Revelation 2:3-7

  3 G2532 { And G941 [G5656] hast borne, G2532 and G2192 [G5719] hast G5281 patience, G2532 and G1223 0 for G3450 my G1223 G3686 name's sake G2872 [G5758] hast wearied in labour, G2532 and G2577 0 hast G3756 not G2577 [G5758] fainted.}
  4 G235 { Nevertheless G2192 [G5719] I have G2596 somewhat against G4675 thee, G3754 because G863 [G5656] thou hast left G4675 thy G4413 first G26 love.}
  5 G3421 [G5720] { Remember G3767 therefore G1601 G0 out of G4159 whence G1601 [G5758] thou hast fallen, G2532 and G3340 [G5657] change thy mind, G2532 and G4160 [G5657] do G4413 the first G2041 works; G1490 or else G2064 [G5736] I will come G4671 to thee G5035 quickly, G2532 and G2795 [G5692] will remove G4675 thy G3087 lampstand G1537 out of G846 its G5117 place, G3362 except G3340 [G5661] thou change thy mind.}
  6 G235 { But G5124 this G2192 [G5719] thou hast, G3754 that G3404 [G5719] thou hatest G2041 the deeds G3531 of the Nicolaitans, G3739 which G2504 I also G3404 [G5719] hate.}
  7 G2192 [G5723] { He that hath G3775 an ear, G191 [G5657] let him hear G5101 what G4151 the Spirit G3004 [G5719] saith G1577 to the congregations; G846 To him G3528 [G5723] that overcometh G1325 [G5692] will I give G5315 [G5629] to eat G1537 of G3586 the tree G2222 of life, G3739 which G2076 [G5748] is G1722 in G3319 the midst G3857 of the paradise G2316 of God.}