Zechariah 3:2-5

  2 H3068 Yahweh H559 said H7854 to Satan, H3068 "Yahweh H1605 rebuke H7854 you, Satan! H3068 Yes, Yahweh H977 who has chosen H3389 Jerusalem H1605 rebuke H181 you! Isn't this a burning stick H5337 plucked H784 out of the fire?"
  3 H3091 Now Joshua H3847 was clothed H6674 with filthy H899 garments, H5975 and was standing H6440 before H4397 the angel.
  4 H6030 He answered H559 and spoke H5975 to those who stood H6440 before H559 him, saying, H6674 "Take the filthy H899 garments H5493 off H559 of him." To him he said, H7200 "Behold, H5771 I have caused your iniquity H5674 to pass H3847 from you, and I will clothe H4254 you with rich clothing."
  5 H559 I said, H7760 "Let them set H2889 a clean H6797 turban H7218 on his head." H7760 So they set H2889 a clean H6797 turban H7218 on his head, H3847 and clothed H899 him; H4397 and the angel H3068 of Yahweh H5975 was standing by.