Mark 14:43-65

Bishops(i) 43 And immediatly whyle he yet spake, commeth Iudas, which was one of the twelue, and with hym a great number of people, with swordes & staues, from the hye priestes, and scribes, and elders 44 And he that betrayed hym, had geuen them a general token, saying: Who soeuer I do kysse, that same is he, take hym, and leade hym away warely 45 And assoone as he was come, he goeth strayghtway to hym, and sayth vnto hym: Maister, Maister, and kissed hym 46 And they layde their handes on hym, and toke hym 47 And one of them that stoode by, drewe out a sworde, & smote a seruaunt of the hye priest, and cut of his eare 48 And Iesus aunswered, and saide vnto them: Ye be come out as vnto a thiefe with swordes and with staues, for to take me 49 I was dayly with you in the temple, teachyng, and ye toke me not, [but these thynges come to passe,] that the Scriptures shoulde be fulfylled 50 And they all forsooke hym, & ranne away 51 And there folowed hym, a certayne young man, clothed in lynnen vpon the bare: and the young men caught hym 52 And he left his lynnen garment, and fled from them naked 53 And they ledde Iesus away to the hyest priest, and with hym came all the hye priestes, and the elders, and the scribes 54 And Peter folowed hym a great way of, euen tyl he was come into the palace of the hye priest, and he sate with the seruauntes, and warmed hym selfe at the fyre 55 And the hye priestes, and all the councell sought for witnesse agaynst Iesus, to put hym to death, and founde none 56 For many bare false witnesse agaynst hym, but their witnesse agreed not together 57 And there arose certayne, and brought false witnesse agaynst hym, saying 58 We hearde hym say: I wyll destroy this temple that is made with handes, and within three dayes I wyll buylde another, made without handes 59 But yet their witnesse agreed not together 60 And the hye priest stoode vp amongest them, and asked Iesus, saying: Aunswerest thou nothyng? Howe is it that these beare witnesse agaynst thee 61 But he helde his peace, & aunswered nothyng. Agayne, the hyest priest asked hym, and sayde vnto hym: Art thou Christe, the sonne of the blessed 62 And Iesus sayde, I am: And ye shall see the sonne of man sittyng on the ryght hande of power, and commyng in the cloudes of heauen 63 Then the hye priest rent his clothes, and sayde: What neede we any further witnesses 64 Ye haue hearde blasphemie: what thinke ye? And they all condemned him to be worthy of death 65 And some began to spyt at hym, and to couer his face, and to beate hym with fistes, and to say vnto hym, prophecie. And the seruauntes dyd beate hym with roddes