Luke 12:42-48

JMNT(i) 42 Then the Lord said, "Who, consequently (or: really), is the faithful (trustworthy; reliable) house manager (steward; administrator who also enforces the laws of the house) – the thoughtful (sensible; considerate; prudent; discreet) one – whom the lord (master; owner) will proceed to appoint and place down upon and over his household staff (the group in charge of care, attending treatment and curing) to keep on (or: to repeatedly be) giving [to them their] measure of grain (= food allowance) when it is due, and in the fitting situation? 43 "That slave [is] happy and fortunate whom his lord (master; owner), upon coming, will continue to be finding habitually operating in this way (or: constantly doing thus). 44 "I am now saying to you folks that truly (or: certainly) he will proceed in appointing and placing him down upon and over all his possessions and those things which sustain him. 45 "Yet, if that slave should ever say within his heart, 'My lord (master; owner) continues taking a long time and delays [his] coming,' and then should begin both to habitually beat the boys and the maids (= the male and female servants) and to be constantly eating and drinking – even to be repeatedly getting drunk, 46 "the owner (lord; master) of that slave will proceed in arriving on a day in which he continues not anticipating or suspecting [it], and in an hour in which he continues having no personal knowledge [of it]. Then he will proceed to cut him in two (figurative: = severely punish him; perhaps: = sever him from his position after lashing him with a whip) and next will proceed putting his part (or: setting his position) with the unfaithful and unreliable [slaves]. 47 "Now that slave who by experience is knowing and personally understanding his owner's (his lord's; his master's) will and intent – and yet is not preparing (or: making ready) or performing with an aim toward his [owner's] will or intent – will proceed in being flayed (severely whipped) [with] many lashes. 48 "But the person not knowing or understanding – yet doing [things] deserving of blows (or: a beating) – will proceed in being flayed (severely whipped) [with] few lashes. So to everyone to whom much was given, much will continue being sought for from him (at his side or situation); and to whom they set much alongside (or: committed to and put in charge of much), of him they will continue more excessively requesting and demanding.