Revelation 2:10

  10 G5399 Fear [G5737]   G3367 none G3739 of those things which G3195 thou shalt [G5719]   G3958 suffer [G5721]   G2400 : behold [G5628]   G1228 , the devil G3195 shall [G5719]   G906 cast [G5629]   G1537 some of G5216 you G1519 into G5438 prison G2443 , that G3985 ye may be tried [G5686]   G2532 ; and G2192 ye shall have [G5692]   G2347 tribulation G1176 ten G2250 days G1096 : be thou [G5737]   G4103 faithful G891 unto G2288 death G2532 , and G1325 I will give [G5692]   G4671 thee G4735 a crown G2222 of life.
  10 G3367 μηδεν Not At All G5399 (G5737) φοβου Fear G3739 α The Things Which G3195 (G5719) μελλεις Thou Are About G3958 (G5721) πασχειν To Suffer. G2400 (G5628) ιδου Lo, G3195 (G5719) μελλει Is About G906 (G5629) βαλειν To Cast "some" G1537 εξ Of G5216 υμων You G3588 ο The G1228 διαβολος Devil G1519 εις Into G5438 φυλακην Prison, G2443 ινα That G3985 (G5686) πειρασθητε Ye May Be Tried; G2532 και And G2192 (G5692) εξετε Ye Shall Have G2347 θλιψιν Tribulation G2250 ημερων Days G1176 δεκα Ten. G1096 (G5737) γινου Be Thou G4103 πιστος Faithful G891 αχρι Unto G2288 θανατου Death, G2532 και And G1325 (G5692) δωσω I Will Give G4671 σοι To Thee G3588 τον The G4735 στεφανον   G3588 της Crown G2222 ζωης Of Life.