Jeremiah 5:26-29

  26 H5971 For among my people H4672 are found [H8738]   H7563 wicked H7789 men : they lay wait [H8799]   H7918 , as he that setteth [H8800]   H3353 snares H5324 ; they set [H8689]   H4889 a trap H3920 , they catch [H8799]   H582 men.
  27 H3619 As a cage H4392 is full H5775 of birds H1004 , so are their houses H4392 full H4820 of deceit H1431 : therefore they are become great [H8804]   H6238 , and waxen rich [H8686]  .
  28 H8080 They are waxen fat [H8804]   H6245 , they shine [H8804]   H5674 : yea, they overpass [H8804]   H1697 the deeds H7451 of the wicked H1777 : they judge [H8804]   H1779 not the cause H3490 , the cause of the fatherless H6743 , yet they prosper [H8686]   H4941 ; and the right H34 of the needy H8199 do they not judge [H8804]  .
  29 H6485 Shall I not visit [H8799]   H5002 for these things ? saith [H8803]   H3068 the LORD H5315 : shall not my soul H5358 be avenged [H8691]   H1471 on such a nation as this?
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  26 H3588 כי For H4672 נמצאו are found H5971 בעמי among my people H7563 רשׁעים wicked H7789 ישׁור they lay wait, H7918 כשׁך as he that setteth H3353 יקושׁים snares; H5324 הציבו they set H4889 משׁחית a trap, H582 אנשׁים   H3920 ילכדו׃ they catch
  27 H3619 ככלוב As a cage H4392 מלא is full H5775 עוף of birds, H3651 כן so H1004 בתיהם their houses H4392 מלאים full H4820 מרמה of deceit: H5921 על therefore H3651 כן therefore H1431 גדלו they are become great, H6238 ויעשׁירו׃ and waxen rich.
  28 H8080 שׁמנו They are waxen fat, H6245 עשׁתו they shine: H1571 גם yea, H5674 עברו they overpass H1697 דברי the deeds H7451 רע of the wicked: H1779 דין the cause, H3808 לא not H1777 דנו they judge H1779 דין the cause H3490 יתום of the fatherless, H6743 ויצליחו yet they prosper; H4941 ומשׁפט and the right H34 אביונים of the needy H3808 לא do they not H8199 שׁפטו׃ judge.
  29 H5921 העל for H428 אלה these H3808 לא Shall I not H6485 אפקד visit H5002 נאם saith H3068 יהוה the LORD: H518 אם   H1471 בגוי a nation H834 אשׁר on such H2088 כזה as this? H3808 לא shall not H5358 תתנקם be avenged H5315 נפשׁי׃ my soul