Luke 2:23-32

WestSaxon990(i) 23 swa swa on drihtnes æ. awriten is; þt ælc wæpned gecÿnd-lïm. ontynende. byð drihtne halig genemned; 24 And þt hig offrunge seäldon æfter þam þe drihtnes æ. gecweden is. twa turtlan. oððe twegen culfran briddas. 25 & þa wæs än man on hierusalem þæs nama wæs simeon & þes man wæs riht-wïs & oþ israhela frofor geanbidiende. & häli gast him on wæs. 26 & he andsware fram þam halegan gaste onfeng. þt he deað ne gesawe. buton he ær drihten crist gesawe; 27 And on gaste he on þt tempel cöm. & þa his magas læddon þone hælend. þt hig for him æfter þære .æ. gewunan dydon. 28 he onfeng hine mid his handum. & god bletsode & cwæð; 29 Drihten. nu þu lætst þinne þeow æfter þinum worde on sibbe; 30 Forðam mïne eagan gesawon þine hæle. 31 ða þu ge-earwodest beforan ansyne eallra folca; 32 Leoht to þeoda awrigenesse & to þines folces wuldre ISRAHEL.