Psalms 22

Great(i) 1 To the Chaunter vpon the hynde of the dawnynge a Psalme of Dauid. My God, my God: why hast thou forsaken me: and art so farre fro my health, and from the wordes of my complaynte? 2 O my God, I crye in the daye tyme, but thou hearest not: and in the nyght season also I take no rest. 3 And thou continuest holy, O thou worshyppe of Israel. 4 Oure fathers hoped in the: they trusted in the, and thou dyddest delyuer them. 5 They called vpon the, and were helped: they put theyr trust in the, and were not confounded. 6 But as for me, I am a worme & no man: a very scorne of men & the outcast of the people. 7 All they that se me, laugh me to scorne: they shote out theyr lyppes, & shake the heade sayinge. 8 He trusted in God that he wolde delyuer him: let him delyuer him, yf he wyll haue him. 9 But thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wombe: thou wast my hope, when I hanged yet vpon my mothers brestes. 10 I haue bene left vnto the euer sence I was borne: thou art my God, euen fro my mothers wombe. 11 O go not fro me, for trouble is harde at hande, and ther is none to helpe me. 12 Greate oxen are come aboute me, fatt bulles of Basan close me in on euery syde. 13 They gape vpon me with theyr mouthes as it were a rampynge and roarynge lyon. 14 I am powred out lyke water, & all my bones are out of ioynt: my hert also in the myddest of my bodye is euen lyke meltynge waxe. 15 My strength is dryed vp lyke a potsherde, & my tonge cleueth to my gummes: and thou shalt brynge me into the dust of death. 16 For dogges are come aboute me, & the councell of the wycked laye seage agaynst me. 17 They pearsed my handes and my fete, I maye tell all my bones, they stonde starynge and lokynge vpon me. 18 They parte my garmentes amonge them and cast lottes vpon my vesture. 19 But be not thou farre fro me, O Lord: thou art my succoure, haste the to helpe me. 20 Delyuer my soule from the swearde, my dearlynge from the power of the dogge. 21 Saue me from the lyons mouth: thou hast hearde me also from amonge the hornes of the vnicornes. 22 I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren: in the myddest of the congregacion wyll I prayse the. 23 O prayse the Lorde ye that feare him: Magnifye hym all ye of the sede of Iacob, & feare him all ye sede of Israel. 24 For he hath not despysed ner abhorred the lowe estate of the poore he hath not hyd hys face from hym, but when he called vnto him, he harde him. 25 My prayse is of the in the great congregacion, my vowes wyll I perfourme in the syght of them that feare hym. 26 The poore shall eate, & be satisfyed: they that seke after the Lorde, shall prayse hym. youre herte shall lyue for euer. 27 All the endes of the worlde shall remembre them selues, & be turned vnto the Lorde, & all the kynreds of the nacions, shall worshyppe before him. 28 For the kyngdom is the Lordes, and he is the gouernoure amonge the people. 29 All soche as be fat vpon earth haue eaten & worshypped. 30 All they that go downe into the dust, shall knele before him & no man hath quyckened hys awne soule. 31 Sede shall serue him: they shalbe counted vnto the Lorde for a generacyon. They shall come, and shall declare hys ryghteousnes: vnto a people that shall be borne, whom the Lorde hath made.