2 Kings 23:11 Cross References - new

  11 H7673 [H8686] And he took away H5483 the horses H4428 that the kings H3063 of Judah H5414 [H8804] had given H8121 to the sun, H935 [H8800] at the entrance H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD, H3957 by the chamber H5419 of Nathanmelech H5631 the chamberlain, H6503 which was in the common lands, H8313 [H8804] and burned H4818 the chariots H8121 of the sun H784 with fire.

Deuteronomy 4:19

  19 H5375 [H8799] And lest thou shouldest lift up H5869 thine eyes H8064 to heaven, H7200 [H8804] and when thou seest H8121 the sun, H3394 and the moon, H3556 and the stars, H6635 even all the host H8064 of heaven, H5080 [H8738] shouldest be driven H7812 [H8694] to worship H5647 [H8804] them, and serve H3068 them, which the LORD H430 thy God H2505 [H8804] hath divided H5971 to all peoples H8064 under the whole heaven.

2 Kings 23:5

  5 H7673 [H8689] And he put down H3649 the idolatrous priests, H4428 whom the kings H3063 of Judah H5414 [H8804] had ordained H6999 [H8762] to burn incense H1116 in the high places H5892 in the cities H3063 of Judah, H4524 and in the places around H3389 Jerusalem; H6999 [H8764] them also that burned incense H1168 to Baal, H8121 to the sun, H3394 and to the moon, H4208 and to the planets, H6635 and to all the host H8064 of heaven.

2 Chronicles 14:5

  5 H5493 [H8686] Also he took away H5892 out of all the cities H3063 of Judah H1116 the high places H2553 and the images: H4467 and the kingdom H8252 [H8799] was quiet H6440 at the face of him.

2 Chronicles 34:4

  4 H5422 [H8762] And they broke down H4196 the altars H1168 of Baalim H6440 in his face; H2553 and the images, H4605 that were on high above them, H1438 [H8765] he cut down; H842 and the groves, H6456 and the carved images, H4541 and the molten images, H7665 [H8765] he broke in pieces, H1854 [H8689] and made dust H2236 [H8799] of them, and scattered H6440 it upon H6913 the burying-places H2076 [H8802] of them that had sacrificed to them.

Ezekiel 8:16

  16 H935 [H8686] And he brought H6442 me into the inner H2691 court H3068 of the LORD'S H1004 house, H6607 and, behold, at the door H1964 of the temple H3068 of the LORD, H197 between the porch H4196 and the altar, H2568 were about five H6242 and twenty H376 men, H268 with their backs H1964 toward the temple H3068 of the LORD, H6440 and their faces H6924 toward the east; H7812 [H8693] and they worshipped H8121 the sun H6924 toward the east.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.