Romans 4:13-18

  13 G1063 For G1860 the promise G1511 [G5750] , that he should be G846 the G2818 heir G2889 of the world G3756 , was not G11 to Abraham G2228 , or G846 to his G4690 seed G1223 , through G3551 the law G235 , but G1223 through G1343 the righteousness G4102 of faith.
  14 G1063 For G1487 if G1537 they who are of G3551 the law G2818 are heirs G4102 , faith G2758 [G5769] is made void G2532 , and G1860 the promise G2673 [G5769] made of no effect:
  15 G1063 Because G3551 the law G2716 [G5736] worketh G3709 wrath G1063 : for G3757 where G3756 no G3551 law G2076 [G5748] is G3761 , there is no G3847 transgression.
  16 G1223 G5124 Therefore G1537 it is of G4102 faith G2443 , that G2596 it might be by G5485 grace G1519 ; to the end G1860 the promise G1511 [G5750] might be G949 sure G3956 to all G4690 the seed G3756 ; not G3440 to that only G1537 which is of G3551 the law G235 , but G2532 to that also G1537 which is of G4102 the faith G11 of Abraham G3739 ; who G2076 [G5748] is G3962 the father G2257 of us G3956 all,
  17 G2531 (As G1125 [G5769] it is written G3754 , G5087 [G5758] I have made G4571 thee G3962 a father G4183 of many G1484 nations G2713 ,) before G3739 him whom G4100 [G5656] he believed G2316 , even God G2227 [G5723] , who giveth life to G3498 the dead G2532 , and G2564 [G5723] calleth G5607 [G5752] those things which are G3361 not G5613 as though G5607 [G5752] they were.
  18 G3739 Who G3844 against G1680 hope G4100 [G5656] believed G1909 with G1680 hope G1519 , that G846 he G1096 [G5635] should become G3962 the father G4183 of many G1484 nations G2596 , according G2046 [G5772] to that which was spoken G3779 , So G2071 0 shall G4675 thy G4690 seed G2071 [G5704] be.