1 Corinthians 15:49 Cross References - ASV_Strongs

  49 G2532 And G2531 as G5409 we have borne G1504 the image G5517 of the earthy, G5409 we shall G2532 also G5409 bear G1504 the image G2032 of the heavenly.

Genesis 5:3

  3 H121 And Adam H2421 lived H3967 a hundred H7970 and thirty H8141 years, H3205 and begat H1823 a son in his own likeness, H6754 after his image; H7121 and called H8034 his name H8352 Seth:

Matthew 13:43

  43 G5119 Then G1584 shall G1342 the righteous G1584 shine forth G5613 as G2246 the sun G1722 in G932 the kingdom G3962 of G846 their G3962 Father. G2192 He that hath G3775 ears, G191 let him hear.

Romans 8:29

  29 G3754 For G3739 whom G4267 he foreknew, G4309 he G2532 also G4309 foreordained G4832 to be conformed to G1504 the image G5207 of G846 his G5207 Son, G1519 that G846 he G1511 might be G4416 the firstborn G1722 among G4183 many G80 brethren:

2 Corinthians 3:18

  18 G1161 But G2249 we G3956 all, G4383 with G343 unveiled G4383 face G2734 beholding as in a mirror G1391 the glory G2962 of the Lord, G3339 are transformed G846 into the same G1504 image G575 from G1391 glory G1519 to G1391 glory, G2509 even as G575 from G2962 the Lord G4151 the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 4:10-11

  10 G3842 always G4064 bearing about G1722 in G4983 the body G3500 the dying G2962 of G2424 Jesus, G2443 that G2222 the life G2532 also G2424 of Jesus G5319 may be manifested G1722 in G2257 our G4983 body.
  11 G1063 For G2249 we G2198 who live G104 are always G3860 delivered G1519 unto G2288 death G1223 for G2424 Jesus' G2443 sake, that G2222 the life G2532 also G2424 of Jesus G5319 may be manifested G1722 in G2257 our G2349 mortal G4561 flesh.

1 John 3:2

  2 G27 Beloved, G3568 now G2070 are we G5043 children G2316 of God, G2532 and G5319 it is G3768 not yet G5319 made manifest G5101 what G2071 we shall be. G1161 We G1492 know G3754 that, G1437 if G5319 he shall be manifested, G2071 we shall be G3664 like G846 him; G3754 for G3700 we shall see G846 him G2531 even as G2076 he is.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.