Revelation 2:3-7

Great(i) 3 & hast suffred. And hast pacience: and for my names sake hast labored, and hast not faynted. 4 Neuerthelesse, I haue sum what agaynst the, because thou haste lefte thy fyrst loue. 5 Remember therfore from whence thou art fallen, & repent, and do the fyrst worckes. Or elles I wyll come vnto the shortly, & wyll remoue thy candelsticke out of his place, except thou repent. 6 But this thou hast, because thou hatest the dedes of the Nycolaitans, which dedes I also hate. 7 Lett hym that hath eares, heare what the sprete sayth vnto the congregacyons. To hym that ouercommeth, wyll I geue to eate of the tre of lyfe, which is in the myddes of the Paradyse of God.