Matthew 23:35 (KJV_Strongs) 35 G3704 That G1909 upon G5209 you G2064 may come [G5632] G3956 all G1342 the righteous G129 blood G1632 shed [G5746] G1909 upon G1093 the earth G575 , from G129 the blood G1342 of righteous G6 Abel G2193 unto G129 the blood G2197 of Zacharias G5207 son G914 of Barachias G3739 , whom G5407 ye slew [G5656] G3342 between G3485 the temple G2532 and G2379 the altar.
Matthew 23:35 (IGNT) 35 G3704 οπως So That G2064 (G5632) ελθη Should Come G1909 εφ Upon G5209 υμας You G3956 παν All "the" G129 αιμα Blood G1342 δικαιον Righteous G1632 (G5746) εκχυνομενον Poured Out G1909 επι Upon G3588 της The G1093 γης Earth G575 απο From G3588 του The G129 αιματος Blood G6 αβελ Of Abel G3588 του The G1342 δικαιου Righteous, G2193 εως To G3588 του The G129 αιματος Blood G2197 ζαχαριου Of Zacharias G5207 υιου Son G914 βαραχιου Of Barachiah, G3739 ον Whom G5407 (G5656) εφονευσατε Ye Murdered G3342 μεταξυ Between G3588 του The G3485 ναου Temple G2532 και And G3588 του The G2379 θυσιαστηριου Altar.
Luke 11:51 (KJV_Strongs) 51 G575 From G129 the blood G6 of Abel G2193 unto G129 the blood G2197 of Zacharias G3588 , which G622 perished [G5642] G3342 between G2379 the altar G2532 and G3624 the temple G3483 : verily G3004 I say [G5719] G5213 unto you G1567 , It shall be required [G5701] G575 of G5026 this G1074 generation.
Luke 11:51 (IGNT) 51 G575 απο From G3588 του The G129 αιματος Blood G6 αβελ Of Abel G2193 εως To G3588 του The G129 αιματος Blood G2197 ζαχαριου Of Zacharias, G3588 του Who G622 (G5642) απολομενου Perished G3342 μεταξυ Between G3588 του The G2379 θυσιαστηριου Altar G2532 και And G3588 του The G3624 οικου House; G3483 ναι Yea, G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G1567 (G5701) εκζητηθησεται It Shall Be Required G575 απο G3588 της Of G1074 γενεας Generation G3778 ταυτης This.
Hebrews 11:4 (KJV_Strongs) 4 G4102 By faith G6 Abel G4374 offered [G5656] G2316 unto God G4119 a more excellent G2378 sacrifice G3844 than G2535 Cain G1223 , by G3739 which G3140 he obtained witness [G5681] G1511 that he was [G5750] G1342 righteous G2316 , God G3140 testifying [G5723] G1909 of G846 his G1435 gifts G2532 : and G1223 by G846 it G599 he being dead [G5631] G2089 yet G2980 speaketh [G5731] [G5625] G2980 [G5719] .
Hebrews 11:4 (IGNT) 4 G4102 πιστει By Faith G4119 πλειονα A More Excellent G2378 θυσιαν Sacrifice G6 αβελ Abel G3844 παρα Than G2535 καιν Cain G4374 (G5656) προσηνεγκεν G3588 τω Offered G2316 θεω To God, G1223 δι By G3739 ης Which G3140 (G5681) εμαρτυρηθη He Was Borne Witness To G1511 (G5750) ειναι As Being G1342 δικαιος Righteous, G3140 (G5723) μαρτυρουντος Bearing Witness G1909 επι To G3588 τοις G1435 δωροις G846 αυτου G3588 του His Gifts G2316 θεου God G2532 και And G1223 δι Through G846 αυτης It, G599 (G5631) αποθανων Having Died, G2089 ετι Yet G2980 (G5731) λαλειται Speaks.
Hebrews 12:24 (KJV_Strongs) 24 G2532 And G2424 to Jesus G3316 the mediator G3501 of the new G1242 covenant G2532 , and G129 to the blood G4473 of sprinkling G2980 , that speaketh [G5723] G2909 better things G3844 than G6 that of Abel.
Hebrews 12:24 (IGNT) 24 G2532 και And G1242 διαθηκης Of A Covenant G3501 νεας Fresh G3316 μεσιτη Mediator G2424 ιησου To Jesus; G2532 και And G129 αιματι To "the" Blood G4473 ραντισμου Of Sprinkling, G2909 κρειττονα Better Things G2980 (G5723) λαλουντι Speaking G3844 παρα G3588 τον Than G6 αβελ Abel.