6 just as Abraham, "trusts in God (or: believed by God; experienced confidence with God),
and he is/was at once logically considered by Him [
that he had come]
into a right relationship (or: and it was counted for him into a rightwised [covenantal] relationship with freedom from guilt, equity and justice which comprise the Way pointed out)? [
Gen. 15:6]
7 Be assured consequently, by your experiential knowledge and insight, (or, as an indicative: Surely you are coming to know)
that the folks [
forth from out of the midst of faith (or: whose source is trust and confidence),
these are Abraham's sons!
8 Now the Scripture – seeing before [
as a picture]
that God is progressively putting the nations in rightwised relationship (setting the ethnic groups of non-Jews into the Way pointed out and freeing them from guilt)
from out of faith –
announced to (or: for)
Abraham beforehand the message of goodness, ease and well-being (or: And further – the Scripture perceiving in advance and making provision that He is presently making the multitudes fair and equitable {or: = including the Gentiles in the covenant} from trust and conviction as a source – God brought-before in Abraham the glad tidings of goodness {a gospel; an evangel}),
namely that, "All the nations, ethnic groups and multitudes will continuously and progressively be inwardly blessed (receive the inner Word of wellness; participate within the Good Word)
in a union with you (or: within you; in you; or: = in relation to you; or: = as in your case)." [
Gen. 12:3; 22:18]
9 So then, those from out of faith (or: = folks who are derived from trust and confidence and who come from a place of loyal allegiance)
are being constantly blessed (repeatedly given the Word of wellness; continuously made to participate in the Good Word)
together with the full-of-faith Abraham (or: the trusting, believing, convinced and loyal Abraham).