Romans 4:13-18

Matthew(i) 13 For the promes that he shoulde be the heyre of the worlde, was not geuen to Abraham or to hys sede thorowe the lawe: but thorow the ryghtuousnesse which commeth of fayth. 14 For yf they whiche are of the lawe, be heyres, then is fayth but vayne, and the promes of none effecte. 15 Because the lawe causeth wrath. For where no lawe is, there is no transgressyon. 16 Therfore by fayth is the inheritaunce geuen, that it myght come of fauoure: and the promes myghte be sure to all the seed. Not to them onelye, which are of the lawe: but also to them whiche are of the fayth of Abraham, which is the father of vs all. 17 As it is written: I haue made the a father to manye nacyons, euen before God whome thou haste beleued, whiche quickeneth the deade, and called those thinges whiche be not, as thoughe they were. 18 Whiche Abraham contrary to hope, beleued in hope that he shoulde be the father of manye nacyons, accordynge to that whiche was spoken.