1 Samuel 19

ECB(i) 1
And Shaul words to Yah Nathan his son and to all his servants to deathify David: 2 and Yah Nathan son of Shaul delights mightily in David: and Yah Nathan tells David, saying, Shaul my father seeks to deathify you: and now, I beseech you, guard yourself until the morning and settle covertly and hide: 3 And I - I go and stand at the hand of my father in the field where you are and word of you with my father; and what I see, I tell you. 4 And Yah Nathan words good of David to Shaul his father and says to him, O that the sovereign not sin against his servant - against David; because he sins not against you and because his works toward you are very mighty: 5 for he set his soul in his palm and smote the Peleshethiy; and Yah Veh worked a great salvation for all Yisra El: you saw and cheered: so why sin against innocent blood, to deathify David gratuitously? 6 And Shaul hearkens to the voice of Yah Nathan: and Shaul oaths, As Yah Veh lives, deathify him not. 7 And Yah Nathan calls David and Yah Nathan tells him all those words: and Yah Nathan brings David to Shaul and he is at his face as three yesters ago. 8 And there adds to be war: and David goes out and fights the Peleshethiy and smites them with a great stroke; and they flee his face. 9 And the evil spirit from Yah Veh is on Shaul, as he settles in his house with his spear in his hand: and David strums with his hand: 10 and Shaul seeks to smite David to the wall with the spear: but he bursts forth from the face of Shaul and he smites the spear into the wall: and David flees and escapes that night. 11 And Shaul sends angels to the house of David to guard him - to deathify him in the morning: and Michal the woman of David tells him, saying, If you rescue not your soul tonight, tomorrow they deathify you. 12 So Michal descends David through a window: and he goes and flees and escapes: 13 And Michal takes the teraphim and set them in the bed; and sets a mattress of doe goats for his headpieces and covers them with a cloth. 14 And Shaul sends angels to take David, and she says, He is sick. 15 And Shaul sends the angels to see David, saying, Ascend him to me in the bed, and I deathify him. 16 And the angels come in, and behold, the teraphim in the bed, with a mattress of doe goats for their headpieces. 17 And Shaul says to Michal, Why have you deceived me so and send away my enemy to escape? And Michal says to Shaul, He says to me, Send me away. Why deathify you? 18 So David flees and escapes and comes to Shemu El to Ramah; and tells him all Shaul works to him: and he and Shemu El go and settle in Navith. 19 And someone tells Shaul, saying, Behold, David is at Navith in Ramah. 20 And Shaul sends angels to take David: and they see the assembly of the prophets prophesying and Shemu El stands stationed over them, the Spirit of Elohim is on the angels of Shaul and they also prophesy. 21 And someone tells Shaul and he sends other angels and they also prophesy: and Shaul sends angels the third time and they also prophesy. 22 Then he goes to Ramah and comes to a great well in Sechu: and he asks and says, Where are Shemu El and David? And one says, Behold, at Navith in Ramah. 23 And he goes to Navith in Ramah: and the Spirit of Elohim is on him - him also and in walking, he walks on and prophesies until he comes to Navith in Ramah: 24 and he strips his clothes - he also and prophesies at the face of Shemu El and falls naked all that day and all that night. So they say, Is Shaul also among the prophets?