Job 18:7-11

IHOT(i) (In English order)
  7 H3334 יצרו shall be straitened, H6806 צעדי The steps H202 אונו of his strength H7993 ותשׁליכהו shall cast him down. H6098 עצתו׃ and his own counsel
  8 H3588 כי For H7971 שׁלח he is cast H7568 ברשׁת into a net H7272 ברגליו by his own feet, H5921 ועל upon H7639 שׂבכה a snare. H1980 יתהלך׃ and he walketh
  9 H270 יאחז shall take H6119 בעקב by the heel, H6341 פח The gin H2388 יחזק shall prevail H5921 עליו against H6782 צמים׃ the robber
  10 H2934 טמון laid H776 בארץ for him in the ground, H2256 חבלו The snare H4434 ומלכדתו and a trap H5921 עלי for him in H5410 נתיב׃ the way.
  11 H5439 סביב on every side, H1204 בעתהו shall make him afraid H1091 בלהות Terrors H6327 והפיצהו and shall drive H7272 לרגליו׃ him to his feet.