42 And the Lord answered, “Who then is the trustworthy and sensible property manager, to whom his master will assign the management of his household, to provide adequate and timely meals for its members?
43 That servant will be happy when his master returns to find him doing [his job] well.
44 Truly I tell you, he will put that slave in charge of his entire estate.
45 But if that slave should think to himself, ‘My master will not be back soon,’ and then becomes physically abusive to his men and women servants, and eats and drinks and gets drunk,
46 that slave’s master will return on a day that he least expects, and at an hour unknown [to him]. And [that master] will whip him to shreds and will turn him over to suffer the same fate as unfaithful servants receive.
47 And that slave who knew what his master wanted, but did not make preparations [i.e., for his master’s return], or do what his master wanted, will be whipped with many lashes.
48 But the one who did not know [i.e., what his master wanted], yet did things deserving of punishment, will be whipped with few lashes. And to the person who has been given much [responsibility], there will be much required [of him]. And to whom people entrust much [responsibility], they will ask [much] more from him.