Psalms 10

Thomson(i) 1 Why, O Lord, hast thou stood at a distance; dost thou overlook at proper occasions; in adversity? 2 When the wicked exulteth with pride, the poor is set on fire; they are caught by the counsels which they devise. 3 Because the sinner is praised for the desires of his soul; therefore he who committeth injustice is blessed. 4 The sinner hath greatly provoked the Lord; according to his great anger will he not make inquisition? God is not before his eyes; 5 his ways are polluted on every occasion. Thy judgments are removed from his sight; shall he have a mastery over all his enemies? 6 For he said in his heart, I shall not he moved and I shall never be in adversity. 7 Is not his mouth full of cursing, and bitterness and deceit? 8 Under his tongue there is mischief and sorrow. He sat in secret places with the rich to slay the innocent; His eyes are on the watch for the distressed. 9 He lurketh in secret like a lion in his den; He lurketh to make a prey of the poor. To make a prey of the poor when he hath drawn him in; in his net he will humble him. 10 He will stoop and crouch at his tyrannising over the poor; 11 For he said in his heart God hath forgotten; He hath turned his face from ever seeing. 12 Arise, Lord God, let thy hand be lifted up; Forget not the oppressed. 13 Why hath the wicked provoked God?; For he said in his heart, He will not make inquisition. 14 Thou seest [for thou observest mischief and wrath]; That they have delivered themselves into thy hands. To thee the poor hath committed himself; Thou art the helper of the fatherless. 15 Break the arm of the sinful and malicious man. Let his sin be sought out till no more can be found. 16 Let the Lord reign for ever and ever! Perish ye nations out of his land! 17 The Lord hath hearkened to the desire of the oppressed: Thine ear hath attended to the preparation of their heart; 18 to administer justice to the fatherless and the weak: That man may no longer continue his insolence in the land.