Ephesians 2:11-16

  11 G1352 Why G3421 remember, G4218 that you being in time G1484 past Gentiles G4561 in the flesh, G3588 who G3004 are called G203 Uncircumcision G3588 by that which G3004 is called G4061 the Circumcision G4561 in the flesh G5499 made G5499 by hands;
  12 G1722 That at G2540 that time G5565 you were without G5547 Christ, G526 being aliens G4174 from the commonwealth G2474 of Israel, G3581 and strangers G1242 from the covenants G1860 of promise, G2192 having G3361 no G1680 hope, G112 and without G112 God G2889 in the world:
  13 G3570 But now G5547 in Christ G2424 Jesus G3739 you who G4218 sometimes G3112 were far G3112 off G1096 are made G1451 near G129 by the blood G5547 of Christ.
  14 G1515 For he is our peace, G3739 who G4160 has made G297 both G1520 one, G3089 and has broken G3320 down the middle G5418 wall of partition between us;
  15 G2673 Having abolished G4561 in his flesh G2189 the enmity, G3551 even the law G1785 of commandments G1378 contained in ordinances; G2936 for to make G1438 in himself G1417 of two G1520 one G2537 new G444 man, G4160 so making G1515 peace;
  16 G604 And that he might reconcile G297 both G2316 to God G1520 in one G4983 body G4716 by the cross, G615 having slain G2189 the enmity G1722 thereby: