John 1:45-49

  45 G2147 Philip finds G*   G3588   G* Nathanael, G2532 and G3004 says G1473 to him, G3739 The one whom G1125 Moses wrote G*   G1722 in G3588 the G3551 law, G2532 and G3588 the G4396 prophets, G2147 we have found -- G* Jesus G3588 the G5207 son G3588   G* of Joseph, G3588 the one G575 from G* Nazareth.
  46 G2532 And G2036 [2said G1473 3to him G* 1Nathanael], G1537 [5from out of G* 6Nazareth G1410 3able G5100 1 Is anything G18 2good G1510.1 4to be]? G3004 [2says G1473 3to him G* 1Philip], G2064 Come G2532 and G1492 see!
  47 G1492 Jesus beheld G3588   G*   G3588   G* Nathanael G2064 coming G4314 to G1473 him, G2532 and G3004 says G4012 concerning G1473 him, G2396 See! G230 truly G* an Israelite G1722 in G3739 whom G1388 [2deceit G3756 1there is no]. G1510.2.3  
  48 G3004 [2says G1473 3to him G* 1Nathanael], G4159 From what place G1473 do you know me? G1097   G611 Jesus answered G3588   G*   G2532 and G2036 said G1473 to him, G4253 Before G3588   G1473 [3you G* 1Philip G5455 2calling], G1510.6 being G5259 under G3588 the G4808 fig-tree, G1492 I beheld G1473 you.
  49 G611 Nathanael responded G*   G2532 and G3004 says G1473 to him, G4461 Rabbi, G1473 you G1510.2.2 are G3588 the G5207 son G3588   G2316 of God, G1473 you G1510.2.2 are G3588 the G935 king G3588   G* of Israel.
  45 G2147 ευρίσκει Φίλιππος G*   G3588 τον G* Ναθανήλ G2532 και G3004 λέγει G1473 αυτώ G3739 ον G1125 έγραψε Μωσής G*   G1722 εν G3588 τω G3551 νόμω G2532 και G3588 οι G4396 προφήται G2147 ευρήκαμεν G* Ιησούν G3588 τον G5207 υιόν G3588 του G* Ιωσήφ G3588 τον G575 από G* Ναζαρέτ
  46 G2532 και G2036 είπεν G1473 αυτώ G* Ναθανήλ G1537 εκ G* Ναζαρέτ G1410 δύναταί G5100 τι G18 αγαθόν G1510.1 είναι G3004 λέγει G1473 αυτώ G* Φίλιππος G2064 έρχου G2532 και G1492 ίδε
  47 G1492 είδεν ο Ιησούς G3588   G*   G3588 τον G* Ναθαναήλ G2064 ερχόμενον G4314 προς G1473 αυτόν G2532 και G3004 λέγει G4012 περί G1473 αυτού G2396 ίδε G230 αληθώς G* Ισραηλίτης G1722 εν G3739 ω G1388 δόλος G3756 ουκ έστι G1510.2.3  
  48 G3004 λέγει G1473 αυτώ G* Ναθαναήλ G4159 πόθεν G1473 με γινώσκεις G1097   G611 απεκρίθη ο Ιησούς G3588   G*   G2532 και G2036 είπεν G1473 αυτώ G4253 προ G3588 του G1473 σε G* Φίλιππον G5455 φωνήσαι G1510.6 όντα G5259 υπό G3588 την G4808 συκήν G1492 είδόν G1473 σε
  49 G611 απεκρίθη Ναθαναήλ G*   G2532 και G3004 λέγει G1473 αυτώ G4461 ραββί G1473 συ G1510.2.2 ει G3588 ο G5207 υιός G3588 του G2316 θεού G1473 συ G1510.2.2 ει G3588 ο G935 βασιλεύς G3588 του G* Ισραήλ
    45 G2147 [G5719] V-PAI-3S ευρισκει G5376 N-NSM φιλιππος G3588 T-ASM τον G3482 N-PRI ναθαναηλ G2532 CONJ και G3004 [G5719] V-PAI-3S λεγει G846 P-DSM αυτω G3739 R-ASM ον G1125 [G5656] V-AAI-3S εγραψεν G3475 N-NSM μωυσης G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSM τω G3551 N-DSM νομω G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-NPM οι G4396 N-NPM προφηται G2147 [G5758] V-RAI-1P ευρηκαμεν G2424 N-ASM ιησουν G5207 N-ASM υιον G3588 T-GSM του G2501 N-PRI ιωσηφ G3588 T-ASM τον G575 PREP απο G3478 N-PRI ναζαρετ
    46 G2532 CONJ και G2036 [G5627] V-2AAI-3S ειπεν G846 P-DSM αυτω G3482 N-PRI ναθαναηλ G1537 PREP εκ G3478 N-PRI ναζαρετ G1410 [G5736] V-PNI-3S δυναται G5101 I-NSN τι G18 A-NSN αγαθον G1511 [G5750] V-PXN ειναι G3004 [G5719] V-PAI-3S λεγει G846 P-DSM αυτω G3588 T-NSM | ο G3588 T-NSM | " ο " G5376 N-NSM | φιλιππος G2064 [G5736] V-PNI-2S ερχου G2532 CONJ και G1492 [G5657] V-AAM-2S ιδε
    47 G1492 [G5627] V-2AAI-3S ειδεν G3588 T-NSM | | ο G2424 N-NSM | ιησους G3588 T-ASM τον G3482 N-PRI ναθαναηλ G2064 [G5740] V-PNP-ASM ερχομενον G4314 PREP προς G846 P-ASM αυτον G2532 CONJ και G3004 [G5719] V-PAI-3S λεγει G4012 PREP περι G846 P-GSM αυτου G1492 [G5657] V-AAM-2S ιδε G230 ADV αληθως G2475 N-NSM ισραηλιτης G1722 PREP εν G3739 R-DSM ω G1388 N-NSM δολος G3756 PRT-N ουκ G2076 [G5748] V-PXI-3S εστιν
    48 G3004 [G5719] V-PAI-3S λεγει G846 P-DSM αυτω G3482 N-PRI ναθαναηλ G4159 ADV-I ποθεν G3165 P-1AS με G1097 [G5719] V-PAI-2S γινωσκεις G611 [G5662] V-ADI-3S απεκριθη G2424 N-NSM ιησους G2532 CONJ και G2036 [G5627] V-2AAI-3S ειπεν G846 P-DSM αυτω G4253 PREP προ G3588 T-GSM του G4571 P-2AS σε G5376 N-ASM φιλιππον G5455 [G5658] V-AAN φωνησαι G5607 [G5752] V-PXP-ASM οντα G5259 PREP υπο G3588 T-ASF την G4808 N-ASF συκην G1492 [G5627] V-2AAI-1S ειδον G4571 P-2AS σε
    49 G611 [G5662] V-ADI-3S απεκριθη G846 P-DSM αυτω G3482 N-PRI ναθαναηλ G4461 HEB ραββι G4771 P-2NS συ G1488 [G5748] V-PXI-2S ει G3588 T-NSM ο G5207 N-NSM υιος G3588 T-GSM του G2316 N-GSM θεου G4771 P-2NS συ G935 N-NSM βασιλευς G1488 [G5748] V-PXI-2S ει G3588 T-GSM του G2474 N-PRI ισραηλ
  45 G5376 Philip G2147 findeth [G5719]   G3482 Nathanael G2532 , and G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto him G2147 , We have found [G5758]   G3739 him, of whom G3475 Moses G1722 in G3551 the law G2532 , and G4396 the prophets G1125 , did write [G5656]   G2424 , Jesus G575 of G3478 Nazareth G5207 , the son G2501 of Joseph.
  46 G2532 And G3482 Nathanael G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto him G1410 , Can [G5736]   G5100 there any G18 good thing G1511 come [G5750]   G1537 out of G3478 Nazareth G5376 ? Philip G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto him G2064 , Come [G5736]   G2532 and G1492 see [G5657]  .
  47 G2424 Jesus G1492 saw [G5627]   G3482 Nathanael G2064 coming [G5740]   G4314 to G846 him G2532 , and G3004 saith [G5719]   G4012 of G846 him G2396 , Behold G2475 an Israelite G230 indeed G1722 , in G3739 whom G2076 is [G5748]   G3756 no G1388 guile!
  48 G3482 Nathanael G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto him G4159 , Whence G1097 knowest thou [G5719]   G3165 me G2424 ? Jesus G611 answered [G5662]   G2532 and G2036 said [G5627]   G846 unto him G4253 , Before G5376 that Philip G5455 called [G5658]   G4571 thee G5607 , when thou wast [G5752]   G5259 under G4808 the fig tree G1492 , I saw [G5627]   G4571 thee.
  49 G3482 Nathanael G611 answered [G5662]   G2532 and G3004 saith [G5719]   G846 unto him G4461 , Rabbi G4771 , thou G1488 art [G5748]   G5207 the Son G2316 of God G4771 ; thou G1488 art [G5748]   G935 the King G2474 of Israel.
ERV(i) 45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. 46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. 47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! 48 Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. 49 Nathanael answered him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art King of Israel.