1 Kings 9:1 Cross References - KJV_Strongs

  1 H8010 And it came to pass, when Solomon H3615 had finished [H8763]   H1129 the building [H8800]   H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H4428 , and the king's H1004 house H8010 , and all Solomon's H2837 desire H2654 which he was pleased [H8804]   H6213 to do [H8800]  ,

1 Kings 6:37-7:1

  37 H7243 In the fourth H8141 year H3245 was the foundation H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H3245 laid [H8795]   H3391 , in the month H2099 Zif:

1 Kings 7:51

  51 H7999 So was ended [H8799]   H4399 all the work H4428 that king H8010 Solomon H6213 made [H8804]   H1004 for the house H3068 of the LORD H8010 . And Solomon H935 brought in [H8686]   H1732 the things which David H1 his father H6944 had dedicated H3701 ; even the silver H2091 , and the gold H3627 , and the vessels H5414 , did he put [H8804]   H214 among the treasures H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD.

1 Kings 9:11

  11 H2438 ( Now Hiram H4428 the king H6865 of Tyre H5375 had furnished [H8765]   H8010 Solomon H730 with cedar H6086 trees H1265 and fir H6086 trees H2091 , and with gold H2656 , according to all his desire H227 ,) that then H4428 king H8010 Solomon H5414 gave [H8799]   H2438 Hiram H6242 twenty H5892 cities H776 in the land H1551 of Galilee.

1 Kings 9:19

  19 H5892 And all the cities H4543 of store H8010 that Solomon H5892 had, and cities H7393 for his chariots H5892 , and cities H6571 for his horsemen H2837 , and that H8010 which Solomon H2836 desired [H8804]   H1129 to build [H8800]   H3389 in Jerusalem H3844 , and in Lebanon H776 , and in all the land H4475 of his dominion.

2 Chronicles 7:11-8:6

  11 H8010 Thus Solomon H3615 finished [H8762]   H1004 the house H3068 of the LORD H4428 , and the king's H1004 house H935 : and all that came [H8802]   H8010 into Solomon's H3820 heart H6213 to make [H8800]   H1004 in the house H3068 of the LORD H1004 , and in his own house H6743 , he prosperously effected [H8689]  .

Ecclesiastes 2:4

  4 H1431 I made me great [H8689]   H4639 works H1129 ; I builded [H8804]   H1004 me houses H5193 ; I planted [H8804]   H3754 me vineyards:

Ecclesiastes 2:10

  10 H5869 And whatsoever mine eyes H7592 desired [H8804]   H680 I kept [H8804]   H4513 not from them, I withheld [H8804]   H3820 not my heart H8057 from any joy H3820 ; for my heart H8056 rejoiced H5999 in all my labour H2506 : and this was my portion H5999 of all my labour.

Ecclesiastes 6:9

  9 H2896 Better H4758 is the sight H5869 of the eyes H1980 than the wandering [H8800]   H5315 of the desire H1892 : this is also vanity H7469 and vexation H7307 of spirit.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.