Psalms 10

ECB(i) 1 Why stand you afar off, O Yah Veh? Why conceal yourself in times of tribulation? 2 The pompous wicked hotly pursue the humble; - grab them in the intrigue they machinate: 3 because the wicked halal the desire of his soul and bless the greedy whom Yah Veh scorns. 4 The wicked, through lifted nostrils, seek not: Elohim is not! are all his intrigues: 5 his ways writhe at all times. Your judgments in the heights are from his sight; as for all his tribulators, he puffs at them. 6 He says in his heart, I totter not from generation to generation - never in evil. 7 His mouth is full of oaths and deceits and fraud; under his tongue is toil and mischief; 8 he settles in the lurks of the courts; he slaughters the innocent in the coverts; he hides his eyes from the unfortunate: 9 he lurks in the coverts as a lion in his sukkoth/brush arbor; he lurks to catch the humble; he catches the humble drawing him into his net. 10 He crushes; he prostrates; his mighty fells the army of the unfortunates. 11 He says in his heart, El forgets! he hides his face; he sees it not in perpetuity. 12 Rise, O Yah Veh; O El, lift your hand: forget not the humble. 13 The wicked - why scorn they Elohim? He says in his heart, Not required! 14 You see; for you scan toil and vexation, they give into your hand; they leave the unfortunate to you you - the helper of the orphan. 15 Break the arm of the wicked and the evil; seek out his wickedness until you find none. 16 Yah Veh is Sovereign eternally and eternally; the goyim destruct from his land. 17 O Yah Veh, you hear the desire of the humble; you prepare their heart; you hearken your ear; 18 to judge the orphan and the oppressed that the man of the earth not terrify again.