Romans 9:12
12 { non ex operibus, sed ex vocante dictum est ei quia major serviet minori,}
12 Not of works, but of him that calleth, it was said to her: The elder shall serve the younger.
12 For even before the twins were born, and therefore had not done anything good or bad, Rebecca was told [Gen. 25:23], “The older one [i.e., Esau] will serve the younger one [i.e., Jacob].” This was so that God’s purpose of choosing and calling [whomever He wanted to] might prevail, instead of [it depending on] what a person did.
12 It was said (or: declared) to her that, "The greater (by implication: the older) will continue performing as and be a slave to and for the smaller (by implication: the younger; the inferior)." [Gen. 25:23]
12 nicht aus Verdienst der Werke, sondern aus Gnaden des Berufes, also: Der Größere soll dienstbar werden dem Kleinern,
12 nicht aus Verdienst der Werke, sondern aus Gnade des Berufers, ward zu ihr gesagt: "Der Ältere soll dienstbar werden dem Jüngeren",
12 Men, Bondye gen jan pa l' pou l' chwazi moun. Bondye pa chwazi yon moun paske moun lan fè anyen pou sa, men paske Bondye vle chwazi li. Enben, pou fè nou wè se konsa li toujou fè, Bondye pale ak Rebeka anvan menm timoun yo te fèt, anvan menm yo te fè anyen ni an byen ni an mal. Li di l' konsa: Pi gran an gen pou sèvi pi piti a.