19 H2654 Then you will delight H2077 in the sacrifices H6664 of righteousness, H5930 in burnt offerings H3632 and in whole H5930 burnt offerings. H5927 Then they will offer H6499 bulls H4196 on your altar.
13 H935 I will come H1004 into your temple H5930 with burnt offerings. H7999 I will pay H5088 my vows to you, 14 H8193 which my lips H6475 promised, H6310 and my mouth H6475 spoke, H6862 when I was in distress. 15 H5927 I will offer H5930 to you burnt offerings H4220 of fat animals, H7004 with the offering H352 of rams, H6213 I will offer H1241 bulls H6260 with goats. H5542 Selah.
27 H3068 Yahweh H410 is God, H215 and he has given us light. H631 Bind H2282 the sacrifice H5688 with cords, H7161 even to the horns H4196 of the altar.
3 H3427 and he will sit H6884 as a refiner H2891 and purifier H3701 of silver, H2891 and he will purify H1121 the sons H3878 of Levi, H2212 and refine H2091 them as gold H3701 and silver; H5066 and they shall offer H3068 to Yahweh H4503 offerings H6666 in righteousness.
1 G3767 Therefore G3870 I urge G5209 you, G80 brothers, G1223 by G3628 the mercies G2316 of God, G3936 to present G5216 your G4983 bodies G2378 a G2198 living G2378 sacrifice, G40 holy, G2101 acceptable G2316 to God, G5216 which is your G3050 spiritual G2999 service.
2 G2532 G4043 Walk G1722 in G26 love, G2531 even as G5547 Christ G2532 also G25 loved G2248 you, G2532 and G3860 gave G1438 himself G5228 up for G2248 us, G4376 an offering G2532 and G2378 a sacrifice G2316 to God G1519 for G2175 a sweet-smelling G3744 fragrance.