Galatians 1:6-12

  6 G2296 [G5719] I marvel G3754 that G3346 0 ye are G3779 so G5030 soon G3346 [G5727] turning G575 from G2564 [G5660] him that called G5209 you G1722 into G5485 the grace G5547 of Christ G1519 to G2087 another G2098 gospel:
  7 G3739 Which G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G243 another G1526 [G5748] ; but there are G5100 some G1508 that G5015 [G5723] trouble G5209 you G2532 , and G2309 [G5723] would G3344 [G5658] pervert G2098 the gospel G5547 of Christ.
  8 G235 But G2532 G1437 though G2249 we G2228 , or G32 an angel G1537 from G3772 heaven G2097 [G5735] , should preach any other gospel G5213 to you G3844 than G3739 that which G2097 [G5668] we have preached G5213 to you G2077 [G5749] , let him be G331 accursed.
  9 G5613 As G4280 [G5758] we said before G2532 , so G3004 [G5719] I say G737 now G3825 again G1536 , If any G2097 0 man preacheth G3844 0 any other G2097 [G5731] gospel G5209 to you G3844 than G3739 that G3880 [G5627] ye have received G2077 [G5749] , let him be G331 accursed.
  10 G1063 For G3982 0 do I G737 now G3982 [G5719] seek the favour of G444 men G2228 , or G2316 God G2228 ? or G2212 [G5719] do I seek G700 [G5721] to please G444 men G1063 ? for G1487 if G700 0 I G2089 yet G700 [G5707] pleased G444 men G302 , I should G3756 not G2252 [G5713] be G1401 the servant G5547 of Christ.
  11 G1161 But G1107 [G5719] I make known to G5213 you G80 , brethren G3754 , that G2098 the gospel G3588 which G2097 [G5685] was preached G5259 by G1700 me G2076 [G5748] is G3756 not G2596 according to G444 man.
  12 G1063 For G1473 I G3761 neither G3880 [G5627] received G846 it G3844 from G444 man G3777 , neither G1321 [G5681] was I taught G235 it, but G1223 by G602 the revelation G2424 of Jesus G5547 Christ.