelo salário de prostituta os ajuntou, e em salário de prostituta se tornarão.
Norwegian(i) 7 Og alle dets utskårne billeder skal sønderslås, og alle dets horegaver brennes op med ild, og alle dets avgudsbilleder vil jeg ødelegge; for av horelønn har det samlet dem, og til horelønn skal de atter bli.
Romanian(i) 7 Toate chipurile ei cioplite vor fi sfărîmate, toate plăţile ei de curvă vor fi arse în foc, şi -i voi pustii toţi idolii: căci din plăţi de curvă i -a adunat, şi în plăţi de curvă se vor preface...
Ukrainian(i) 7 І потовчені будуть усі її ідоли, всі ж дарунки її за розпусту попалені будуть в огні, і всіх бовванів її Я віддам на спустошення. Бо зібрала вона від дарунків за блуд, і на подарунки за блуд це повернеться.