3 Grete Prisca and Aquila my helpers in Christ Iesu,
4 whych haue for my lyfe layde downe their awne neckes. Unto whom not I onely geue thankes, but also all the congregacions of the Gentyls.
5 Lyke wyse, grete the congregacion that is in their house. Salute my welbeloued Ephenetes, which is the fyrst frute of Achaia in Christ.
6 Grete Mary which bestowed moch labour on vs.
7 Salute Andronicus and Iunia my cosyns, and presoners with me also: which are well taken amonge the Apostles, & were in Christ before me.
8 Grete Amplias my beloued in the Lorde.
9 Salute Urban oure helper in Christ, & Stachys my beloued.
10 Salute Appelles approued in Christ. Salute them, which are of Aristobolus housholde.
11 Salute Herodion my kynsman. Grete them that be of the housholde of Narcissus, whych are in the Lorde.
12 Salute Triphena and Triphosa, whych labour in the Lorde. Salute the beloued Persis, which laboured moch in the Lorde.
13 Salute Rufus chosen in the Lorde, and his mother and myne.
14 Grete Asyncritus, Phlegon, Herman, Patrobas, Mercurius, and the brethren which are wyth them.
15 Salute Philologus and Iulia, Nereus and his syster, and Olympha, & all the saynctes which are with them.
16 Salute one another wyth an holy kysse. The congregacions of Christ salute you.