Amos 2

Matthew(i) 1 Thus sayeth the Lorde: For thre & foure wyckednesses of Moab, I wil not spare him: because he brente the bones of the kyng of Edom to ashes. 2 Therfor wil I sende a fyre into Moab, which shal consume the palaces of Carioth, so that Moab shal perysh with a noyse, & the sounde of a shawme. 3 I wyl rote oute the iudge from amonge them, & slaye all hys prynces with him, sayeth the lord. 4 Thus sayth the Lorde: for thre and foure wickednesses of Iuda, I wil not spare hym: because he hath cast a syde the lawe of the Lord, & not kepte his commaundementes: for why, they wolde nedes be disceyued with the lyes, that theyr forefathers folowed. 5 Therfore wyl I sende a fyre into Iuda, whiche shall consume the palaces of Ierusalem. 6 Thus sayth the Lorde: For thre and foure wickednesses of Israel, I wyl not spare hym: because he hath solde the ryghteous for money, and the poore for shues. 7 They treade vpon poore mens heades, in the duste of the earthe, & croke the wayes of the meke. The sonne and the father go to the harlot, to dyshonoure thy holye name, 8 they lye besyde euery aulter vpon clothes taken to pledge, and in the house of theyr Goddes they drincke the wyne of the oppressed. 9 Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, that was as hye as the Cedre trees, and as stronge as the okes: notwithstandynge I destroied his frute from aboue, and his rote from vnder. 10 Agayne: I broughte you oute of the lande of Egypte, and led you .xl. yeares thorowe the wyldernesse, that ye myghte haue the Amorytes lande in possession. 11 I raysed vp prophetes amonge your children, and absteyners among youre younge men. Is it not so. O ye chyldren of Israel, sayeth the Lorde? 12 But ye gaue the abstayners wyne to drincke, yea ye commaunded the Prophetes, sayinge: Prophecye not. 13 Beholde, I will crashe you in sonder, lyke as a wayne crassheth, that is full of sheaues, 14 so that the swifte shall not escape, nether the strong be able to do anye thynge: no, the gyaunt shal not saue hys owne lyfe. 15 The archer shal not abyde, and the swyfte of fote shall not escape. The horsman shal not saue hys lyfe 16 & he that is as manlye of stomacke as a gyaunte, shall in that day be fayne to runne hys waye naked, sayeth the Lorde.