new(i) 14 G5119 Then G1520 one G3588 of the G1427 twelve, G3004 [G5746] called G2455 Judas G2469 Iscariot, G4198 [G5679] went G4314 to G3588 the G749 chief priests, 15 G2036 [G5627] And said, G5101 What G2309 [G5719] will ye G1325 [G5629] give G3427 me, G2504 and G3860 [G5692] I will deliver G846 him G5213 to you? G1161 And G2476 [G5627] they made stand G846 with him G5144 for thirty G694 pieces of silver. 16 G2532 And G575 from G5119 thence G2212 [G5707] he sought G2120 opportunity G2443 to G3860 [G5632] betray G846 him.