Matthew 7:21-25

  21 G3756 { Not G3956 every one G3004 [G5723] that saith G3427 to me, G2962 Lord, G2962 Lord, G1525 [G5695] shall enter G1519 into G932 the kingdom G3772 of heaven; G235 but G4160 [G5723] he that doeth G2307 the will G3450 of my G3962 Father G1722 who is in G3772 heaven.}
  22 G4183 { Many G2046 [G5692] will say G3427 to me G1722 in G1565 that G2250 day, G2962 Lord, G2962 Lord, G4395 0 have we G3756 not G4395 [G5656] prophesied G4674 in thy G3686 name? G2532 and G4674 in thy G3686 name G1544 [G5627] have cast out G1140 demons? G2532 and G4674 in thy G3686 name G4160 [G5656] done G4183 many G1411 powerful works?}
  23 G2532 { And G5119 then G3670 [G5692] will I profess G846 to them, G3754   G3763 I never G1097 [G5627] knew G5209 you: G672 [G5720] depart G575 from G1700 me, G2038 [G5740] ye that work G458 lawlessness.}
  24 G3767 { Therefore G3956 G3748 whoever G191 [G5719] heareth G5128 these G3056 sayings G3450 of mine, G2532 and G4160 [G5719] doeth G846 them, G3666 [G5692] I will liken G846 him G5429 to a prudent G435 man, G3748 who G3618 [G5656] built G846 his G3614 house G1909 upon G4073 a rock:}
  25 G2532 { And G3588 the G1028 rain G2597 [G5627] descended, G2532 and G3588 the G4215 floods G2064 [G5627] came, G2532 and G3588 the G417 winds G4154 [G5656] blew, G2532 and G4363 [G5627] fell upon G3588   G1565 that G3614 house; G2532 and G4098 [G5627] it fell G3756 not: G1063 for G2311 [G5718] it was founded G1909 upon G3588 the G4073 rock.}