13 For not through law is the promise to Abraham, or to his Seed, for him to be enjoyer of the allotment of the world, but through faith's righteousness."
14 For if those of law are enjoyers of the allotment, faith has been made void and the promise has been nullified,
15 for the law is producing indignation. Now where no law is, neither is there transgression."
16 Therefore it is of faith that it may accord with grace, for the promise to be confirmed to the entire seed, not to those of the law only, but to those also of the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all,
17 according as it is written that, A father of many nations have I appointed you - facing which, he believes it of the God Who is vivifying the dead and calling what is not as if it were -"
18 who, being beyond expectation, believes in expectation, for him to become the father of many nations, according to that which has been declared, "Thus shall be your seed."