Romans 11:36-12:2

  36 G3754 For G1537 from G846 him G2532 , and G1223 by G846 him G2532 , and G1519 to G846 him G3956 , are all things G846 : to whom G1391 be glory G1519 for G165 ever G281 . Amen.
  1 G3870 [G5719] I beseech G5209 you G3767 therefore G80 , brethren G1223 , by G3628 the mercies G2316 of God G3936 [G5658] , that ye present G5216 your G4983 bodies G2198 [G5723] a living G2378 sacrifice G40 , holy G2101 , acceptable G2316 to God G5216 , which is your G3050 reasonable G2999 service.
  2 G2532 And G4964 0 be G3361 not G4964 [G5728] conformed G5129 to this G165 world G235 : but G3339 [G5744] be ye transformed G342 by the renewing G5216 of your G3563 mind G1519 , that G5209 ye G1381 [G5721] may prove G5101 what G18 is that good G2532 , and G2101 acceptable G2532 , and G5046 perfect G2307 , will G2316 of God.