Luke 12:4-7

  4 G1161 And G3004 I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G3450 my G5384 friends G5399 , Be G3361 not G5399 afraid [G5676]   G575 of them G615 that kill [G5723]   G4983 the body G2532 , and G3326 after G5023 that G2192 have [G5723]   G3361 no G5100   G4055 more G4160 that they can do [G5658]  .
  5 G1161 But G5263 I will forewarn [G5692]   G5213 you G5101 whom G5399 ye shall fear [G5680]   G5399 : Fear [G5676]   G3326 him, which after G615 he hath killed [G5658]   G2192 hath [G5723]   G1849 power G1685 to cast [G5629]   G1519 into G1067 hell G3483 ; yea G3004 , I say [G5719]   G5213 unto you G5399 , Fear [G5676]   G5126 him.
  6 G4453 Are G3780 not G4002 five G4765 sparrows G4453 sold [G5743]   G1417 for two G787 farthings G2532 , and G3756 not G1520 one G1537 of G846 them G2076 is [G5748]   G1950 forgotten [G5772]   G1799 before G2316 God?
  7 G235 But G2532 even the very G2359 hairs G5216 of your G2776 head G705 are G3956 all G705 numbered [G5769]   G5399 . Fear [G5737]   G3361 not G3767 therefore G1308 : ye are of more value [G5719]   G4183 than many G4765 sparrows.
  4 G3004 (G5719) λεγω   G1161 δε But I Say G5213 υμιν   G3588 τοις To You, G5384 φιλοις   G3450 μου   G3361 μη My Friends, G5399 (G5676) φοβηθητε Ye Should Not Fear G575 απο Because Of G3588 των Those Who G615 (G5723) αποκτεινοντων Kill G3588 το The G4983 σωμα Body, G2532 και And G3326 μετα After G5023 ταυτα   G3361 μη These Things G2192 (G5723) εχοντων Are Not Able G4053 περισσοτερον   G5100 τι Anything More G4160 (G5658) ποιησαι To Do.
  5 G5263 (G5692) υποδειξω   G1161 δε But I Will Shew G5213 υμιν You G5101 τινα Whom G5399 (G5680) φοβηθητε Ye Should Fear : G5399 (G5676) φοβηθητε Fear G3588 τον Him Who G3326 μετα   G3588 το After G615 (G5658) αποκτειναι Being Killed, G1849 εξουσιαν Authority G2192 (G5723) εχοντα Has G1685 (G5629) εμβαλειν To Cast G1519 εις Into G3588 την The G1067 γεενναν Gehenna; G3483 ναι Yea, G3004 (G5719) λεγω I Say G5213 υμιν To You, G5126 τουτον Him G5399 (G5676) φοβηθητε Fear.
  6 G3780 ουχι Not G4002 πεντε Five G4765 στρουθια Sparrows G4453 (G5743) πωλειται Are Sold G787 ασσαριων For Assaria G1417 δυο Two? G2532 και And G1520 εν One G1537 εξ Of G846 αυτων Them G3756 ουκ Not G2076 (G5748) εστιν Is G1950 (G5772) επιλελησμενον Forgotten G1799 ενωπιον   G3588 του Before G2316 θεου God.
  7 G235 αλλα But G2532 και Even G3588 αι The G2359 τριχες   G3588 της Hairs G2776 κεφαλης   G5216 υμων Of Your Head G3956 πασαι All G705 (G5769) ηριθμηνται Have Been Numbered. G3361 μη Not G3767 ουν Therefore G5399 (G5737) φοβεισθε Fear, G4183 πολλων Than Many G4765 στρουθιων Sparrows G1308 (G5719) διαφερετε Ye Are Better.