Luke 11:21-26

  21 G3752 When G2478 a strong man G2528 armed [G5772]   G5442 keepeth [G5725]   G833 his G1438 palace G846 , his G5224 goods [G5723]   G2076 are [G5748]   G1722 in G1515 peace:
  22 G1161 But G1875 when G2478 a stronger G846 than he G1904 shall come upon him [G5631]   G3528 , and overcome [G5661]   G846 him G142 , he taketh [G5719]   G846 from him G3833 all his armour G1909 wherein G3739   G3982 he trusted [G5714]   G2532 , and G1239 divideth [G5719]   G846 his G4661 spoils.
  23 G5607 He that is [G5752]   G3361 not G3326 with G1700 me G2076 is [G5748]   G2596 against G1700 me G2532 : and G4863 he that gathereth [G5723]   G3361 not G3326 with G1700 me G4650 scattereth [G5719]  .
  24 G3752 When G169 the unclean G4151 spirit G1831 is gone [G5632]   G575 out of G444 a man G1330 , he walketh [G5736]   G1223 through G504 dry G5117 places G2212 , seeking [G5723]   G372 rest G2532 ; and G2147 finding [G5723]   G3361 none G3004 , he saith [G5719]   G5290 , I will return [G5692]   G1519 unto G3450 my G3624 house G3606 whence G1831 I came out [G5627]  .
  25 G2532 And G2064 when he cometh [G5631]   G2147 , he findeth [G5719]   G4563 it swept [G5772]   G2532 and G2885 garnished [G5772]  .
  26 G5119 Then G4198 goeth he [G5736]   G2532 , and G3880 taketh [G5719]   G2033 to him seven G2087 other G4151 spirits G4191 more wicked G1438 than himself G2532 ; and G1525 they enter in [G5631]   G2730 , and dwell [G5719]   G1563 there G2532 : and G2078 the last G1565 state of that G444 man G1096 is [G5736]   G5501 worse G4413 than the first.
  21 G3752 οταν When G3588 ο The G2478 ισχυρος Strong "man" G2528 (G5772) καθωπλισμενος Being Armed G5442 (G5725) φυλασση   G3588 την May Keep G1438 εαυτου   G833 αυλην His Own Dwelling, G1722 εν In G1515 ειρηνη Peace G2076 (G5748) εστιν   G3588 τα Are G5224 (G5723) υπαρχοντα   G846 αυτου His Goods;
  22 G1875 επαν   G1161 δε But As Soon As G3588 ο The G2478 ισχυροτερος Stronger G846 αυτου Than He G1904 (G5631) επελθων Coming Upon "him" G3528 (G5661) νικηση Shall Overcome G846 αυτον   G3588 την Him, G3833 πανοπλιαν Panoply G846 αυτου His G142 (G5719) αιρει He Takes Away G1909 εφ In G3739 η Which G3982 (G5714) επεποιθει He Had Trusted, G2532 και   G3588 τα And G4661 σκυλα   G846 αυτου His Spoils G1239 (G5719) διαδιδωσιν He Divides.
  23 G3588 ο   G3361 μη He G5607 (G5752) ων That Is Not G3326 μετ With G1700 εμου Me G2596 κατ Against G1700 εμου Me G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is, G2532 και And G3588 ο   G3361 μη He That G4863 (G5723) συναγων Gathers Not G3326 μετ With G1700 εμου Me G4650 (G5719) σκορπιζει Scatters.
  24 G3752 οταν When G3588 το The G169 ακαθαρτον Unclean G4151 πνευμα Spirit G1831 (G5632) εξελθη Is Gone Out G575 απο From G3588 του The G444 ανθρωπου Man, G1330 (G5736) διερχεται He Goes G1223 δι Through G504 ανυδρων Dry G5117 τοπων Places, G2212 (G5723) ζητουν Seeking G372 αναπαυσιν Rest; G2532 και And G3361 μη Not G2147 (G5723) ευρισκον Finding "any" G3004 (G5719) λεγει He Says, G5290 (G5692) υποστρεψω I Will Return G1519 εις   G3588 τον To G3624 οικον   G3450 μου My House G3606 οθεν Whence G1831 (G5627) εξηλθον I Came Out.
  25 G2532 και And G2064 (G5631) ελθον Having Come G2147 (G5719) ευρισκει He Finds "it" G4563 (G5772) σεσαρωμενον Swept G2532 και And G2885 (G5772) κεκοσμημενον Adorned.
  26 G5119 τοτε Then G4198 (G5736) πορευεται He Goes G2532 και And G3880 (G5719) παραλαμβανει Takes G2033 επτα Seven G2087 ετερα Other G4151 πνευματα Spirits G4190 πονηροτερα More Wicked G1438 εαυτου Than Himself, G2532 και And G1525 (G5631) εισελθοντα Having Entered G2730 (G5719) κατοικει They Dwell G1563 εκει There; G2532 και And G1096 (G5736) γινεται Becomes G3588 τα The G2078 εσχατα   G3588 του Last G444 ανθρωπου Man G1565 εκεινου Of That G5501 χειρονα Worse G3588 των Than The G4413 πρωτων First.