RYLT(i)8 but having food and raiment -- with these we shall suffice ourselves;
EJ2000(i)8 So that, sustenance and covering, let us be content with this.
CAB(i)8 But having food and clothing, with these things we shall be content.
WPNT(i)8 So having food and clothing we will be content with that.
JMNT(i)8So, continuously holding (or: having) nourishments (foods; sustenance) and effects of coverings (clothing or shelter) we will constantly be defended, made a match for, and warded off by these things (or: we shall habitually be contentedly satisfied with and sufficed in these things).
NSB(i)8 We should be content with having food and covering.
ISV(i)8With food to eat and clothes to wear; content we are in everything.
LEB(i)8 But if we* have food and clothing, with these things we will be content.
SE(i)8 Así que, teniendo sustento y con qué cubrirnos, estemos contentos con esto.
ReinaValera(i)8 Así que, teniendo sustento y con qué cubrirnos, seamos contentos con esto.
JBS(i)8 Así que, teniendo sustento y con qué cubrirnos, estemos contentos con esto.
Albanian(i)8 Por ata që dëshirojnë të pasurohen, bien në tundim, në lak dhe në shumë pasione të paarsyeshme dhe të dëmshme, që i plandosin njerëzit në rrënim dhe shkatërrim.
RST(i)8 Имея пропитание и одежду, будем довольны тем.