1 Timothy 3:4-13

  4 G4291 one who rules G2398 his own G3624 house G2573 well, G2192 having G5043 children G1722 in G5292 subjection G3326 with G3956 all G4587 reverence;
  5 G1161 (but G1487 if G5100 a man G3756 doesn't G1492 know G1492 how G4291 to rule G2398 his own G3624 house, G4459 how G1959 will he take care G1577 of the assembly G2316 of God?)
  6 G3361 not G3504 a new G3361 convert, lest G5187 being puffed G1706 up he fall G1519 into G2917 the same condemnation G1228 as the devil.
  7 G1161 Moreover G846 he G1163 must G2192 have G2570 good G3141 testimony G575 from G1855 those who are outside, G3361 to avoid G1706 falling G1519 into G3680 reproach G2532 and G3803 the snare G1228 of the devil.
  8 G1249 Servants, G5615 in the same G4586 way, must be reverent, G3361 not G1351 double-tongued, G3361 not G4337 addicted to G4183 much G3631 wine, G3361 not G146 greedy for money;
  9 G2192 holding G3466 the mystery G4102 of the faith G1722 in G2513 a pure G4893 conscience.
  10 G1161   G1381 Let G3778 them G2532 also G4412 first G1381 be tested; G1534 then G1247 let them serve G5607 if they are G410 blameless.
  11 G1135 Their wives G5615 in the same way G4586 must be reverent, G3361 not G1228 slanderers, G3524 temperate, G4103 faithful G1722 in G3956 all things.
  12 G2077 Let G1249 servants G2077 be G435 husbands G1520 of one G1135 wife, G4291 ruling G5043 their children G2532 and G2398 their own G3624 houses G2573 well.
  13 G1063 For G1247 those who have served G2573 well G4046 gain G1438 for themselves G2570 a good G898 standing, G2532 and G4183 great G3954 boldness G1722 in G4102 the faith G3588 which is G1722 in G5547 Christ G2424 Jesus.