Matthew 25:1-8

JMNT(i) 1 "At that time, the reign of the heavens (or: the heavens' kingdom; the sovereign rule and influence from the atmospheres) will continue being considered like (or: caused to resemble; or: compared to) ten virgins (unmarried girls) who, upon taking (getting) their lamps (or: torches), went out into the bridegroom's [D and other MSS add: and the bride's] meeting. 2 "Now five of them were foolish (stupid; mentally dull), and five [were] thoughtful and prudent. 3 "You see, the foolish and stupid maidens, in taking their lamps (or: torches), did not take oil with them, 4 "whereas the thoughtful and prudent ladies (or: girls) did take oil within the flasks (or: crocks; receptacles) with their personal lamps (or: torches). 5 "Now with the continued passing of time during [the; a] delaying of the bridegroom, they all became drowsy, nodded off, and then continued fast asleep. 6 "So, in the middle of [the] night, a shout had occurred, 'Look! The bridegroom! Be proceeding to now go forth into [the] meeting [other MSS: his meeting]!' 7 "At that point all those virgins (girls) were awakened and then at once put their lamps in order (or: trimmed and adjusted their torches). 8 "Now the foolish maidens said to the prudent ladies, 'Give us some of your oil, because our lamps (torches) are being progressively run dry and extinguished (put out)!'