Joel 2:28-32

  28 H310 And it shall come to pass afterward H8210 , that I will pour out [H8799]   H7307 my spirit H1320 upon all flesh H1121 ; and your sons H1323 and your daughters H5012 shall prophesy [H8738]   H2205 , your old men H2492 shall dream [H8799]   H2472 dreams H970 , your young men H7200 shall see [H8799]   H2384 visions:
  29 H5650 And also upon the servants H8198 and upon the handmaids H3117 in those days H8210 will I pour out [H8799]   H7307 my spirit.
  30 H5414 And I will shew [H8804]   H4159 wonders H8064 in the heavens H776 and in the earth H1818 , blood H784 , and fire H8490 , and pillars H6227 of smoke.
  31 H8121 The sun H2015 shall be turned [H8735]   H2822 into darkness H3394 , and the moon H1818 into blood H6440 , before H1419 the great H3372 and the terrible [H8737]   H3117 day H3068 of the LORD H935 come [H8800]  .
  32 H7121 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call [H8799]   H8034 on the name H3068 of the LORD H4422 shall be delivered [H8735]   H2022 : for in mount H6726 Zion H3389 and in Jerusalem H6413 shall be deliverance H3068 , as the LORD H559 hath said [H8804]   H8300 , and in the remnant H3068 whom the LORD H7121 shall call [H8802]  .
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  28 H1961 והיה And it shall come to pass H310 אחרי afterward, H3651 כן afterward, H8210 אשׁפוך I will pour out H853 את   H7307 רוחי my spirit H5921 על upon H3605 כל all H1320 בשׂר flesh; H5012 ונבאו shall prophesy, H1121 בניכם and your sons H1323 ובנותיכם and your daughters H2205 זקניכם your old men H2492 חלמות shall dream H2472 יחלמון dreams, H970 בחוריכם your young men H2384 חזינות visions: H7200 יראו׃ shall see
  29 H1571 וגם And also H5921 על upon H5650 העבדים the servants H5921 ועל and upon H8198 השׁפחות the handmaids H3117 בימים days H1992 ההמה in those H8210 אשׁפוך will I pour out H853 את   H7307 רוחי׃ my spirit.
  30 H5414 ונתתי And I will show H4159 מופתים wonders H8064 בשׁמים in the heavens H776 ובארץ and in the earth, H1818 דם blood, H784 ואשׁ and fire, H8490 ותימרות and pillars H6227 עשׁן׃ of smoke.
  31 H8121 השׁמשׁ The sun H2015 יהפך shall be turned H2822 לחשׁך into darkness, H3394 והירח and the moon H1818 לדם into blood, H6440 לפני before H935 בוא come. H3117 יום day H3068 יהוה of the LORD H1419 הגדול the great H3372 והנורא׃ and the terrible
  32 H1961 והיה And it shall come to pass, H3605 כל whosoever H834 אשׁר whosoever H7121 יקרא shall call H8034 בשׁם on the name H3068 יהוה of the LORD H4422 ימלט shall be delivered: H3588 כי for H2022 בהר in mount H6726 ציון Zion H3389 ובירושׁלם and in Jerusalem H1961 תהיה shall be H6413 פליטה deliverance, H834 כאשׁר as H559 אמר hath said, H3068 יהוה the LORD H8300 ובשׂרידים and in the remnant H834 אשׁר whom H3068 יהוה the LORD H7121 קרא׃ shall call.