Deuteronomy 28:59-61

  59 G2532 Then G3860.1 the lord will render notorious G2962   G3588   G4127 your calamities, G1473   G2532 and G3588 the G4127 calamities G3588   G4690 of your seed, G1473   G4127 [4calamities G3173 1great G2532 2and G2298 3surprising], G2532 and G3554 [4diseases G4190 1severe G2532 2and G4103 3sure].
  60 G2532 And G1994 he shall turn G1909 upon G1473 you G3956 all G3588 the G3601 grief G* of Egypt, G3588 the G4190 severe grief G3739 which G1333.1 you were on guard G575 from G4383 in front of G1473 them, G2532 and G2853 they shall cleave G1722 to G1473 you.
  61 G2532 And G3956 every G3119 infirmity, G2532 and G3956 every G4127 calamity G3588   G3361 not G1125 being written, G2532 and G3956 every G3588   G1125 one being written G1722 in G3588   G975 [2scroll G3588 3of the G3551 4law G3778 1this], G1863 the lord shall bring G2962   G1909 upon G1473 you, G2193 until G302 whenever G1842 he should utterly destroy G1473 you.
  59 G2532 και G3860.1 παραδοξάσει κύριος G2962   G3588 τας G4127 πληγάς σου G1473   G2532 και G3588 τας G4127 πληγάς G3588 του G4690 σπέρματός σου G1473   G4127 πληγάς G3173 μεγάλας G2532 και G2298 θαυμαστάς G2532 και G3554 νόσους G4190 πονηράς G2532 και G4103 πιστάς
  60 G2532 και G1994 επιστρέψει G1909 επί G1473 σε G3956 πάσαν G3588 την G3601 οδύνην G* Αιγύπτου G3588 την G4190 πονηράν G3739 ην G1333.1 διευλαβού G575 από G4383 προσώπου G1473 αυτών G2532 και G2853 κολληθήσονται G1722 εν G1473 σοι
  61 G2532 και G3956 πάσαν G3119 μαλακίαν G2532 και G3956 πάσαν G4127 πληγήν G3588 την G3361 μη G1125 γεγραμμένην G2532 και G3956 πάσαν G3588 την G1125 γεγραμμένην G1722 εν G3588 τω G975 βιβλίω G3588 του G3551 νόμου G3778 τούτου G1863 επάξει κύριος G2962   G1909 επί G1473 σε G2193 έως G302 αν G1842 εξολοθρεύση G1473 σε
    59 G2532 CONJ και   V-FAI-3S παραδοξασει G2962 N-NSM κυριος G3588 T-APF τας G4127 N-APF πληγας G4771 P-GS σου G2532 CONJ και G3588 T-APF τας G4127 N-APF πληγας G3588 T-GSN του G4690 N-GSN σπερματος G4771 P-GS σου G4127 N-APF πληγας G3173 A-APF μεγαλας G2532 CONJ και G2298 A-APF θαυμαστας G2532 CONJ και G3554 N-APF νοσους G4190 A-APF πονηρας G2532 CONJ και G4103 A-APF πιστας
    60 G2532 CONJ και G1994 V-FAI-3S επιστρεψει G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G3956 A-ASF πασαν G3588 T-ASF την G3601 N-ASF οδυνην G125 N-GSF αιγυπτου G3588 T-ASF την G4190 A-ASF πονηραν G3739 R-ASF ην   V-IMI-2S διευλαβου G575 PREP απο G4383 N-GSN προσωπου G846 D-GPM αυτων G2532 CONJ και G2853 V-FPI-3P κολληθησονται G1722 PREP εν G4771 P-DS σοι
    61 G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-ASF πασαν G3119 N-ASF μαλακιαν G2532 CONJ και G3956 A-ASF πασαν G4127 N-ASF πληγην G3588 T-ASF την G3165 ADV μη G1125 V-RPPAS γεγραμμενην G1722 PREP εν G3588 T-DSN τω G975 N-DSN βιβλιω G3588 T-GSM του G3551 N-GSM νομου G3778 D-GSM τουτου   V-FAI-3S επαξει G2962 N-NSM κυριος G1909 PREP επι G4771 P-AS σε G2193 CONJ εως G302 PRT αν   V-AAS-3S εξολεθρευση G4771 P-AS σε
  59 H3068 Then the LORD H6381 will make H4347 thy plagues H6381 wonderful [H8689]   H4347 , and the plagues H2233 of thy seed H1419 , even great H4347 plagues H539 , and of long continuance [H8737]   H7451 , and sore H2483 sicknesses H539 , and of long continuance [H8737]  .
  60 H7725 Moreover he will bring [H8689]   H4064 upon thee all the diseases H4714 of Egypt H3025 , which thou wast afraid [H8804]   H6440 of H1692 ; and they shall cleave [H8804]   unto thee.
  61 H2483 Also every sickness H4347 , and every plague H3789 , which is not written [H8803]   H5612 in the book H8451 of this law H3068 , them will the LORD H5927 bring [H8686]   H8045 upon thee, until thou be destroyed [H8736]  .
ERV(i) 59 then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. 60 And he will bring upon thee again all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. 61 Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed.