Ephesians 2:11-16

Matthew(i) 11 Wherfore remember that ye, beynge in tyme passed Gentyles in fleshe, and were called vncircumcision to them whiche are called circumcision in the fleshe, whiche circumcision is made by handes: 12 Remember I saye, that ye were at that tyme without Christe, and were reputed aliantes from the commen welth of Israel, and were straungers from the testamentes of promes, and had no hope and were wythout God in thys worlde. 13 But nowe in Christ Iesu, ye whych a whyle ago were farre of are made nygh by the bloud of Christe. 14 For he is our peace, whiche had made of both one, and hath broken doune the wall that was a stop betwene vs, 15 and hath also put awaye thorowe hys fleshe the cause of hatred (that is to saye, the lawe of commaundementes contayned in the lawe written) for to make of twayne one newe man in hym selfe, so makinge peace: 16 and to reconcile both vnto God in one body thorowe his crosse, and slew hatered therby: