1 Samuel 3:12-15

  12 H3117 In that day H6965 I will perform [H8686]   H5941 against Eli H1696 all things which I have spoken [H8765]   H413 concerning H1004 his house H2490 : when I begin [H8687]   H3615 , I will also make an end [H8763]  .
  13 H5046 For I have told [H8689]   H8199 him that I will judge [H8802]   H1004 his house H5704 for H5769 ever H5771 for the iniquity H3045 which he knoweth [H8804]   H1121 ; because his sons H7043 made themselves vile [H8764]   H3543 , and he restrained [H8765]   them not.
  14 H7650 And therefore I have sworn [H8738]   H1004 unto the house H5941 of Eli H5771 , that the iniquity H5941 of Eli's H1004 house H3722 shall not be purged [H8691]   H2077 with sacrifice H4503 nor offering H5704 for H5769 ever.
  15 H8050 And Samuel H7901 lay [H8799]   H1242 until the morning H6605 , and opened [H8799]   H1817 the doors H1004 of the house H3068 of the LORD H8050 . And Samuel H3372 feared [H8804]   H5046 to shew [H8687]   H5941 Eli H4759 the vision.
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  12 H3117 ביום day H1931 ההוא In that H6965 אקים I will perform H413 אל against H5941 עלי Eli H853 את   H3605 כל all H834 אשׁר which H1696 דברתי I have spoken H413 אל concerning H1004 ביתו his house: H2490 החל when I begin, H3615 וכלה׃ I will also make an end.
  13 H5046 והגדתי For I have told H3588 לו כי him that H8199 שׁפט will judge H589 אני I H853 את   H1004 ביתו his house H5704 עד forever H5769 עולם forever H5771 בעון for the iniquity H834 אשׁר which H3045 ידע he knoweth; H3588 כי because H7043 מקללים made themselves vile, H1992 להם   H1121 בניו his sons H3808 ולא them not. H3543 כהה׃ and he restrained
  14 H3651 ולכן And therefore H7650 נשׁבעתי I have sworn H1004 לבית unto the house H5941 עלי of Eli, H518 אם shall not H3722 יתכפר be purged H5771 עון that the iniquity H1004 בית house H5941 עלי of Eli's H2077 בזבח with sacrifice H4503 ובמנחה nor offering H5704 עד forever. H5769 עולם׃ forever.
  15 H7901 וישׁכב lay H8050 שׁמואל And Samuel H5704 עד until H1242 הבקר the morning, H6605 ויפתח and opened H853 את   H1817 דלתות the doors H1004 בית of the house H3068 יהוה of the LORD. H8050 ושׁמואל And Samuel H3372 ירא feared H5046 מהגיד   H853 את   H4759 המראה the vision. H413 אל   H5941 עלי׃ Eli