James 3:15-17

JMNT(i) 15 This is not the wisdom continuously coming down from above, but rather [is] upon the earth (or: earthly; terrestrial), pertaining to or proceeding from the soul (soulful; having the mind, will and emotions as its source; = natural), pertaining to, or proceeding from, or having the characteristics of demons [Hellenistic term and concept; = influences thought of in that period and culture as being animistic or personified]. [comment: note that the three adjectives "earthly, " "natural/soulish, " and "demonic" are tied together to this same context, as being of the same sphere of being – or, fruit of the same tree] 16 For where [there is] jealousy (rivalry) and selfish ambition (faction; intrigue), in that place [is] instability (disorder; an unsettled state) and every ignoble (base; vile; worthless) practice. 17 But the wisdom from above is (constantly exists being) indeed first (or: primarily) pure, thereafter peaceable (or: peaceful; pertaining to peace and harmony), suitable (fair; reasonably lenient; yielding; unassertive; considerate), compliant (easily persuaded; receptive; reasonable; willing to yield), full of mercy (= practical help) and good fruits, non-separating (not discriminatory; undivided in evaluating; unwavering; unprejudiced), unpretending (or: not hyper-critical; not judging from a low point of view; not focusing on tiny distinctions; not overly judgmental; not under-estimating of reality).